Just an observation...state of debate and opinions

Hey I get it. I wasn't wild about either of the last 2 dem 2 termers but the right was so crazy and awful it pushed me to them. I was simultaneously pissed at obama AND defending him from all the hateful obsessive shit.

Since Ronald Reagan, My favorite presidents are 1. Trump 2. Clinton The others? not a fan.
The "lack of serious debate" points are mind boggling. Was there some golden age on here when libs weren't massively outnumbered and constantly attacked?

Like I indicated, I had checked out of the "national MSM narrative" for a long time and then saw it again in 2016 and was shocked. What I saw concerned me, I was interested to see some of the thoughts over here. I was frankly impressed with the level of nuanced debate that was happening here. Not saying it was perfect at all because talking politics can always get very heated. But I was impressed that among OSU grads and across the various political leanings, on this Board, the vitriol here was far less than what I was seeing nationally. That is just my opinion. Not that way today.

So, we have seen all the videos on Obama's position on immigration while he was in office. The second Trump's hand came off the bible after he was sworn in, the very Dems that praised Obama, labeled Trump and those that voted for him racist, for Trump basically having the exact same position on immigration as Obama other than a wall. That was going to be how to attack Trump while the insurance policy was waiting to unfold. The Dems stonewalled on EVERY turn to try to do ANYTHING on immigration, just to label Trump a racist, and by default all of his voters. The intellectual dishonesty and the hate politics of this nanosecond shift in Dem policy thinking IMO was the beginning of ratcheting up the hate politics to an all new level. So, unfortunately with this nanosecond shift in "policy thinking", all because of who was elected and the obvious hate for Trump from the left, it was obvious there was no intellectual honesty that was going to come from the left in regards to Trump, which means all those now labeled racists that voted for him knew there was no place you could intelligently talk politics when it came to Trump. From deplorables to bigoted racists in a nanosecond.

Not sure today why you post here, IF you are wanting to change opinions, you are not going about it intelligently. Seems to me, now you like to post something once a day just to troll and poke the bear and get a laugh, then you actually get pulled in to a debate in earnest, and because your hate of Trump has now cost you any remaining intellectual honesty you had left, you take a serious beat down in terms of a fact based conversation and hypocrisy. Trump supporters are not angry or mad, we do not have hate clouding our judgment right now. Hillary is a punchline, she is history.

I did state this board was heavily slanted to the conservative side, but if I wanted to really change people's opinions, you can not call Trump a racist for his immigration position and not also call Obama one, you have to be able to explain the nanosecond change of a "policy position". If you are going to establish intellectual honesty, you have to grudgingly admit when Trump has succeeded, by doing so, you gain trust and people will become more open minded on your concerns with the man. If I was on a Board that was heavily leftist in thought, that is how I would go about it. Unfortunately at this time in our history for many of the reasons I stated earlier, just not gonna happen right now.

I learned really young I made really bad decisions when I was angry, I was fortunate I learned this, I know it has saved me from many bad decisions. If I am angered about something I do not address it until I can think it thru without my internal voice rising or getting that triggered feeling. The worst for me professionally was 1 week, the worst for me personally (hurts more) was 6 months. But I benefited from keeping my mouth shut until I could talk without anger and not have my message and decision making process destroyed by hate or anger, both of the situations ended well, had I spoke up out of anger right now my entire life would look different IMO.

You have to reward good behavior and Trump gets this and the Dems mock him for it. If you have a nasty mean pit bull and your decision is to not put him down but to retrain him, you have to reward good behavior with positive reinforcement EVERY SINGLE TIME. That is your only hope, that is what Trump does with Kim Jung and Putin, if you can not put them down, your only choice is to engage and when they do something we like you have to reward them publicly, you can ALWAYS put them back in their kennel. Changing behavior takes time. The Dems do not get this when it comes to world leaders, it seems to me once you hate them, you either just ignore them totally and let the situation get worse, or try to buy (bribe) their change in behavior. Permanent change in behavior takes a long time. We tried some weird positive reinforcement with Iran under Obama ( it was combination of ignoring and buying off). Trump is now going to negative reinforcement on Iran which is a last resort and he inherited it, but I bet if Iran makes a step in the right direction he will publicly pat them on the back and compliment them and what a great conversation he had and how well they are getting along.
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I like discussing issues with people that I disagree with. Discussing topics with people that I agree with isn't challenging and offers no chance at me expanding my thinking.

