John Smith Retirement News Conference

I hadn’t really seen a lot of interviews or anything with John. He’s a pretty funny guy
Probably because you don't know what John will say when he gets fired up. John was on local radio yesterday afternoon and let a couple of #+€! words out. Nothing really bad but "I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry" remarks were aired. I loved it!
It was great to hear Weiberg acknowledge Lee Roy's impact on OSU wrestling I don't believe he gets enough credit and I'll have to admit that when John was hired I wanted Lee Roy to be chosen. If Lee Roy had not come to OSU John, Pat and Mark may not have come to OSU but also consider all who may have come because of John and Pat and so on and so on...
It was great to hear Weiberg acknowledge Lee Roy's impact on OSU wrestling I don't believe he gets enough credit and I'll have to admit that when John was hired I wanted Lee Roy to be chosen. If Lee Roy had not come to OSU John, Pat and Mark may not have come to OSU but also consider all who may have come because of John and Pat and so on and so on...
You are 100% correct, Sir. OSU wrestling would not be the same if it wasn't for Lee Roy attending OSU, but as much appreciation and acknowledgment as he deserves, it is still John who revived the program from the dead (thanks to the NCAA) and made it relevant again, and did so very consistently over 33 years (minus a couple of bad years).

What he has done as a coach to me is just as impressive as what he's done as a competitor. Being a head college coach is worlds different from competing individually. Not all great wrestlers make great coaches and not all great coaches were great wrestlers. But to be both is quit the accomplishment. And you're not just teaching young guys about wrestling but also preparing them for life after wrestling.
Monasmith defeats Santana

This was only the second wrestling event I witnessed (after the last Bedlam natch of '78) and I didn't even know it was the first time I'd see John Smith on the mat. Most of you know that he was the towel boy that night. He appears several time in this video in a red shirt (not orange?) with black sleeves. It's nice to know that my greatest OSU Wrestling memory includes John Smith.

Slightly of topic but I was wondering does anyone know who the boy in the blue shirt with John is?
WOW!! Beautiful, classy, inspiring!! Great man and I think I would like to meet his mother someday. She sounds like a real pistol and a gem!
While I'm commenting on this I'll finish with the following: My wife and I once had a short conversation with John's mom and one of his sisters. They were at a table selling jewelry in front of the old Catholic Student Church, I believe, during Homecoming. She sold my wife some Pistol Pete earrings and talked a little wrestling.