Kamala Harris Selects Progressive Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as Running Mate

A more rational look at Waltz.
It's Walz, not Waltz.

A rational look from Fox News? There is no such thing.


btw, that right-wing propaganda article is just flat out false and misleading (what a shock lol!). I've been watching a lot of the media coverage (not just Fox News) and so far the reaction has been positive.

Also, 🤣🤣 at a Fox News using the word "weird."

lol, Walz really triggered you right-wingers with that word.😁
It's Walz, not Waltz.

A rational look from Fox News? There is no such thing.


btw, that right-wing propaganda article is just flat out false and misleading (what a shock lol!). I've been watching a lot of the media coverage (not just Fox News) and so far the reaction has been positive.

Also, 🤣🤣 at a Fox News using the word "weird."

lol, Walz really triggered you right-wingers with that word.😁
It's Walz, not Waltz.

A rational look from Fox News? There is no such thing.


btw, that right-wing propaganda article is just flat out false and misleading (what a shock lol!). I've been watching a lot of the media coverage (not just Fox News) and so far the reaction has been positive.

Also, 🤣🤣 at a Fox News using the word "weird."

lol, Walz really triggered you right-wingers with that word.😁
Imagine that, the leftist media like a radical leftist being picked for VP. SMFH
It's Walz, not Waltz.

A rational look from Fox News? There is no such thing.


btw, that right-wing propaganda article is just flat out false and misleading (what a shock lol!). I've been watching a lot of the media coverage (not just Fox News) and so far the reaction has been positive.

Also, 🤣🤣 at a Fox News using the word "weird."

lol, Walz really triggered you right-wingers with that word.😁
Right wingers are triggered, says the guy who responds to EVERY post that he remotely disagrees with! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The Fake News Cartel was silent today at the news of the Kackler's pick.

Rest assured its members will be on the same page with a narrative tomorrow.

Tonight they'll get their marching orders.

Get ready to hear the same key words, sentences and descriptions ad nauseum.

Basically, he's the greatest thing since sliced bread.
It's Walz, not Waltz.

A rational look from Fox News? There is no such thing.


btw, that right-wing propaganda article is just flat out false and misleading (what a shock lol!). I've been watching a lot of the media coverage (not just Fox News) and so far the reaction has been positive.

Also, 🤣🤣 at a Fox News using the word "weird."

lol, Walz really triggered you right-wingers with that word.😁
It will be last the last Waltz for these extremists
Rest assured that @my__2cents has already contacted Mark Levin and told him he doesn’t know what a Marxist is.
Still waiting . . .

Define what Marxist Communism is. Also, tell us how such an ideology differs from Socialism, or even a Social Democracy ideology. Is a Marxist Communist the same thing as a Democratic Socialist?
Independent voters are going to like Walz. They always have. And they definitely are going to like Walz more than they like weirdo Vance. Walz is what Vance pretends to be.

Yeah. Lots of us independents on this board and we all LOVE the guy.

Whatever comrade. You're wet dreaming.
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Yeah. Lots of us independents on this board and we all LOVE the guy.

Whatever comrade. You're wet dreaming.
You aren't an Independent voter. Not even close lol!

Why do you keep dodging the simple questions?? . . .

Define what Marxist Communism is. Also, tell us how such an ideology differs from Socialism, or even a Social Democracy ideology. Is a Marxist Communist the same thing as a Democratic Socialist?
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Wow, Governor Walz just rocked that rally in Philadelphia. What a ticket this is going to be!

It is amazing how this race has completely changed over the past two weeks. The Harris/Walz campaign definitely has the big mo right now.

btw, over 12,000 people at the rally today. What say you now @Sunburnt Indian about rally sizes?
Wow, Governor Walz just rocked that rally in Philadelphia. What a ticket this is going to be!

It is amazing how this race has completely changed over the past two weeks. The Harris/Walz campaign definitely has the big mo right now.

btw, over 12,000 people at the rally today. What say you now @Sunburnt Indian about rally sizes?
I enjoyed listening to all the lies.
This is objectively true. He helps literally no where… he’s a net nothing.