I agree, but there is no sense in re-hashing things 15 times over 3 years and no one is willing to budge on their view. You have to know when to stop wasting your time and effort.
I came across this this morning. I can't think of a better explanation for how a reluctant Trump voter becomes a Trump 2020 advocate than this kind of lying hyperbolic stupidity. Truth if for people this far gone, there's no debating. It's a matter of defeating these kind of ideas through ridicule, mockery and of course, dank memes.

I didn't vote for DT last time but I may next time and a portion of my reasoning will be the incessant attacks. Nothing unites better than being constantly under fire.
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It appears to me that after today, there is absolutely nothing that can change the opinions of hardcore left supporters, we have about 4 on this board that appear to be in that group? Maybe 6 at the most that consistently post?

When Trump was elected, all of us that voted for Trump said if he committed a crime get him out, none of us said no investigation, I think the problem we had was that there was plenty of evidence to warrant a full blown investigation of Hillary and it never happened. We wanted equal treatment.

I wanted every Dem and Rep voted out in 2016.

So here we are, none of the supporters of Trump are going to change the minds of the few Libs on this board. There is nothing that is going to change the minds of Trump supporters based on where we are at today.

There is no real debate left, there is no listening with an open mind.

It seems the Libs have been reduced to trolling on this Board to simply piss on our parade and poke the bear.

At one time I think there was some serious exchange of opinions, but this board is as hardened in its opinions and views as the country.

I was a former Dem supporter when I was younger, became a Republican after Clinton’s first term. I was an independent that voted across both aisles.

For me, there is absolutely nothing the Dem party offers me today, nothing.

The people that post here probably 95% Trump supporters at this point?

So, what is the point of of the exchanges with the Dims on this Board at this point?

Nothing is going to change, it feels like a complete waste of time.

I feel like I would rather talk politics with fellow conservative Trump supporters and discuss how we can improve this country and how Trump and fellow conservatives can move this country forward.

The trolling Libs IMO should be ignored, name me one opinion that has been changed on this Board with thoughtful debate between the opposing viewpoints in the last 2 years?

I think the Libs would be happier finding a Board that shares their common opinions, opinions that will not and can not be changed, not with their hate for Trump.

In all honesty, who gives a shit what @Syskatine and the rest of the Lib squad on this board thinks when it comes to Trump? Same old crap for almost 3 years.

They are pissed Trump won, they hate Trump, they hate us for voting for him, we are the deplorables. They now openly call us racists? Why give people like that any respect, they deserve none.

Sucks for them the school they attended and it’s grads have a mostly conservative slant, I think many would like to see a more moderate form of governing, unfortunately the Dems are rolling out total POS candidates with policies more ridiculous than the wall Trump proposed.

I say stop taking the bait, the Libs troll and want to make you miserable, we simply are not at the point for people to be more open minded about their opinions. The more Dems wail and screach and MSM unfairly treats our President, the more it makes me support him. Obama and Hillary were given a fair shake. When the Dims can acccept Trump’s accomplishments, I might be more open minded to their criticism.

The only people I trust in terms of evaluating Trump fairly without hate in their mind for him is fellow Trump supporters. Lib and MSM criticism is so unfair it just moves me that more for Trump.

If today is not an opinion changer for some, it never will be. Time IMO to move on, let the Libs circle jerk about Russia and collusion until 2024, who cares anymore? They offer many of us nothing and nothing is changing in terms of opinions.

