Leftist Wonder Why Sane People Are Against Illegal Immigration


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Innocent beautiful 16 year old girl murdered, probably raped as well, by an illegal immigrant.
When you encourage people from lawless third world shit holes free entry into the country we shouldn't be surprised they bring their lawlessness with them.

Innocent beautiful 16 year old girl murdered, probably raped as well, by an illegal immigrant.
When you encourage people from lawless third world shit holes free entry into the country we shouldn't be surprised they bring their lawlessness with them.
There are many sane reasons to oppose open borders. The example above is one that makes you sick to your stomach. We have enough illiterate, worthless people in this country now. We don't need more.

Innocent beautiful 16 year old girl murdered, probably raped as well, by an illegal immigrant.
When you encourage people from lawless third world shit holes free entry into the country we shouldn't be surprised they bring their lawlessness with them.
Assure you that only a handful of these stories are being told publicly also. If these illegal, illiterate, border jumping scum are committing criminal offenses in some of those Sanctuary cess pools you’ll hear about some but the vast majority will be buried like a cat turd in the litter box.
Worked with a bunch of people from Guatemala yrs ago. Most of which told me they paid a coyote to get them across the border and to a destination where they would get a job and pay off the money it cost to get them across the border. 2 I know were dealing Cocaine and one guy told me his Uncle came here from Guatemala illegally to flee from justice. I asked what his Uncle did and he said his Uncle killed his own brother.
These are the stories you never hear about.
Not to be overly technical but it looks like the guy overstayed his visa.

But let's get back to our scheduled xenophobic rants.