Leaked Trump audio... is he done?

@Adverpoke - I have a wife and three daughters. I am happy to look them in the eye and say that I've waited most of my adult voting lifetime for an opportunity to vote 3rd party in Oklahoma and when it finally came, the candidate was unelectable and the stakes were too high in regards to stacking the electorate with third world dependents and undercutting the only thing I care about in politics - the US Constitution - for me to indulge my personal convictions and vote Libertarian - though I consider that to be my closest political ideology.

Sadly, it is a binary choice this time in spite of my arguments against it ever being one.

Sadly, the GOP offered 16 candidates who all got their asses kicked and when the American people said 'this is the guy,' basically delivered a limp-wristed, passive aggressive (in typical republican fashion) coup d'etat against who the people selected from their shit show of establishment knobs and Ted Cruz - the most unlikable candidate I've seen in quite awhile.

Sadly, Hillary Clinton will likely be the next president because the GOP/DNC establishment is fine with her crimes - because she's a fellow globalist and the script said this was her turn. Of course, they expected the role of the Washington Generals to be played by Jeb Bush, but I digress...

She and her husband are infinitely worse choices for women and for this country. I cannot stand Donald Trump, but that's what we've got between us and a stacked supreme court and millions of 'legalized' democrat voting 'immigrants.' I already held my nose and supported this dipshit's candidacy 100% because she needs to be stopped and Gary f*ing Johnson is a pipe dream. It's the GOP's fault we have Trump - pure and simple. But there it is. He sucks and he's likely not going to be any good, but she is a guaranteed disaster for the republic.

Trump's taped conversation is disgusting and off-putting even to me - but it's also very typical of a powerful man to say these things. They are all narcissists. It's also worth noting that not every man has the same opportunities and access to women that a rich, famous guy has - and it's very easy in the absence of those accesses and opportunities to say his words are disgusting (they are). He was a celebrity - not a political candidate at the time of that stupid conversation. Do you have any doubt that Hillary has had much more disgusting, objectifying conversations when she refers to Bernie supporters and Trump supporters the way she does in open public discourse? Ginnifer Flowers said Bill Clinton told her Hillary has eaten more pussy than he has. Think she might have some disturbing objectifying conversations now and then? Is that really the final straw for Trump? If so, weak.

Hillary has so many legitimate 'Watergate' moments that it's simply numbing and they all seem to run together as static noise when the MSM refuses to cover them. This is where we are. @CowboyJD has said the republic can withstand a hillary presidency, but I'm not so sure. One thing Trump has managed to do is fully expose the corruption in the establishment and the collusion between the GOP, DNC and MSM.

As an aside - a word to @syskatine, who is very wrong about "the right" he always refers to. The so called alt-right is not so easily defined and you would be foolish to continue to lump everyone who is against Hillary together as "the right."

I don't think Trump will be the answer, and I have very little faith that he'll do anything tonight to reverse course against the forces stacked against him, but I honestly believe he's already done what needed to happen - which is expose the establishment and fuel an alternate populist movement. It's literally the only thing that gives me hope right now for the America I grew up in.

My great fear though is that Hillary gets elected and stacks the deck against that with pet voters and judges. If and when that happens, I will f'ing remind you guys about it every damn day. The system can be more easily fixed if you get off your high horse and help keep her from being your president than if you don't. It's that simple. If Trump wins, it'll be an uphill fight to keep him from screwing things up, but how can anyone deny that the whole system is rigged for her to do what she wants? Who will stop her? Paul Ryan? Please. He's basic bitch #1 for her. He can't kiss her ring fast enough.

She wins, it's over. Socialized medicine. Crippling taxes. Stagnate economy. War with Russia. Open borders. A judicial assault on the Constitution and an electorate stacked with foreigners with no concept of personal liberties or free market.

It's Globalism vs Liberty, and Gary Johnson is an idiot. Maybe you can look your family in the eye and tell them you were proud to be a Never Trumper when all that shit goes down.

I think you and I have very similar politics, and I went back and forth on Johnson for a long time, but this time around there actually is a difference between the binary candidates, and though Trump is a disgusting blow-hard, it's mind blowing what she is getting away with left and right.