I agree with everything you said except Libs making us miserable. I cannot speak for everyone but they make me laugh, they are the ones making themselves miserable and its hilarious to me. I don't think they would enjoy being happy, it would be a weird experience for them.
Reminds me of a Woman I once knew, she was always in a bad mood and just had a terrible outlook on life.
She finally got on some type of anti depressant and everyone noticed a big difference, she was happy, very outgoing and her outlook on everything changed. After a while she was back to her old self, quiet, withdrawn and just miserable. I asked her what had happened and if she was still taking her meds? She said no, I didn't like the way it made me feel. She was so used to being miserable that feeling good was weird to her and she didn't like it so she quit taking her meds.
I agree with everything you said except Libs making us miserable. I cannot speak for everyone but they make me laugh, they are the ones making themselves miserable and its hilarious to me. I don't think they would enjoy being happy, it would be a weird experience for them.
Reminds me of a Woman I once knew, she was always in a bad mood and just had a terrible outlook on life.
She finally got on some type of anti depressant and everyone noticed a big difference, she was happy, very outgoing and her outlook on everything changed. After a while she was back to her old self, quiet, withdrawn and just miserable. I asked her what had happened and if she was still taking her meds? She said no, I didn't like the way it made me feel. She was so used to being miserable that feeling good was weird to her and she didn't like it so she quit taking her meds.

I may not have not been clear, they are trying to make us miserable. I am not miserable, just want to win the 2020 election and I want a fair and speedy investigation in to the Steele Dossier.
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I’ve been thinking that the Meuller deal yesterday really showed how split this country is. The left and right saw two completely different testimonies yesterday. It’s crazy to see it Twitter. Literally right next to each will be a Pub confidently saying the left “lost” yesterday and Trump is clean, and then a Dem saying the right “lost” and Trump is dirty. When in reality, as always w our congress, nothing was accomplished yesterday. It’s really quite remarkable and sad. There’s very little true conversation and debate these days.
I came across this this morning. I can't think of a better explanation for how a reluctant Trump voter becomes a Trump 2020 advocate than this kind of lying hyperbolic stupidity. Truth if for people this far gone, there's no debating. It's a matter of defeating these kind of ideas through ridicule, mockery and of course, dank memes.

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I’ve been thinking that the Meuller deal yesterday really showed how split this country is. The left and right saw two completely different testimonies yesterday. It’s crazy to see it Twitter. Literally right next to each will be a Pub confidently saying the left “lost” yesterday and Trump is clean, and then a Dem saying the right “lost” and Trump is dirty. When in reality, as always w our congress, nothing was accomplished yesterday. It’s really quite remarkable and sad. There’s very little true conversation and debate these days.
The facts are Muellers report and testimony. There really is no debate. One side is ignoring them the otherside is imploring people to look at and read them.
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Non of any import and if they were, I wouldn’t care. I don’t find my social worth via sports message forums.

Of course you don’t, because you’re the son of a Cold War hero. Next to the congressional Medal of Honor ... that’s the pinnacle.
The facts are Muellers report and testimony. There really is no debate. One side is ignoring them the otherside is imploring people to look at and read them.
Well that side has has the ability to do something about those facts in the house since the report has been released. Why haven’t they done it?
Well that side has has the ability to do something about those facts in the house since the report has been released. Why haven’t they done it?
I’m not sure, but I’d bet it’s a political calculation considering the entrenchment of the otherside. They believe that if they impeach the president with a Senate that will not do anything with it then the President will claim he is exonerated or found not guilty. It’s a horrible situation.
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I’m not sure, but I’d bet it’s a political calculation considering the entrenchment of the otherside. They believe that if they impeach the president with a Senate that will not do anything with it then the President will claim he is exonerated or found not guilty. It’s a horrible situation.

That's exactly why they won't go forward with articles of impeachment right now. They know they will die swiftly.

I still object to them attempting to use the investigation for purely political purposes hoping they can take the Senate and or keep Trump from getting reelected.

I essentially agree with Mueller on this. He has done his it is time for them to do theirs.
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I’m not sure, but I’d bet it’s a political calculation considering the entrenchment of the otherside. They believe that if they impeach the president with a Senate that will not do anything with it then the President will claim he is exonerated or found not guilty. It’s a horrible situation.