I enjoyed listening to all the lies.
Tell me you are worried right now without telling me!😁

Kamala Harris is giving a lesson right now in how to run a political campaign. One good news cycle after another after another while the two Republican weirdos can't figure out what is going on. Trump running and hiding from debating Harris lol!

Now Harris/Walz taking about joy today. On message

Good thing for you Bearcat is that we still have three months till the election, so a lot can still happen.
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“They go low, we go high”

Yeah.. right.
That was a masterful political stab at Vance and absolutely hilarious. And you know it, even if you won't admit it.

Democrats are laughing and having a ball right now. Democrats are more excited and fired up today than I've seen since the 2008 election.

And we haven't even got to our Convention yet!😁
That was a masterful political stab at Vance and absolutely hilarious. And you know it, even if you won't admit it.

Democrats are laughing and having a ball right now. Democrats are more excited and fired up today than I've seen since the 2008 election.

And we haven't even got to our Convention yet!😁
You obviously don’t care about who you vote for and their policies. You just want someone that will “trigger” (a strange obsession you have) conservatives. It is personal with you.

Conservatives vote for who they think will improve this country, we don’t select a candidate to “trigger” half the voters and divide the country.

Conservatives on this board don’t care what libs think, as a whole we shake our heads at what is clearly a lack of common sense and a desire to “trigger” conservatives for some perceived wrong we have committed. And like running the country in to the ground to “trigger” us some more.

Hate conservatives and Trump so bad, everything possible has been done to remove him from office, keep him from running, or take him off the face of the earth. The USSS just so happened to not provide any security the day this 20 year old circumvented the entire US security and military apparatus.

Must be a terrible existence to hate America, hate Trump, hate half the country, and most likely hate your life and put the happiness of your existence to see others get “triggered” and transfer wealth you are too lazy to earn for yourself, via a vote.

Your obsession with hoping Reps get “triggered” is a sad reflection of the decision making that goes on in the minds of libs.
That was a masterful political stab at Vance and absolutely hilarious. And you know it, even if you won't admit it.

Democrats are laughing and having a ball right now. Democrats are more excited and fired up today than I've seen since the 2008 election.

And we haven't even got to our Convention yet!😁
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself.
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Ohh come on @tlwwake, I don’t know anything about the guy but you have to admit that was very funny. You may disagree w all of his politics, but the Dems have finally chosen someone middle of America can relate to personality wise.
Not really. I didn’t even get the reference so I’m not sure how an insult on a rumor is appealing to “middle America”

It’s very simple… if your side does this type of thing, you think it’s political genius. Trump fans do it all the time.

The personal jabs have never been my thing. I’d much rather hear about substance and plans for America. That’s my opinion. You don’t have to agree with it.
Tell me you are worried right now without telling me!😁

Kamala Harris is giving a lesson right now in how to run a political campaign. One good news cycle after another after another while the two Republican weirdos can't figure out what is going on. Trump running and hiding from debating Harris lol!

Now Harris/Walz taking about joy today. On message

Good thing for you Bearcat is that we still have three months till the election, so a lot can still happen.
Harris talking about how when the middleclass is strong, American is strong is hilarious. Joe and her have destroyed the middleclass under their administration, now they think they can bloviate enough to convince people they want further destroy the middleclass? Sadly with the MSM covering their ass and refusing to ask question they probably can convince the easily manipulated.
Ohh come on @tlwwake, I don’t know anything about the guy but you have to admit that was very funny. You may disagree w all of his politics, but the Dems have finally chosen someone middle of America can relate to personality wise.
He's an old football coach of course he can talk a good game, which is all Democrat voters care about. Democrat voters are not results oriented.
You obviously don’t care about who you vote for and their policies. You just want someone that will “trigger” (a strange obsession you have) conservatives. It is personal with you.

Conservatives vote for who they think will improve this country, we don’t select a candidate to “trigger” half the voters and divide the country.

Conservatives on this board don’t care what libs think, as a whole we shake our heads at what is clearly a lack of common sense and a desire to “trigger” conservatives for some perceived wrong we have committed. And like running the country in to the ground to “trigger” us some more.

