It appears to me that after today, there is absolutely nothing that can change the opinions of hardcore left supporters, we have about 4 on this board that appear to be in that group? Maybe 6 at the most that consistently post?
When Trump was elected, all of us that voted for Trump said if he committed a crime get him out, none of us said no investigation, I think the problem we had was that there was plenty of evidence to warrant a full blown investigation of Hillary and it never happened. We wanted equal treatment.
I wanted every Dem and Rep voted out in 2016.
So here we are, none of the supporters of Trump are going to change the minds of the few Libs on this board. There is nothing that is going to change the minds of Trump supporters based on where we are at today.
There is no real debate left, there is no listening with an open mind.
It seems the Libs have been reduced to trolling on this Board to simply piss on our parade and poke the bear.
At one time I think there was some serious exchange of opinions, but this board is as hardened in its opinions and views as the country.
I was a former Dem supporter when I was younger, became a Republican after Clinton’s first term. I was an independent that voted across both aisles.
For me, there is absolutely nothing the Dem party offers me today, nothing.
The people that post here probably 95% Trump supporters at this point?
So, what is the point of of the exchanges with the Dims on this Board at this point?
Nothing is going to change, it feels like a complete waste of time.
I feel like I would rather talk politics with fellow conservative Trump supporters and discuss how we can improve this country and how Trump and fellow conservatives can move this country forward.
The trolling Libs IMO should be ignored, name me one opinion that has been changed on this Board with thoughtful debate between the opposing viewpoints in the last 2 years?
I think the Libs would be happier finding a Board that shares their common opinions, opinions that will not and can not be changed, not with their hate for Trump.
In all honesty, who gives a shit what @Syskatine and the rest of the Lib squad on this board thinks when it comes to Trump? Same old crap for almost 3 years.
They are pissed Trump won, they hate Trump, they hate us for voting for him, we are the deplorables. They now openly call us racists? Why give people like that any respect, they deserve none.
Sucks for them the school they attended and it’s grads have a mostly conservative slant, I think many would like to see a more moderate form of governing, unfortunately the Dems are rolling out total POS candidates with policies more ridiculous than the wall Trump proposed.
I say stop taking the bait, the Libs troll and want to make you miserable, we simply are not at the point for people to be more open minded about their opinions. The more Dems wail and screach and MSM unfairly treats our President, the more it makes me support him. Obama and Hillary were given a fair shake. When the Dims can acccept Trump’s accomplishments, I might be more open minded to their criticism.
The only people I trust in terms of evaluating Trump fairly without hate in their mind for him is fellow Trump supporters. Lib and MSM criticism is so unfair it just moves me that more for Trump.
If today is not an opinion changer for some, it never will be. Time IMO to move on, let the Libs circle jerk about Russia and collusion until 2024, who cares anymore? They offer many of us nothing and nothing is changing in terms of opinions.
When Trump was elected, all of us that voted for Trump said if he committed a crime get him out, none of us said no investigation, I think the problem we had was that there was plenty of evidence to warrant a full blown investigation of Hillary and it never happened. We wanted equal treatment.
I wanted every Dem and Rep voted out in 2016.
So here we are, none of the supporters of Trump are going to change the minds of the few Libs on this board. There is nothing that is going to change the minds of Trump supporters based on where we are at today.
There is no real debate left, there is no listening with an open mind.
It seems the Libs have been reduced to trolling on this Board to simply piss on our parade and poke the bear.
At one time I think there was some serious exchange of opinions, but this board is as hardened in its opinions and views as the country.
I was a former Dem supporter when I was younger, became a Republican after Clinton’s first term. I was an independent that voted across both aisles.
For me, there is absolutely nothing the Dem party offers me today, nothing.
The people that post here probably 95% Trump supporters at this point?
So, what is the point of of the exchanges with the Dims on this Board at this point?
Nothing is going to change, it feels like a complete waste of time.
I feel like I would rather talk politics with fellow conservative Trump supporters and discuss how we can improve this country and how Trump and fellow conservatives can move this country forward.
The trolling Libs IMO should be ignored, name me one opinion that has been changed on this Board with thoughtful debate between the opposing viewpoints in the last 2 years?
I think the Libs would be happier finding a Board that shares their common opinions, opinions that will not and can not be changed, not with their hate for Trump.
In all honesty, who gives a shit what @Syskatine and the rest of the Lib squad on this board thinks when it comes to Trump? Same old crap for almost 3 years.
They are pissed Trump won, they hate Trump, they hate us for voting for him, we are the deplorables. They now openly call us racists? Why give people like that any respect, they deserve none.
Sucks for them the school they attended and it’s grads have a mostly conservative slant, I think many would like to see a more moderate form of governing, unfortunately the Dems are rolling out total POS candidates with policies more ridiculous than the wall Trump proposed.
I say stop taking the bait, the Libs troll and want to make you miserable, we simply are not at the point for people to be more open minded about their opinions. The more Dems wail and screach and MSM unfairly treats our President, the more it makes me support him. Obama and Hillary were given a fair shake. When the Dims can acccept Trump’s accomplishments, I might be more open minded to their criticism.
The only people I trust in terms of evaluating Trump fairly without hate in their mind for him is fellow Trump supporters. Lib and MSM criticism is so unfair it just moves me that more for Trump.
If today is not an opinion changer for some, it never will be. Time IMO to move on, let the Libs circle jerk about Russia and collusion until 2024, who cares anymore? They offer many of us nothing and nothing is changing in terms of opinions.
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