Are your personal convictions worth a Tim Kaine presidency?

Perfectly every way.

I'm not so sure that the founding principles, which have been under serious assault since W Bush presidency and escalated QUICKLY under Obama, can endure 4 years of Hillary decisions with complicit, establishment politicians (on both sides).

You took the time to put into words EXACTLY what I think. Thanks.
Let me amend something - If all that stuff I mentioned happens, I'll only remind you guys about it every day UNTIL the internet is officially globalized and these kinds of posts that don't kiss her majesty's big fat ass become redacted hate-speech of some kind.
@Adverpoke - I have a wife and three daughters. I am happy to look them in the eye and say that I've waited most of my adult voting lifetime for an opportunity to vote 3rd party in Oklahoma and when it finally came, the candidate was unelectable and the stakes were too high in regards to stacking the electorate with third world dependents and undercutting the only thing I care about in politics - the US Constitution - for me to indulge my personal convictions and vote Libertarian - though I consider that to be my closest political ideology.

Sadly, it is a binary choice this time in spite of my arguments against it ever being one.

Sadly, the GOP offered 16 candidates who all got their asses kicked and when the American people said 'this is the guy,' basically delivered a limp-wristed, passive aggressive (in typical republican fashion) coup d'etat against who the people selected from their shit show of establishment knobs and Ted Cruz - the most unlikable candidate I've seen in quite awhile.

Sadly, Hillary Clinton will likely be the next president because the GOP/DNC establishment is fine with her crimes - because she's a fellow globalist and the script said this was her turn. Of course, they expected the role of the Washington Generals to be played by Jeb Bush, but I digress...

She and her husband are infinitely worse choices for women and for this country. I cannot stand Donald Trump, but that's what we've got between us and a stacked supreme court and millions of 'legalized' democrat voting 'immigrants.' I already held my nose and supported this dipshit's candidacy 100% because she needs to be stopped and Gary f*ing Johnson is a pipe dream. It's the GOP's fault we have Trump - pure and simple. But there it is. He sucks and he's likely not going to be any good, but she is a guaranteed disaster for the republic.

Trump's taped conversation is disgusting and off-putting even to me - but it's also very typical of a powerful man to say these things. They are all narcissists. It's also worth noting that not every man has the same opportunities and access to women that a rich, famous guy has - and it's very easy in the absence of those accesses and opportunities to say his words are disgusting (they are). He was a celebrity - not a political candidate at the time of that stupid conversation. Do you have any doubt that Hillary has had much more disgusting, objectifying conversations when she refers to Bernie supporters and Trump supporters the way she does in open public discourse? Ginnifer Flowers said Bill Clinton told her Hillary has eaten more pussy than he has. Think she might have some disturbing objectifying conversations now and then? Is that really the final straw for Trump? If so, weak.

Hillary has so many legitimate 'Watergate' moments that it's simply numbing and they all seem to run together as static noise when the MSM refuses to cover them. This is where we are. @CowboyJD has said the republic can withstand a hillary presidency, but I'm not so sure. One thing Trump has managed to do is fully expose the corruption in the establishment and the collusion between the GOP, DNC and MSM.

As an aside - a word to @syskatine, who is very wrong about "the right" he always refers to. The so called alt-right is not so easily defined and you would be foolish to continue to lump everyone who is against Hillary together as "the right."

I don't think Trump will be the answer, and I have very little faith that he'll do anything tonight to reverse course against the forces stacked against him, but I honestly believe he's already done what needed to happen - which is expose the establishment and fuel an alternate populist movement. It's literally the only thing that gives me hope right now for the America I grew up in.

My great fear though is that Hillary gets elected and stacks the deck against that with pet voters and judges. If and when that happens, I will f'ing remind you guys about it every damn day. The system can be more easily fixed if you get off your high horse and help keep her from being your president than if you don't. It's that simple. If Trump wins, it'll be an uphill fight to keep him from screwing things up, but how can anyone deny that the whole system is rigged for her to do what she wants? Who will stop her? Paul Ryan? Please. He's basic bitch #1 for her. He can't kiss her ring fast enough.