Hate conservatives and Trump so bad, everything possible has been done to remove him from office, keep him from running, or take him off the face of the earth. The USSS just so happened to not provide any security the day this 20 year old circumvented the entire US security and military apparatus.

Must be a terrible existence to hate America, hate Trump, hate half the country, and most likely hate your life and put the happiness of your existence to see others get “triggered” and transfer wealth you are too lazy to earn for yourself, via a vote.

Your obsession with hoping Reps get “triggered” is a sad reflection of the decision making that goes on in the minds of libs.
lol, calm down. Deep breaths.🤣🤣

I know it is rough time for you right now, but back away from the edge.

You obviously don’t care about who you vote for and their policies.
I absolutely care about who I vote for and their policies. That is why I am going to proudly vote for Harris/Walz. I agree with them and their policies.

So you are wrong with this assumption.

Conservatives on this board don’t care what libs think,
And this is a serious problem you have. It also is just one reason you right-wingers keep losing national elections.

You don't have a correct understanding of liberals or of even moderates. You don't care to try to understand them. And this is one reason why you are constantly disappointed when things don't go your way politically.

Must be a terrible existence to hate America, hate Trump, hate half the country, and most likely hate your life and put the happiness of your existence to see others get “triggered” and transfer wealth you are too lazy to earn for yourself, via a vote.
I don't hate the United States, I love it. I love my country and I always have. I want to see my country continue to progress forward and not go backwards. I believe in the principles and ideas that we hold dear in this country.

I don't "hate" Trump and I don't "hate" half the country. I simply disagree with Trump politically and I believe he is an existential threat to this country that I love. And lol, I don't hate my life. I am thankful for my life.

Essentially, your problem is that you don't live in reality. You live in a world created by the right-wing propagandiat you choose to listen to. As you stated, you have no desire to understand or get to know those who disagree with you politically. You refuse to see a different reality than the one your right-wing propagandists create for you.
Not really. I didn’t even get the reference so I’m not sure how an insult on a rumor is appealing to “middle America”

It’s very simple… if your side does this type of thing, you think it’s political genius. Trump fans do it all the time.

The personal jabs have never been my thing. I’d much rather hear about substance and plans for America. That’s my opinion. You don’t have to agree with it.
That’s fair. If that’s not your thing, I get it. I’ve always found Trump very funny. I can’t stand him personally or whatever his politics are, but find his trolling funny. The social media MAGA people think comedy is their thing, and they’ve been mostly right, he could flip that on them.
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That’s fair. If that’s not your thing, I get it. I’ve always found Trump very funny. I can’t stand him personally or whatever his politics are, but find his trolling funny. The social media MAGA people think comedy is their thing, and they’ve been mostly right, he could flip that on them.
Oh for sure.. it’s all funny. Definitely creative once I understand the reference lol! I had to google it. But I don’t think either candidate is really talking policy right now. Empty words and grandiose promises.. it’s frustrating
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Joe and her have destroyed the middleclass under their administration,
No they haven't. The middle class is currently strong right now, stronger than it was when Trump left office.

There are definitely improvements that need to be made moving forward, but Harris/Walz (two individuals who grew up in middle class families btw) will do more for middle class Americans than Trump ever will. Trump has no clue what it means to be middle class and he doesn't care about middle class Americans, except in lying to them hoping to get their vote.
No they haven't. The middle class is currently strong right now, stronger than it was when Trump left office.

There are definitely improvements that need to be made moving forward, but Harris/Walz (two individuals who grew up in middle class families btw) will do more for middle class Americans than Trump ever will. Trump has no clue what it means to be middle class and he doesn't care about middle class Americans, except in lying to them hoping to get their vote.
Are you as stupid as you keep trying to convince us. Consumers are 70% of our economy. Morgan-Chase Bank tells me consumer debt is at an all time record high. Auto loan defaults are setting records. Commercial real estate defaults are record setting. Joe is the current president. Not Trump.

Stop making stupid declarations about which you know nothing. The middle class is not strong. They are in record debt.

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