Cowboy RTC and the next quad

They are bringing in a lot of people I never liked. Oh well #35 will probably change my mind about them.
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Not much to not like. The kid is a competitor and puts in the work. Great character also. If it is him, he brings a lot of value to the OK State program. @Pennstate1985 how is the Nittany Lion community going to take this news if it is RBY?
Two schools of thought.

One, hate losing quality at the NLWC. Obviously. It is one less guy able to roll with the PSU team. Edit: I always look at the RTC as support for the program. I hope the NLWC does well at the Olympics and wins gold but mainly as support for the program. I always hope we bring in new blood into the NLWC as support for the program. When I think about any RTC, that's what I'm thinking. Support for the underlying program. No more or less. You can disagree. Just my opinion.

Two, it spreads more PSU out there. Only a completely clueless person would think that this wouldn't be the eventual destiny of Cael's success. It's been 15 years and the hatchlings are leaving the nest. Dan Gable's wrestlers ended up far and wide, and so will Cael's. I personally think it's a good thing for the sport and the NLWC. New blood is always in the pipeline.

Both are true
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Not much to not like. The kid is a competitor and puts in the work. Great character also. If it is him, he brings a lot of value to the OK State program. @Pennstate1985 how is the Nittany Lion community going to take this news if it is RBY?
I don't like it, but I respect it. RBY made a video in the last year saying he was staying at NLWC for the next 4 years. So much for that. I think if he medaled he would've stayed.
I don't like it, but I respect it. RBY made a video in the last year saying he was staying at NLWC for the next 4 years. So much for that. I think if he medaled he would've stayed.
The NLWC had nothing to do with his Olympic performance, I hope he doesn't believe that. Maybe the loss of Gilman hurt his training in his mind.
It hurts definitely overall to lose someone like Roman from the room. I think it makes a lot of sense for him though, he's a West Coast guy and Oklahoma is hell of a lot closer to home (and to Mexico where he obviously needs to be a lot) It's also no secret he loves training with Thomas Gilman.

My fandom and respect for RBY goes beyond where he wrestles (though I'm grateful 6 years was at PSU/NLWC) or even the fact he wrestles at all. Recommend everyone watch his Flo Documentary (it's free) if they haven't yet.
Two schools of thought.

One, hate losing quality at the NLWC. Obviously. It is one less guy able to roll with the PSU team. Edit: I always look at the RTC as support for the program. I hope the NLWC does well at the Olympics and wins gold but mainly as support for the program. I always hope we bring in new blood into the NLWC as support for the program. When I think about any RTC, that's what I'm thinking. Support for the underlying program. No more or less. You can disagree. Just my opinion.

Two, it spreads more PSU out there. Only a completely clueless person would think that this wouldn't be the eventual destiny of Cael's success. It's been 15 years and the hatchlings are leaving the nest. Dan Gable's wrestlers ended up far and wide, and so will Cael's. I personally think it's a good thing for the sport and the NLWC. New blood is always in the pipeline.

Both are true
Look at the bright side - more Creamery ice cream to go around. :)
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i don't want nothing to do with this lol.

all that i will say is that this could take a few weeks.
Can we start "he already has an apartment in Stillwater" rumors just for fun?

Then we can go to "He doesn't have an apartment but I heard he has been sleeping in Daton's pull out couch"

Then "Daton is upset RBY has been eating all his eggs and not refilling the Brita after finishing it and has kicked him out, possible RBY is going back to State College"
Can we start "he already has an apartment in Stillwater" rumors just for fun?

Then we can go to "He doesn't have an apartment but I heard he has been sleeping in Daton's pull out couch"

Then "Daton is upset RBY has been eating all his eggs and not refilling the Brita after finishing it and has kicked him out, possible RBY is going back to State College"
i mean that would be bs if he didn't refill the Brita.
You keep saying that, but there's only a couple anonymous posters that are asserting that.
I'll believe it when he announces and signs his LOI.
They’re not anonymous. They are two of the most plugged in guys over there. Especially Seamus