She wins, it's over. Socialized medicine. Crippling taxes. Stagnate economy. War with Russia. Open borders. A judicial assault on the Constitution and an electorate stacked with foreigners with no concept of personal liberties or free market.

It's Globalism vs Liberty, and Gary Johnson is an idiot. Maybe you can look your family in the eye and tell them you were proud to be a Never Trumper when all that shit goes down.

I think you and I have very similar politics, and I went back and forth on Johnson for a long time, but this time around there actually is a difference between the binary candidates, and though Trump is a disgusting blow-hard, it's mind blowing what she is getting away with left and right.

Are your personal convictions worth a Tim Kaine presidency?

I appreciate that. Hear where you're coming from. It's too bad both parties don't send up better.

That said, you are wildly overstating the gloom and doom. You just don't have a dem get elected if there's a bad economy. Period.

Almost period. The republicans could do something insane because they're all insane.

Don't vote for crazy. You'll be sorry if crazy wins. In your lifetime:

No dem POTUS has raised your taxes. No dem POTUS has taken your guns. No dem POTUS has started a war we've lost. (Back out LBJ - probably still not in your lifetime) Who has convinced you the dems are going to do all this shit, because it hasn't happened in your lifetime. HRC's husband brought peace and prosperity. Obama brought peace and prosperity. The previous two "conservatives" brought war and recession. Hell, that doesn't count. Listen to those conservative booger eaters -- they're wrong EVERY TIME. And them being wrong about Trump is unfolding in front of you!! But you'll defer to THEIR judgement?!?
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I appreciate that. Hear where you're coming from. It's too bad both parties don't send up better.

That said, you are wildly overstating the gloom and doom. You just don't have a dem get elected if there's a bad economy. Period.

Almost period. The republicans could do something insane because they're all insane.

Don't vote for crazy. You'll be sorry if crazy wins. In your lifetime:

No dem POTUS has raised your taxes. No dem POTUS has taken your guns. No dem POTUS has started a war we've lost. (Back out LBJ - probably still not in your lifetime) Who has convinced you the dems are going to do all this shit, because it hasn't happened in your lifetime. HRC's husband brought peace and prosperity. Obama brought peace and prosperity. The previous two "conservatives" brought war and recession. Hell, that doesn't count. Listen to those conservative booger eaters -- they're wrong EVERY TIME. And them being wrong about Trump is unfolding in front of you!! But you'll defer to THEIR judgement?!?

Real question...

What are your thoughts on preserving and growing the middle class?

What does Hillary intend to do along those lines?
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No dem POTUS has raised your taxes.
So Obama has denounced his Democratic Party affiliation?

No dem POTUS has taken your guns.
Not because they don't want to, but because the Constitution won't let them. But Dem POTUS sure like restrictions and rules, even ones that don't affect anyone but the law abiding people. See the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994 for reference.
No dem POTUS has started a war we've lost. (Back out LBJ - probably still not in your lifetime)
Strange you back out LBJ, since he's the only president that has started a war that we've lost.

What else you got?
I appreciate that. Hear where you're coming from. It's too bad both parties don't send up better.

That said, you are wildly overstating the gloom and doom. You just don't have a dem get elected if there's a bad economy. Period.

Almost period. The republicans could do something insane because they're all insane.

Don't vote for crazy. You'll be sorry if crazy wins. In your lifetime:

No dem POTUS has raised your taxes. No dem POTUS has taken your guns. No dem POTUS has started a war we've lost. (Back out LBJ - probably still not in your lifetime) Who has convinced you the dems are going to do all this shit, because it hasn't happened in your lifetime. HRC's husband brought peace and prosperity. Obama brought peace and prosperity. The previous two "conservatives" brought war and recession. Hell, that doesn't count. Listen to those conservative booger eaters -- they're wrong EVERY TIME. And them being wrong about Trump is unfolding in front of you!! But you'll defer to THEIR judgement?!?

The point I think you miss is that there's not an actual difference between establishment GOP/DNC globalists. The differences are cosmetic, and Hillary has far more in common with other neocons like the Bush family than she does with Bernie voters or libertarians who joined the never Trump movement to vote on principle.

