Who is Candace Owens?
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I love the way Candace Owens thinks,.......and I am in shock that Kanye West is on board
Don’t be too much in shock.
He literally got institutionalized for something similar in 2016.
You might remember this incident below? Mark Dice breaks it down.
Extremely highly suggested, even if you’ve never cared about Kanye.
I can give you the date that I will give a shit about what Kanye West "thinks" about anything: the 12th of NEVER!
the 12th of NEVER!
Lol...Candace is the type of idiot who would walk up to the neo-Nazis burning swaztikas and think she’s in a safe place haha.
Lol mmmkay
you absolutely are. you call this obviously intelligent young woman an idiot because she isn’t playing the victim game her skin color dictates.
that is racism.
She will debate anyone about using her brain and not her skin tone, regardless of politics. Something I wish I could say about you.
So you actually believe she’s welcomed with open arms at a Nationalist Socialist Movement swaztika burning lol. Got it.
da fuk are you talking about potato
You clearly don't get it but that surprises me none at all. You are the epitome of useful idiot.
There is no racist movement. More people participate in bridge clubs that are white nationalists. It’s fantasy, made up. You were duped. Racism is going down and your elites don’t want that. You are their minion and you have no idea.
Racism is going down
Weird how statistics and data, readily available from government analysis, says otherwise lol
Truth.From someone who has benefitted zero from his skin color I don’t get you toon.
Weird how statistics and data, readily available from government analysis, says otherwise lol