JD, since you believe its none of our business and you clearly support the parents right for their children (or anyone) to be gender-neutral, how do you suppose we handle this against existing segregation policies? Does the child play on the boys or girls soccer teams? Does simply having separate boys and girls team implicate discrimination against those that are gender-less? Do you put biologically born males who identify as females on the women's teams where their natural testosterone levels give them a significant advantage? As a second question, at what point does someone have to commit to one or the other gender? Do you have to commit at all? I'm a male, can I decide I should have been a female and make the proclamation and expect everyone to bend the rules to comply or do I have to show a greater commitment to the change? Does this mean I can apply for a Women in STEM scholorship? How about attend an "all-girls school"?
Fact is, we as a society have clearly promoted segregation based on gender, and not just for athletics. We do it in the classroom. We do it in the boardroom (don't think so, go read the diversity documents published by Google and Facebook). And while I see strong support for allowing (even promoting) gender fluidity, I don't see any of the supporters willing to answer the questions above in any manner other than to bash those who believe these answers are most easily solved by applying the biological/birth gender.
Fact is, we as a society have clearly promoted segregation based on gender, and not just for athletics. We do it in the classroom. We do it in the boardroom (don't think so, go read the diversity documents published by Google and Facebook). And while I see strong support for allowing (even promoting) gender fluidity, I don't see any of the supporters willing to answer the questions above in any manner other than to bash those who believe these answers are most easily solved by applying the biological/birth gender.