Kanye West is breaking the simulation

post these readily available stats. this is what I found.





Will not read until I know if these are government analyzed.
95% of white americans would vote for a qualified black man for the most important job in the world. They better not say that publically or the klan will ride in on their horses to drive them out of their towns in Ohio and Michigan and Wisconsin!! All those people that voted for obama and then switched to racists and voted for trump.
1964 — the year institutionalized victimization officially began.





You can thank the guy on the left — he knew exactly what he was doing.

Kanye did it.

Will Kanye be forcibly institutionalized like in 2016? The calls are already starting.

The left is not tolerant of wrong-think.

Again...he wasn’t forcibly institutionalized.

He voluntarily checked himself in and checked himself out a week later.

Why do you keep promoting this blatant lie?
Those fingers though...looks like the sign of the devil you are always talking about NZ. I bet that dude put it up to his eye and looked through it right after this picture was taken.:eek:
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I hadn't even heard of her until the tweets. What's her deal? or the not great stuff you're referring to
Gamergate antagonist. Startup that focused on building a platform for doxing.

Worth a bit of reading. Early mistakes that indicate she doesn't really think things through IMO.
Gamergate antagonist. Startup that focused on building a platform for doxing.

Worth a bit of reading. Early mistakes that indicate she doesn't really think things through IMO.

You think jimmybob and Ponca Dan knows what gamergate and doxing are?
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