Let the Democrat Nomination Rigging Begin...

Whatever it is she runs as, she’s there to try and pull votes away from the Dems. Not sure it’s working though so far, beyond septuagenarian libertarians.
I dont agree with her much but she is true to her ideological beliefs. So on cue if you don't fall in line with the leftists woke radical ideology you are branded a traitor.


For something posted on a site called ‘American Thinker’ that sure was rambling.

I don’t disagree with the point but the second half could have probably been reorganized into two sentences.

Furthermore, I would fully expect Repubs to pull the same crap. Party machinery is big and ponderous and isn’t easily thwarted, which is what makes the fact that Trump is president even more unreal.
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I dont agree with her much but she is true to her ideological beliefs. So on cue if you don't fall in line with the leftists woke radical ideology you are branded a traitor.

I’m not a leftist, she’s a useful idiot. I think it’s time for a curtesy flush.
For something posted on a site called ‘American Thinker’ that sure was rambling.

I don’t disagree with the point but the second half could have probably been reorganized into two sentences.

Furthermore, I would fully expect Repubs to pull the same crap. Party machinery is big and ponderous and isn’t easily thwarted, which is what makes the fact that Trump is president even more unreal.
And a cautionary tell to people who don't beliveve in the deep seeded disgust that average people have with both establishment political parties.

Trump was a giant FU to American politics as we have known it.
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I’m not a leftist
For something posted on a site called ‘American Thinker’ that sure was rambling.

I don’t disagree with the point but the second half could have probably been reorganized into two sentences.

Furthermore, I would fully expect Repubs to pull the same crap. Party machinery is big and ponderous and isn’t easily thwarted, which is what makes the fact that Trump is president even more unreal.

Republicans aren't smart enough nor have the media backing to pull something like this off, if they did there would have not been a Dole or McCain candidacy.
One of the highest priorities the democrats are spewing is the global warming crisis and their Green New Deal. Yet, the dems have decided not to include global warming in their next debate. Funny how that works.
Republicans aren't smart enough nor have the media backing to pull something like this off, if they did there would have not been a Dole or McCain candidacy.

I think they are more than smart enough and devious enough. But they definitely do not have any support from media, there’s no question there.
What now @Ponca Dan? Does she run as an independent?

It's just my opinion, but I think the Democratic Party establishment is terrified Tulsi will turn her attack on Elizabeth Warren in the next debate. She took down Kamala in the second debate, and they can't afford to lose Warren, so they've rigged it to keep Tulsi out.

I do not think she will run as an independent (although I would like to see her do it). Pokeabear's comment aside Tulsi is a Democrat, she is not interested in seeing DJT get reelected. She is not running to "take away Democrat votes." She's doing everything in her power to attract them!

Unfortunately there are too many Pokeabear-type voters in the Party primary, people who vote for whom they are told. And the establishment is telling them to vote for anybody but Tulsi. She is an "inside" threat to their war-making friends, and she must be stopped at all costs. They don't even care if they are publicly brazen about it, the public be damned, they want the war-making cash cow to continue.

I did get an email from her campaign asking people to sign a petition sharing their displeasure at the Party keeping her out. She could still get in if enough people raise a stink. Even our Trump-loving brethren should sign the petition. If she whacks Elizabeth Warren it will make Trump's path to reelection that much easier. Who'd be left? Biden? Sanders? Of course if she does get into the third debate and does well she would probably jump over several of the "upper tier" candidates, as Kamala called herself, maybe even over Kamala! How cool would that be!
It's just my opinion, but I think the Democratic Party establishment is terrified Tulsi will turn her attack on Elizabeth Warren in the next debate. She took down Kamala in the second debate, and they can't afford to lose Warren, so they've rigged it to keep Tulsi out.

I do not think she will run as an independent (although I would like to see her do it). Pokeabear's comment aside Tulsi is a Democrat, she is not interested in seeing DJT get reelected. She is not running to "take away Democrat votes." She's doing everything in her power to attract them!

Unfortunately there are too many Pokeabear-type voters in the Party primary, people who vote for whom they are told. And the establishment is telling them to vote for anybody but Tulsi. She is an "inside" threat to their war-making friends, and she must be stopped at all costs. They don't even care if they are publicly brazen about it, the public be damned, they want the war-making cash cow to continue.