I cannot stand Donald Trump. I hate his voice. I hate his stupid orange face. I hate his lack of filter about 68% of the time. The only time I like it is when he is taking the establishment political machine and media to task because guess what? He's 100% right about it.

This tape everyone is talking about is the PRIME reason you never get actual intelligent LEADERS to run for office. The first thing you think about is 'what if someone found out about ______ ?' Not worth it, and the Trump campaign illustrates two things - 1, he's too dumb to understand this will happen to him and too stubborn to care. 2, the entire system is rigged against anyone who is not anointed by the Uniparty.

If that does not make Trump appeal to you on some rebellious, Luke against the Deathstar, OSU vs OU, F the establishment level, I can't explain why I am voting for the guy.
If that does not make Trump appeal to you on some rebellious, Luke against the Deathstar, OSU vs OU, F the establishment level, I can't explain why I am voting for the guy.
If I vote Trump, it will be for this very reason. Chaos in Washington is what I want. I'm still considering voting a straight Dem ticket as a middle finger to the Republican party.
The number one issue of this election (all distractions aside) is nationalism vs globalism.

Do we give away our sovereignty to global body (under Hillary) or do we attempt to retain our sovereignty under Trump.

[The New World Order] cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it's perceptions."

- Henry Kissinger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent."

- Statement made before the United States Senate on Feb. 7, 1950 by James Paul Warburg

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes."

- Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court.
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If I vote Trump, it will be for this very reason. Chaos in Washington is what I want. I'm still considering voting a straight Dem ticket as a middle finger to the Republican party.

Which is funny because at this point, a Gary Johnson vote puts you on the same page as Jeb Bush. Trump absolutely is a molotov cocktail to be thrown at the voting booth by dissident who WANT a bull in the china shop, not because they endorse the bull, but because the china needs to be destroyed.
Sys, do you really believe the crap you type here or does it not count because you typed it?

Obamacare was declared a tax by the US Supreme Court.

Ask attendees of that Florida nightclub or the Boston Marathon victims or any other victims of radicalized Muslim attacks if there isn't a war going on.
Sys, do you really believe the crap you type here or does it not count because you typed it?

Obamacare was declared a tax by the US Supreme Court.

Ask attendees of that Florida nightclub or the Boston Marathon victims or any other victims of radicalized Muslim attacks if there isn't a war going on.

Yes. Mega's family was already insured and he doesn't smoke. He's not making over $250k and having investment income taxed. Also, a terrorist attack isn't the same as being in a war and you know it. You're playing word games like Glenn beck or any other shrill right wing talking head. "We're at war! With ______!" (Muslims, Christmas, Christ, reason, coal, oil, immigrants, msm, Hollywood, atheism, relativism, feminism, etc. ). It's always a war. There's a real discussion and you just can't help but plug in that silly shit.
The point I think you miss is that there's not an actual difference between establishment GOP/DNC globalists. The differences are cosmetic, and Hillary has far more in common with other neocons like the Bush family than she does with Bernie voters or libertarians who joined the never Trump movement to vote on principle.

I cannot stand Donald Trump. I hate his voice. I hate his stupid orange face. I hate his lack of filter about 68% of the time. The only time I like it is when he is taking the establishment political machine and media to task because guess what? He's 100% right about it.

This tape everyone is talking about is the PRIME reason you never get actual intelligent LEADERS to run for office. The first thing you think about is 'what if someone found out about ______ ?' Not worth it, and the Trump campaign illustrates two things - 1, he's too dumb to understand this will happen to him and too stubborn to care. 2, the entire system is rigged against anyone who is not anointed by the Uniparty.

If that does not make Trump appeal to you on some rebellious, Luke against the Deathstar, OSU vs OU, F the establishment level, I can't explain why I am voting for the guy.
Real question...

What are your thoughts on preserving and growing the middle class?

What does Hillary intend to do along those lines?

All in. It's real important.

Probably tinker and not much else. She's a corporate liberal.

Which is funny because at this point, a Gary Johnson vote puts you on the same page as Jeb Bush. Trump absolutely is a molotov cocktail to be thrown at the voting booth by dissident who WANT a bull in the china shop, not because they endorse the bull, but because the china needs to be destroyed.

