Kim Cheatle resigns

She deserved to be fired after not resigning the next day after the assassination attempt. Another example of Biden/Kamala incompetence. The only reason she resigned is because she was paid off well to do so, she had become a symbol of this Admin's incompetence. She played it smart, she knows how Dims work. She intentionally made herself look grossly incompetent to force the Admin to pay to her to go away, had they not paid her to go away?

She could burn down the entire Admin and probably expose far more that would have created riots in the US.
In her defense, many of the questions that were being asked should not have been answered. To do so would give the bad guys more understanding as to how the SS works. However, she looked bad...really bad. Right decision for her to exit. At the end of the day, Trump was given subpar protection. Carter/Clinton/Bush I can understand lower level protection; they aren't running for president and for the most part are out of the public eye. Maybe the next director will improve. An election year has got to be brutal to assume SS responsibility.
In her defense, many of the questions that were being asked should not have been answered. To do so would give the bad guys more understanding as to how the SS works.
Come on, you really believe securing an area like that, no one knows how the USSS operates? Every former USSS agent on planet earth has told the American public exactly what they did and what they are suppose to do. In detail. On TV, Youtube, streaming subs, X, everywhere. And let's not forget just the lack of common sense. A 20 year old kid who empties bedpans for a living pulled this off. It is not rocket science. The administrative state hiding behind this type of BS? This is how they avoid accountability. Going on for decades, unelected officials that don't think they owe the American public or Congress full transparency. Oh hell no, we need to know every last detailed screw up, the public deserves it. Had Trump been killed? Does anyone understand the potential consequences of that?

What really helps the bad guys? Is seeing how inept the USSS is and seeing the USSS being silent and showing how inept they are, and doing NOTHING to fix it. INSTEAD of telling the bad guys this is exactly what went wrong, this is what should have happened, this is the abilities we have, and don' think about attempting anything in the future because we are going to have our shit together on a go forward basis and you are a dead MF'er before you pull the trigger if you attempt this. The best deterrent is a basically a show of force and strength, not pussies afraid to talk, provide answers, fire the people that need to be fired, arrest and take out threats before pulling the trigger, and fix it FAST.

Don't buy in to the unelected admin state telling the American public that disclosing this is a threat, the fact they do this, IS the threat. It is how they stay in power and can circumvent our laws and be incompetent and stay in their position.

How do you think all the illegal FISA warrant BS happened?
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This administration needed a scape goat in the worst way. We can discuss conspiracy until the cows come home. But the noise being made and her hesitancy to disclose created rumbles the adminstration did not want to deal with while getting Kamala's campaign off the ground.

Somewhat of a tangent but related; this whole process of Joe walking away, Kamala being the candidate has moderates questioning the potential of lies about Joe in the worst way. This comment comes from conversations with friends and not some polling or internet discussion. You add the rumblings of assassination conspiracy and it is a PR nightmare for the Dems. Sooner they can put this to bed and convince people we had nothing to do with it the better.

That has to happen, Kamala still has to convince people she is not a whack job, and can handle complicated domestic and foreign policy activities. A very tall order in a very tight window. I totally believe the administration realizes that probably won't happen and we should use the time to retain seats in Congress nothing more and nothing less.

Ever feel like we are on a chess board or better yet steers and heifers headed for slaughter?
In her defense, many of the questions that were being asked should not have been answered. To do so would give the bad guys more understanding as to how the SS works. However, she looked bad...really bad. Right decision for her to exit. At the end of the day, Trump was given subpar protection. Carter/Clinton/Bush I can understand lower level protection; they aren't running for president and for the most part are out of the public eye. Maybe the next director will improve. An election year has got to be brutal to assume SS responsibility.
The only questions asked that should not have been answered were the give me a name question. Anything that involves how the operations are executed is already known and are for the most part unclassified. How they did it, is also unclassified after the event. It doesn't take much to figure it out as well. Just go to an event that has SS protection.

The reason why is because every event is different. So, they keep everything beforehand classified, but once executed it is declassified.

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