Leftist Are Such Tolerant And Wonderful People


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010
There have been people killed because of this. Believe a man in Utah was shot and killed because of a swatting call. Only the worst, lowest, POS liberal moron would think this is funny. Liberals I know believe that because of their education and policy stances they are morally superior to everyone and rarely if ever will engage in a debate about any subject and the second you pin one of them down out come the "nazi," "racist," "xenophobic," " misogynist," or "white supremacists" cannard.
There have been people killed because of this. Believe a man in Utah was shot and killed because of a swatting call. Only the worst, lowest, POS liberal moron would think this is funny. Liberals I know believe that because of their education and policy stances they are morally superior to everyone and rarely if ever will engage in a debate about any subject and the second you pin one of them down out come the "nazi," "racist," "xenophobic," " misogynist," or "white supremacists" cannard.
Alinsky taught them or should I say indoctrinated them well.
There have been people killed because of this. Believe a man in Utah was shot and killed because of a swatting call. Only the worst, lowest, POS liberal moron would think this is funny. Liberals I know believe that because of their education and policy stances they are morally superior to everyone and rarely if ever will engage in a debate about any subject and the second you pin one of them down out come the "nazi," "racist," "xenophobic," " misogynist," or "white supremacists" cannard.
There is a case in Wichita, KS where an unarmed innocent man was shot dead standing on his front porch. Has far as I know the officer that shot the man received no punishment.
I noticed you didn't condemn the action on MTG, just a what aboutism.
I condemn swatting, regardless of who does it. I also know it isn't just leftists doing it or just Republicans having it done to them.

Glad to know though you finally care about this issue now and actually know what it is. It finally made an appearance on one of your right-wing websites I see.
I condemn swatting, regardless of who does it. I also know it isn't just leftists doing it or just Republicans having it done to them.

Glad to know though you finally care about this issue now and actually know what it is. It finally made an appearance on one of your right-wing websites I see.
Never heard of it or thought some low life POS would ever do something like that. What i do know is in this instance it's some sicko transgender person or group that has done it to night in a row. Sure is a good way to create goodwill for a lifestyle that most sane people think is a mental illness.
Never heard of it or thought some low life POS would ever do something like that. What i do know is in this instance it's some sicko transgender person or group that has done it to night in a row. Sure is a good way to create goodwill for a lifestyle that most sane people think is a mental illness.
I agree it is sick and very dangerous, regardless of who does it. Hence the reason Democratic Representative Katherine Clark (who I referenced above) and other Democrats/Republicans have introduced legislation in the House regarding swatting.

Again, it is good to know that you finally now care about this issue and know what it is. What took you so long?
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I agree it is sick and very dangerous, regardless of who does it. Hence the reason Democratic Representative Katherine Clark (who I referenced above) and other Democrats/Republicans have introduced legislation in the House regarding swatting.

Again, it is good to know that you finally now care about this issue and know what it is. What took you so long?
Hearing about it. I hope they catch the POS and bury them in prison.
I agree it is sick and very dangerous, regardless of who does it. Hence the reason Democratic Representative Katherine Clark (who I referenced above) and other Democrats/Republicans have introduced legislation in the House regarding swatting.

Again, it is good to know that you finally now care about this issue and know what it is. What took you so long?
You’re really an absurd piece of work. The man said he’d never heard of it before now and you try to bust his balls for taking so long to agree with you. You just keep piling one absurdity onto another
The man said he’d never heard of it before now and you try to bust his balls for taking so long to agree with you.
I wasn't "busting his balls" for taking so long to agree with me. I was simply drawing attention to the fact that he only knows about this and/or cares about it now because he read it on some right-wing website and the victim was a Republican. Very very typical of him.

Not to mention that he had to finally acknowledge that the title of this thread is both misleading and wrong.

Try to keep up Putin Dan.
I wasn't "busting his balls" for taking so long to agree with me. I was simply drawing attention to the fact that he only knows about this and/or cares about it now because he read it on some right-wing website and the victim was a Republican. Very very typical of him.

Not to mention that he had to finally acknowledge that the title of this thread is both misleading and wrong.

Try to keep up Putin Dan.
Typical of you.
I wasn't "busting his balls" for taking so long to agree with me. I was simply drawing attention to the fact that he only knows about this and/or cares about it now because he read it on some right-wing website and the victim was a Republican. Very very typical of him.

Not to mention that he had to finally acknowledge that the title of this thread is both misleading and wrong.

Try to keep up Putin Dan.
It’s a real chore keeping up with your incessant absurdities, especially since you dramatically change your meanings when your absurdities are pointed out.
You’re really an absurd piece of work. The man said he’d never heard of it before now and you try to bust his balls for taking so long to agree with you. You just keep piling one absurdity onto another
It's what he does. He's like most lawyers they think they are above everyone else.
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It’s a real chore keeping up with your incessant absurdities, especially since you dramatically change your meanings when your absurdities are pointed out.
Says the poster who had the absurd delusion that Biden would be denied the nomination he won, believed that absurdity so much he laid a bet down on it, and looked completely foolish.

Says the poster who had the absurd delusion that Biden would be denied the nomination he won, believed that absurdity so much he laid a bet down on it, and looked completely foolish.