A Libertarian vote IN OKLAHOMA....where you and I both live and vote absolutely does not put you on the same page as Jeb Bush. Nor is it a vote for Hillary or any of that other nonsense.

In Oklahoma, the electoral votes are going to Trump.

No matter what you or I or other independents do.


End of statement.

A vote for the Libertarian Party in Oklahoma is a vote for continued ballot access at the local and national level. It makes your vote more meaningful and powerful than a vote for either Hillary or Trump in Oklahoma.

Your post makes some sense in states where the electoral votes are at all in question, but that isn't Oklahoma.
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So Obama has denounced his Democratic Party affiliation?

Not because they don't want to, but because the Constitution won't let them. But Dem POTUS sure like restrictions and rules, even ones that don't affect anyone but the law abiding people. See the Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994 for reference.

Strange you back out LBJ, since he's the only president that has started a war that we've lost.

What else you got?

When you explain away my points, which nobody has, I'll bring more. Mega's taxes weren't raised. Oh, if you say having health insurance is a tax, maybe. That's just a convenient way for SCOTUS to uphold it, because they knew it had to be done - can't have half the country sponging off free ER's and free government health care. The republicans were right -- gotta make people pay for their own health care.
When you explain away my points, which nobody has, I'll bring more. Mega's taxes weren't raised. Oh, if you say having health insurance is a tax, maybe. That's just a convenient way for SCOTUS to uphold it, because they knew it had to be done - can't have half the country sponging off free ER's and free government health care. The republicans were right -- gotta make people pay for their own health care.
I didn't know you were Mega's CPA. The SCOTUS called the health insurance penalty a tax, so yes, it's a tax. But I'm sure none of us are paying higher prices on anything with all of the other taxes included in the ACA. If we aren't directly taxed we aren't paying for tax increases, right?

I guess you missed where Bill Clinton raised taxes in 1993. LBJ raised taxes in 1968.
So the only difference is the size of the attack?

9/11 means war, but a smaller attack, just shrug it off as disenfranchised citizens with access to assault rifles.

If you don't think they would pull another 9/11 and they don't think this is war you're living in denial.

I'm an independent and think both our options suck but selecting a crude, egotistical, non tax paying billionaire over a lying, treasonous, ambassador killing cover up career politician is an easy choice.
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I didn't know you were Mega's CPA. The SCOTUS called the health insurance penalty a tax, so yes, it's a tax. But I'm sure none of us are paying higher prices on anything with all of the other taxes included in the ACA. If we aren't directly taxed we aren't paying for tax increases, right?

I guess you missed where Bill Clinton raised taxes in 1993. LBJ raised taxes in 1968.

Please don't insult my profession by your cynical suggestion that the gerbil is anything resembling a CPA; hell, the dumbass couldn't count to ten on an abacus.
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Yes. Mega's family was already insured and he doesn't smoke. He's not making over $250k and having investment income taxed. Also, a terrorist attack isn't the same as being in a war and you know it. You're playing word games like Glenn beck or any other shrill right wing talking head. "We're at war! With ______!" (Muslims, Christmas, Christ, reason, coal, oil, immigrants, msm, Hollywood, atheism, relativism, feminism, etc. ). It's always a war. There's a real discussion and you just can't help but plug in that silly shit.

Syskatine, you make a lot of assumptions here. You are right in that I don't smoke (except the very occasional hit of illegal marijuana). I don't have investments being taxed, but I do own multiple properties that are taxed. Where you are very wrong however is the assumption that health insurance isn't a problem for me and my family.

I own a very small business - just me and my wife along with part time assistance from time to time. We have three kids - one in college and one about to be. I have a vicious, litigious ex-wife who loves setting piles of money on fire for no reason other than to punish me. I have a mid-town studio that is expensive to keep open. My revenue is respectable if it were personal income, but after paying business expenses and living expenses for a family of 5, it's really difficult to afford health insurance.

What Trump was talking about last night - eliminating the restrictions of insurance to cross state lines would be HUGE for small businesses like mine. It would introduce competition, but it would also enable me to participate in group leveraged health insurance through interstate professional organizations like the Professional Photographers Association. That would make an incredible real-world difference in quality of life for me and my family.

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