@Adverpoke - I have a wife and three daughters. I am happy to look them in the eye and say that I've waited most of my adult voting lifetime for an opportunity to vote 3rd party in Oklahoma and when it finally came, the candidate was unelectable and the stakes were too high in regards to stacking the electorate with third world dependents and undercutting the only thing I care about in politics - the US Constitution - for me to indulge my personal convictions and vote Libertarian - though I consider that to be my closest political ideology.
Sadly, it is a binary choice this time in spite of my arguments against it ever being one.
Sadly, the GOP offered 16 candidates who all got their asses kicked and when the American people said 'this is the guy,' basically delivered a limp-wristed, passive aggressive (in typical republican fashion) coup d'etat against who the people selected from their shit show of establishment knobs and Ted Cruz - the most unlikable candidate I've seen in quite awhile.
Sadly, Hillary Clinton will likely be the next president because the GOP/DNC establishment is fine with her crimes - because she's a fellow globalist and the script said this was her turn. Of course, they expected the role of the Washington Generals to be played by Jeb Bush, but I digress...
She and her husband are infinitely worse choices for women and for this country. I cannot stand Donald Trump, but that's what we've got between us and a stacked supreme court and millions of 'legalized' democrat voting 'immigrants.' I already held my nose and supported this dipshit's candidacy 100% because she needs to be stopped and Gary f*ing Johnson is a pipe dream. It's the GOP's fault we have Trump - pure and simple. But there it is. He sucks and he's likely not going to be any good, but she is a guaranteed disaster for the republic.
Trump's taped conversation is disgusting and off-putting even to me - but it's also very typical of a powerful man to say these things. They are all narcissists. It's also worth noting that not every man has the same opportunities and access to women that a rich, famous guy has - and it's very easy in the absence of those accesses and opportunities to say his words are disgusting (they are). He was a celebrity - not a political candidate at the time of that stupid conversation. Do you have any doubt that Hillary has had much more disgusting, objectifying conversations when she refers to Bernie supporters and Trump supporters the way she does in open public discourse? Ginnifer Flowers said Bill Clinton told her Hillary has eaten more pussy than he has. Think she might have some disturbing objectifying conversations now and then? Is that really the final straw for Trump? If so, weak.
Hillary has so many legitimate 'Watergate' moments that it's simply numbing and they all seem to run together as static noise when the MSM refuses to cover them. This is where we are. @CowboyJD has said the republic can withstand a hillary presidency, but I'm not so sure. One thing Trump has managed to do is fully expose the corruption in the establishment and the collusion between the GOP, DNC and MSM.
As an aside - a word to @syskatine, who is very wrong about "the right" he always refers to. The so called alt-right is not so easily defined and you would be foolish to continue to lump everyone who is against Hillary together as "the right."
I don't think Trump will be the answer, and I have very little faith that he'll do anything tonight to reverse course against the forces stacked against him, but I honestly believe he's already done what needed to happen - which is expose the establishment and fuel an alternate populist movement. It's literally the only thing that gives me hope right now for the America I grew up in.
My great fear though is that Hillary gets elected and stacks the deck against that with pet voters and judges. If and when that happens, I will f'ing remind you guys about it every damn day. The system can be more easily fixed if you get off your high horse and help keep her from being your president than if you don't. It's that simple. If Trump wins, it'll be an uphill fight to keep him from screwing things up, but how can anyone deny that the whole system is rigged for her to do what she wants? Who will stop her? Paul Ryan? Please. He's basic bitch #1 for her. He can't kiss her ring fast enough.
She wins, it's over. Socialized medicine. Crippling taxes. Stagnate economy. War with Russia. Open borders. A judicial assault on the Constitution and an electorate stacked with foreigners with no concept of personal liberties or free market.
It's Globalism vs Liberty, and Gary Johnson is an idiot. Maybe you can look your family in the eye and tell them you were proud to be a Never Trumper when all that shit goes down.
