Kamala's popularity: Point # 1,356 why we can't trust corporate media

BTW speaking of Kamala pushing price controls....I was reading Reddit earlier. Was on the Business sub, and someone shared a link to an article detailing Kamala's policy plans. The article mentioned that one of the things she is pushing for is price controls.

The progressive millennials on Reddit lost. Their. Shit.

"That's a lie! She's said nothing about that!!!"

"I see this mentioned in the headline but not in the article"

I saw dozens of comments from angry young libs who obviously had no idea what Kamala wants price controls. Obviously, Axios and The Young Turks aren't telling them this.

These people literally believe in a world that does not exist.
You think healthcare is expensive wait till the government gains control of the food supply.
Looks like Spielberg is shooting her entire run. She’s worse than Biden and appears to be taking some kind of meds to allow her to speak in public. Some kind of anxiety meds that make her appear to be drunk. Or, maybe she’s just drunk.
Democratic Party having a real identity crisis right now, they can't decide if they want to be communists or nazis.

I can guess which side @Ponca Dan is pulling for.
Kamala is a pure communist. Waltz is Fascist. They get both with this ticket. Problem they would have if they win is that one form of socialism cannot let other forms of socialism exist. The dem party would tear itself apart from internal fueds or one side would end up with totalitarian control. Either way the country falls apart.