Lefties losing it, The World laughs at the US

Leftists really are insane.
Thanks libtards.
RaSHITa reminds me of Dan.

Am I mistaken, or did she just (quite seriously) confirm that "it" is an acceptable gender identity? I always thought calling people "it" was dehumanizing and insulting, but if that's what "they" (her acceptable plural pronoun) want, I'm happy to oblige.
Am I mistaken, or did she just (quite seriously) confirm that "it" is an acceptable gender identity? I always thought calling people "it" was dehumanizing and insulting, but if that's what "they" (her acceptable plural pronoun) want, I'm happy to oblige.
I understand "it" is acceptable for leftists with the habit of sniffing lead-based paint.
Saw a homeless , unkept drunk wearing a Blackmon jersey in downtown Denver a few years ago. Sadly i still wonder if it was him.

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