I think you and I have very similar politics, and I went back and forth on Johnson for a long time, but this time around there actually is a difference between the binary candidates, and though Trump is a disgusting blow-hard, it's mind blowing what she is getting away with left and right.
Are your personal convictions worth a Tim Kaine presidency?
Sadly, it is a binary choice this time in spite of my arguments against it ever being one.
Sadly, the GOP offered 16 candidates who all got their asses kicked and when the American people said 'this is the guy,' basically delivered a limp-wristed, passive aggressive (in typical republican fashion) coup d'etat against who the people selected from their shit show of establishment knobs and Ted Cruz - the most unlikable candidate I've seen in quite awhile.
Sadly, Hillary Clinton will likely be the next president because the GOP/DNC establishment is fine with her crimes - because she's a fellow globalist and the script said this was her turn. Of course, they expected the role of the Washington Generals to be played by Jeb Bush, but I digress...
She and her husband are infinitely worse choices for women and for this country. I cannot stand Donald Trump, but that's what we've got between us and a stacked supreme court and millions of 'legalized' democrat voting 'immigrants.' I already held my nose and supported this dipshit's candidacy 100% because she needs to be stopped and Gary f*ing Johnson is a pipe dream. It's the GOP's fault we have Trump - pure and simple. But there it is. He sucks and he's likely not going to be any good, but she is a guaranteed disaster for the republic.
Trump's taped conversation is disgusting and off-putting even to me - but it's also very typical of a powerful man to say these things. They are all narcissists. It's also worth noting that not every man has the same opportunities and access to women that a rich, famous guy has - and it's very easy in the absence of those accesses and opportunities to say his words are disgusting (they are). He was a celebrity - not a political candidate at the time of that stupid conversation. Do you have any doubt that Hillary has had much more disgusting, objectifying conversations when she refers to Bernie supporters and Trump supporters the way she does in open public discourse? Ginnifer Flowers said Bill Clinton told her Hillary has eaten more pussy than he has. Think she might have some disturbing objectifying conversations now and then? Is that really the final straw for Trump? If so, weak.
Hillary has so many legitimate 'Watergate' moments that it's simply numbing and they all seem to run together as static noise when the MSM refuses to cover them. This is where we are. @CowboyJD has said the republic can withstand a hillary presidency, but I'm not so sure. One thing Trump has managed to do is fully expose the corruption in the establishment and the collusion between the GOP, DNC and MSM.
As an aside - a word to @syskatine, who is very wrong about "the right" he always refers to. The so called alt-right is not so easily defined and you would be foolish to continue to lump everyone who is against Hillary together as "the right."
I don't think Trump will be the answer, and I have very little faith that he'll do anything tonight to reverse course against the forces stacked against him, but I honestly believe he's already done what needed to happen - which is expose the establishment and fuel an alternate populist movement. It's literally the only thing that gives me hope right now for the America I grew up in.
My great fear though is that Hillary gets elected and stacks the deck against that with pet voters and judges. If and when that happens, I will f'ing remind you guys about it every damn day. The system can be more easily fixed if you get off your high horse and help keep her from being your president than if you don't. It's that simple. If Trump wins, it'll be an uphill fight to keep him from screwing things up, but how can anyone deny that the whole system is rigged for her to do what she wants? Who will stop her? Paul Ryan? Please. He's basic bitch #1 for her. He can't kiss her ring fast enough.
She wins, it's over. Socialized medicine. Crippling taxes. Stagnate economy. War with Russia. Open borders. A judicial assault on the Constitution and an electorate stacked with foreigners with no concept of personal liberties or free market.
It's Globalism vs Liberty, and Gary Johnson is an idiot. Maybe you can look your family in the eye and tell them you were proud to be a Never Trumper when all that shit goes down.
I think you and I have very similar politics, and I went back and forth on Johnson for a long time, but this time around there actually is a difference between the binary candidates, and though Trump is a disgusting blow-hard, it's mind blowing what she is getting away with left and right.
Are your personal convictions worth a Tim Kaine presidency?