That makes zero sense to me as a "reason to not"
That's exactly why they won't go forward with articles of impeachment right now. They know they will die swiftly.

I still object to them attempting to use the investigation for purely political purposes hoping they can take the Senate and or keep Trump from getting reelected.

I essentially agree with Mueller on this. He has done his it is time for them to do theirs.
Agreed, time to shit or get off the pot. Someone needs to lay a marker down.
I’m not sure, but I’d bet it’s a political calculation considering the entrenchment of the otherside. They believe that if they impeach the president with a Senate that will not do anything with it then the President will claim he is exonerated or found not guilty. It’s a horrible situation.
Exactly my point, it’s all political. If they were really worried about what happened from a moral standpoint, they’d have already done it without worrying about the political drawbacks. This is all grandstanding.
Many of the apologists have shifted and vacated. That's what they do. They'll vote for Trump next time or won't vote.

Before Josh blew us up at the old OOB, most of the Sooner libs had gone underground. The Cowboy board still has some. An invitation brought us running. Here we are. You Cowboys have a front row seat to watch what we've already seen. You've retained more who don't care than we were able.

The Socialists have trotted out 20 who promise economic stagnation, rationed health care, elevation in crime stats and among you there's those who are eager to vote for what repulses most of us.

Toon in all his reincarnations

I also have NZ and Roberto on ignore as obvious trolls.

For me:

Toon - Try to keep up with him, incarnations a good word.

Syskatine thinks the Dems and himself are experts on racism, but he is the gift that keeps giving, he serves up posts that makes it easy to expose the hypocrisy of the Dems on racism. But I can see putting Sys on ignore, degenerated to a hateful troll for the most part. I also love watching Mega own him, good times.

Some I do not pay much attention to.
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I'm pretty despondent about the state of American politics right now.

I'm pretty happy about the state of American politics right now. The radicals aren't getting much traction on anything. It's about time.
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I'm pretty happy about the state of American politics right now. The radicals aren't getting much traction on anything. It's about time.

It seems that way, but we all should have learned something from the last election, human behavior when it comes to voting is unpredictable.

I knew when Trump was elected it was most likely to make the Libs go further left, boy we had no idea it would be a HARD turn left.

Next election will be interesting, I would like to see Trump to allow the DOJ IG report and the related investigations do the dirty work of dragging the perpetrators thru the mud, he needs to refer to it IMO, but not tweet constantly on it. They have so much good economic news to discuss and sell, he needs to HAMMER this home. Dims have kept him distracted, he has so much to talk about, and he needs to hang the immigration problem around their neck like a noose and frankly it is not hard to do. They ignored his warnings and called it manufactured for over 2 years.

He needs to be careful on Iran, he needs to not let Bolton and Co bait him in to a war. Iran might bait him to get him out of office. We are energy independent now thanks to Trump’s deregulations, he has given us this option to avoid war over oil. He needs to communicate all of this, it is YUGE.
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For me:

Toon - Try to keep up with him, incarnations a good word.

Syskatine thinks the Dems and himself are experts on racism, but he is the gift that keep giving, he serves up posts that makes it easy to expose the hypocrisy of the Dems on racism. But I can see putting Sys on ignore, degenerated to a hateful troll for the most part. I also love watching Mega own him, good times.

Some I do not pay much attention to.

I've mastered the art of "speed mousing" which skips over the insipid twits' drivel. Otherwise, Orange
Roberto will forever remain on ignore.
I like discussing issues with people that I disagree with. Discussing topics with people that I agree with isn't challenging and offers no chance at me expanding my thinking.

This is where I am generally. I do not enjoy politics particularly, but I love to debate. Being a fairly true centrist makes it entertaining and picking up on other things. I disagree with Been Jammin on the sooner invasion, I have actually enjoyed it (even the drag queen thread). In science, I want to see all explanations, so I see this similarly (albeit this is more opinion than fact-based). I do tend to take frequent breaks as it can just get ridiculous at times.