I did get an email from her campaign asking people to sign a petition sharing their displeasure at the Party keeping her out. She could still get in if enough people raise a stink. Even our Trump-loving brethren should sign the petition. If she whacks Elizabeth Warren it will make Trump's path to reelection that much easier. Who'd be left? Biden? Sanders? Of course if she does get into the third debate and does well she would probably jump over several of the "upper tier" candidates, as Kamala called herself, maybe even over Kamala! How cool would that be!
Do you have a link to the petition?
It's just my opinion, but I think the Democratic Party establishment is terrified Tulsi will turn her attack on Elizabeth Warren in the next debate. She took down Kamala in the second debate, and they can't afford to lose Warren, so they've rigged it to keep Tulsi out.

I do not think she will run as an independent (although I would like to see her do it). Pokeabear's comment aside Tulsi is a Democrat, she is not interested in seeing DJT get reelected. She is not running to "take away Democrat votes." She's doing everything in her power to attract them!

Unfortunately there are too many Pokeabear-type voters in the Party primary, people who vote for whom they are told. And the establishment is telling them to vote for anybody but Tulsi. She is an "inside" threat to their war-making friends, and she must be stopped at all costs. They don't even care if they are publicly brazen about it, the public be damned, they want the war-making cash cow to continue.

I did get an email from her campaign asking people to sign a petition sharing their displeasure at the Party keeping her out. She could still get in if enough people raise a stink. Even our Trump-loving brethren should sign the petition. If she whacks Elizabeth Warren it will make Trump's path to reelection that much easier. Who'd be left? Biden? Sanders? Of course if she does get into the third debate and does well she would probably jump over several of the "upper tier" candidates, as Kamala called herself, maybe even over Kamala! How cool would that be!
Spot on re: Warren
Do you have a link to the petition?
I am completely computer illiterate. I hope this works!

Call on the DNC to ensure fairness and transparency in debate requirements


Dan —

I’ll be blunt: without your help, we may not make the third debate. It’s true that because of you, we’ve blown past the required 130,000 unique donors. And Tulsi has racked up over 26 polls at or above the 2% threshold for the third debate. But only two of those polls are deemed “certified” by the DNC’s seemingly arbitrary criteria, which they have not made public.

And get this - many of the uncertified polls are ranked by Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight as more accurate than some DNC “certified” polls. After examining the list of certified and non-certified polls, Michael Tracey wrote in Real Clear Politics, “Tulsi Gabbard is on the verge of being excluded from the next Democratic presidential debate on the basis of criteria that appear increasingly absurd.”

Click here to add your name to call on the DNC to make their standards clear and consistent, and accept robust, highly-rated polls by organizations such as The Boston Globe and The Economist that have rated Tulsi at 2% or above.

It’s not only about which polls were certified, it’s also the fact that hardly any certified polls have been released at all since the second debate! Tulsi had an amazing performance in the second debate and interest in her spiked across the country as we saw her become the most Googled candidate for the second time running, grassroots donations poured in and volunteers offered their time and energy to our movement. We were counting on the polls to capture that interest and momentum. But they never came.

Only one certified poll came out the week after the debate. As of today, only four of the DNC’s list of sixteen qualifying polling organizations have released any new polls following the second debate in Detroit. If the DNC is serious about including candidates based on their grassroots momentum, they need to step up and ensure that the polls they certify have a chance to capture that momentum. The American people are speaking - and they want to know more about Tulsi. But by restricting the number and frequency of certified polls based on arbitrary criteria, the DNC is turning a deaf ear and taking our power away.

Don’t let the DNC take our power away. Add your name to stand up for a Democratic Party and government that is truly of, by and for the people.

Crucial decisions that impact our elections should not be made in secret by party bosses. Those decisions must be made openly, with clear and consistent standards and a sufficient window of opportunity for candidates to demonstrate genuine grassroots momentum and enthusiasm. This is about democracy. This is about the rights of the American people. This is about all of us having the opportunity to make our voices heard.

Thanks for all that you do,

Vrindavan, TULSI2020


PO Box 75255 Kapolei HI 96707

The truth is that email is one of the most important tools we have to update supporters like you. It is one way we come together as a community of progressives to make change in this world. Should you want to unsubscribe—and we would hate to see you leave—go here. Finally, if you believe we need to end the culture of corruption and greed in Washington, then now is the time to make a contribution to TULSI 2020. If you'd like to make a recurring contribution to TULSI 2020, please click here.


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