Kamallah Harris Greatest Hits Vol. 1 - Don't Miss This

Is there any wonder the powers that be will not let this idiot speak to reporters?
Worthy of 1000 likes.

Our own soonerinlOUisiana answered these 3 questions in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
3. Ramone's electricity went off in a thunderstorm. In Ramone's sock drawer are 5 crimson socks and 5 white socks. How many socks must Ramone remove from his sock drawer and feel his way out to his lightening-lit driveway to ensure he has a matched pair?

How many can Kumula answer?
I can't think of a single question of my sixty this bimbo can answer.

With a magic marker, can you make a straight line on a baseball?

My wife asked me to pick up some decorative rock for a planter project. Took two bags of rocks to the counter at the nursery. The check out person had a Harris/WaIz hat on so I asked her opinion on who was smarter the bags of rock or Kamala/Walz. She made a face that looked similar to when someone eats a lemon.

As I walked away I could swear this person might have been a member of OU football team at some point. You remember the same group who required directions on the bottom of the shoe saying "put toes in first". Sorry's a joke, well maybe ;)
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Worthy of 1000 likes.

Our own soonerinlOUisiana answered these 3 questions in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
3. Ramone's electricity went off in a thunderstorm. In Ramone's sock drawer are 5 crimson socks and 5 white socks. How many socks must Ramone remove from his sock drawer and feel his way out to his lightening-lit driveway to ensure he has a matched pair?

How many can Kumula answer?
She (it) just suffered circuit overload. Do loop (word soup) ensues.
My wife asked me to pick up some decorative rock for a planter project. Took two bags of rocks to the counter at the nursery. The check out person had a Harris/WaIz hat on so I asked her opinion on who was smarter the bags of rock or Kamala/Walz. She made a face that look similar to when someone eats a lemon.

As I walked away I could swear this person might have been a member of OU football team at some point. You remember the same group who required directions on the bottom of the shoe saying "put toes in first". Sorry's a joke, well maybe ;)

Sorry not a Dim. And the toes really go in first? I have been doing it wrong for 57 yrs. 🤣

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