Just wondering…


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Does “Has No Sense” (my 2 cents) have a life??? He responds to EVERY - SINGLE - POST that he disagrees with on this board.

Dude, get a life!

And I don’t ever remember him posting in the Corral or any other sports board on this site. Wondering if he’s even a fan of OSU. Probably a UT guy who’s a lurker.
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Does Has No Sense (my 2 cents) have a life??? He responds to EVERY - SINGLE - POST that he disagrees with on this board.

Dude, get a life!

And I don’t ever remember him posting in the Corral or any other sports board on this site. Wondering if he’s even a fan of OSU. Probably a UT guy who’s a lurker.
Probably not a bot, but I do think his/her/its posts are AI generated. When “heck fire” appeared instead of “hellfire” I became suspect. It’s like he’s using an AI program with a less than perfect command of English (and a SFW filter) to generate responses. My theory is he’s probably a “mule” on a “click farm” in Bangladesh or some such shithole.

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