Yer master has made you look foolish. Eh? I can't stop laughing at you clowns. 😂
Yer master has made you look foolish. Eh? I can't stop laughing at you clowns. 😂
No, he’s right. I never for one minute believed the Democrat elite/establishment hated Trump so much they would be willing to bring the country to its knees by foisting a schlub like Biden on us and pull shenanigans to secure power. I couldn’t have been more wrong about that. But in truth they have been willing to destroy the legacy of our country as long as they keep Trump out. I missed that degree of evil from them. I know better now!
No, he’s right. I never for one minute believed the Democrat elite/establishment hated Trump so much they would be willing to bring the country to its knees by foisting a schlub like Biden on us and pull shenanigans to secure power. I couldn’t have been more wrong about that. But in truth they have been willing to destroy the legacy of our country as long as they keep Trump out. I missed that degree of evil from them. I know better now!

He just keeps doubling down with the delusions. And the passive-aggressiveness.

He just keeps doubling down with the delusions. And the passive-aggressiveness.
It is not delusional to recognize the degree of societal decline brought upon this country with the ascendance of the Democrat control of the state, headed by a man with the intellectual failings of Joe Biden. It *is* delusional to pretend not to recognize it. And it is pure stubbornness to pretend Kamala Harris is intelligent and a competent poltician/leader.
No, he’

It is not delusional to recognize the degree of societal decline brought upon this country with the ascendance of the Democrat control of the state, headed by a man with the intellectual failings of Joe Biden. It *is* delusional to pretend not to recognize it. And it is pure stubbornness to pretend Kamala Harris is intelligent and a competent poltician/leader.
Yes, 2 pesos world. A world going backwards. 😂
It is not delusional
Yes, it is very delusional. It also just goes to show, once again, what your true political presuppositions are. Regardless of how hard you try to deny them when you are playing your silly games.

btw, I don't expect you to agree with me on this. That would entail a major shift in thinking on your part (and self-reflection of course), and that is something you are unwilling to do. So you will just keep being wrong, keep being shocked when things don't happen according to your delusional worldview, and keep doubling down again.

A vicious cycle for you. Seriously, it must be exhausting!
Yes, it is very delusional. It also just goes to show, once again, what your true political presuppositions are. Regardless of how hard you try to deny them when you are playing your silly games.

btw, I don't expect you to agree with me on this. That would entail a major shift in thinking on your part (and self-reflection of course), and that is something you are unwilling to do. So you will just keep being wrong, keep being shocked when things don't happen according to your delusions, and keep doubling down again.

A vicious cycle for you. Seriously, it must be exhausting!
Who here agrees with you?
Yes, it is very delusional. It also just goes to show, once again, what your true political presuppositions are. Regardless of how hard you try to deny them when you are playing your silly games.

btw, I don't expect you to agree with me on this. That would entail a major shift in thinking on your part (and self-reflection of course), and that is something you are unwilling to do. So you will just keep being wrong, keep being shocked when things don't happen according to your delusional worldview, and keep doubling down again.

A vicious cycle for you. Seriously, it must be exhausting!
Well, it’s for sure one of us is delusional. I guess we’ll leave it to reality to reveal which one it is.
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Who here agrees with you?
I agree with most of the liberal posters on this board. Heck, I even find agreement with some of the rational centrist Republicans on this board at times.

Yes, you crazy right-wingers don't agree with me. I don't expect you too.👍
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I agree with most of the liberal posters on this board. Heck, I even find agreement with some of the rational centrist Republicans on this board at times.

Yes, you crazy right-wingers don't agree with me. I don't expect you too.👍
You agree with the buses rollin into yankee land?
Well, it’s for sure one of us is delusional. I guess we’ll leave it to reality to reveal which one it is.
Reality has already revealed it to us Putin Dan. You were wrong about the 2020 Democratic nomination, wrong about Biden, wrong about Trump, wrong about Harris, wrong about the election, wrong about Putin and Russia, etc.

Yes, one of us is definitely delusional. You. Did I lay down a bet about Biden being denied the nomination he had already won? Nope!🤣
Yes, it is very delusional. It also just goes to show, once again, what your true political presuppositions are. Regardless of how hard you try to deny them when you are playing your silly games.

btw, I don't expect you to agree with me on this. That would entail a major shift in thinking on your part (and self-reflection of course), and that is something you are unwilling to do. So you will just keep being wrong, keep being shocked when things don't happen according to your delusional worldview, and keep doubling down again.

A vicious cycle for you. Seriously, it must be exhausting!
Look at GroomerPyle go!

Well, it’s for sure one of us is delusional. I guess we’ll leave it to reality to reveal which one it is.
GroomerPyle claims to oppose kiddie grooming while ardently opposing the law to prevent it from occurring in K-3 children...

He has the credibility (and intelligence) of a dog turd. Every time you step in him he reeks.
When every one does finally realize we live in an occupied territory- all this will make more sense
It won't get any easier to live each day but the sense of urgency to get things done will go way up- especially when you understand both parties are mostly one party- both sides are occupied just that one party is 100 percent occupied and the other is - IDk - 100 percent occupied at the top.

McCarthy, McConnel, Cornyn, murkowski, Collins, Graham, Romney, Sasse et al- WTP se the only hope yes