John Bolton, Pyromaniac

You considered that a good and 'spot on' article? Writing that Bolton started the fire that is Venezuela sounds right up a Bernie Sanders or AOC alley. And I don't get why libs have attached their wagon to Iran? Is it because their beloved leader Obama did? I'm sorry this guy's panties are in a wad, but Bolton didn't back us out of the Iran deal. That's all Trump and was done before Bolton ascended to his current post. Yemen? That's a choice of which ME regime are we backing? KSA or Iran. Trump's picked KSA. Dems have picked Iran (I assume again because of Obama?).

Does Bolton saber-rattle? Absolutely. Does he wield the big-stick that is the US military looser than I would prefer. Yep. But this article talks like he's already invaded half our enemies. He talks a lot of military action, but unlike the past 4 presidents, Trump and Bolton have actually shown restraint in our global adventurism, and that should be applauded, not criticized.
Trump's picked KSA. Dems have picked Iran
Does it concern at all the close ties, including financially, between trump and Saudi Arabia?

No. My support of KSA over Iran pre-dates any of Trump's political ambitions or positions. I spent several summers in KSA in the 90s, and my parents lived there until 2003 or 2004. I also lived in Iran as a small child but that was before the revolution of 1978. I've got great childhood pictures of me in Tehran. KSA isn't great (no predominantly muslim country is due to their oppression of women), but supporting them is night and day better for the US and for stability in the region than Iran's current leadership is.
No. My support of KSA over Iran pre-dates any of Trump's political ambitions or positions. I spent several summers in KSA in the 90s, and my parents lived there until 2003 or 2004. I also lived in Iran as a small child but that was before the revolution of 1978. I've got great childhood pictures of me in Tehran. KSA isn't great (no predominantly muslim country is due to their oppression of women), but supporting them is night and day better for the US and for stability in the region than Iran's current leadership is.

@toontwigandberriez your move
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The one thing --- ONE THING -- I agreed with Biff about was generally detaching from the ME. Then he brings in Bolton? That's the most abrasive, neocon, hawk, warmonger he could've chosen.

Wasn't he all over the Iraq invasion?
No. My support of KSA over Iran pre-dates any of Trump's political ambitions or positions. I spent several summers in KSA in the 90s, and my parents lived there until 2003 or 2004. I also lived in Iran as a small child but that was before the revolution of 1978. I've got great childhood pictures of me in Tehran. KSA isn't great (no predominantly muslim country is due to their oppression of women), but supporting them is night and day better for the US and for stability in the region than Iran's current leadership is.

I regret the topic got shifted away from John Bolton, who, IMO is little more than a psychotic maniacal mass murderer who has been given a green light to do his thing. We’ll just have to disagree with each other over him.

But the topic got shifted, so I have some questions. I understand why the US has become so driven to ally with Israel (although I don’t think we should). But I do not understand what has us so beholden to Saudi Arabia.

It is their particular brand of Islam that houses the overwhelming majority of terrorists (most of the 9/11 crew were Saudis), they were primarily responsible for the gas crisis in the US back in the 70’s, they are viewed by most other Muslim nation’s with distrust or disgust. Right this minute they are conducting a bombing campaign in Yemen that is indiscriminatingly targeting civilian water supplies and hospitals, causing the deaths of countless innocents, which both the House and the Republican dominated Senate have condemned. They are not our friends by any stretch of imagination.

So the question I have is: what is the hold the Saudi monarchy has on our government? You say you support them. Disregarding you lived there years ago, why do you think the US should waste diplomatic capital on them?
This article says mean things about DJT, which is sure to upset many on this board. But his description of John Bolton is spot on.
I read this article and some others but then decided not to. Bolton certainly comes into the 4% of the world population that are sociopaths.I would go further he may be in the 1% that are psychopaths.
I was introduced to his brand when he was UN representative for the US.
This Iran thing does not make sense.Yes Iran did something horrible when it took american embassy staff as hostage and they were world's pariah for decades.
Finally they were coming back to the international fold,,the nuclear treaty with Iran was the first step towards it and I was very hopeful that this would lead to for Iran to change its rhetoric towards Israel and friendlier relations with its neighbor countries.
But then came the greatest president in the american history and the whole world has been turned upside down.
There is a big difference between Iraq and Iran.
1)The entire country speaks one language.
2)They follow the same version of Islam
3) They have a history which they are very proud of.
4)This is my assumption that Iranis are very patriotic.Even if majority
of Iranis may not like the mullah govertment,they would unite because of foreign

There is a big difference between Saddam and Khamenie while yes there are
some anti women laws(Like Hijab is compulsory) women go to the universities can drive,work besides men.Polygamy though not against the law is very uncommon.
Yes press freedom is limited but it is not north Korea.
While Trump is bending backwards to bring NK to the international fold at the same time got away from Iran nuclear treaty just because of Netanyahu( How can you trust a man who has yahoo in his name,spelling may be different) I have read statements by army chief of Israel and some secret services heads who said Iran was following the nuclear treaty as signed.
Iran is of course Pakistan's neighbor and Bolton is giving me nightmare.
There is no comparison between Iran and Saudi. Saudi is a claustrophobic country.
I had an opportunity to do business in Saudi in the 80;'s but I had to live there I refused.
God help the world from these maniacs(Bolton.
No. My support of KSA over Iran pre-dates any of Trump's political ambitions or positions. I spent several summers in KSA in the 90s, and my parents lived there until 2003 or 2004. I also lived in Iran as a small child but that was before the revolution of 1978. I've got great childhood pictures of me in Tehran. KSA isn't great (no predominantly muslim country is due to their oppression of women), but supporting them is night and day better for the US and for stability in the region than Iran's current leadership is.
Either your parents were diplomats or worked for Aramco other wise how could you support Saudia
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Either your parents were diplomats or worked for Aramco other wise how could you support Saudia

Easy. Saudi has strong ties to Jordan, been as reasonable about Israel as possible for an Arab nation, and has been a long-time and good faith trading partner with Western civilization. The alternative (IRAN) has been chanting "Death to Americans" since 1978. Seems like an easy choice to me. I'm not saying Saudi is great. I was very explicit in my prior post in that regard. But its miles ahead of Iran.
Easy. Saudi has strong ties to Jordan, been as reasonable about Israel as possible for an Arab nation, and has been a long-time and good faith trading partner with Western civilization. The alternative (IRAN) has been chanting "Death to Americans" since 1978. Seems like an easy choice to me. I'm not saying Saudi is great. I was very explicit in my prior post in that regard. But its miles ahead of Iran.
I am sorry I totally disagree with you.
Yes they shouted death to America why because america had placed a king over the people of Iran for 26 yrs
Are you from jordan,what does jordan and saudi relation matter.I think some other countries have been even better about Israel for e.g Oman and UAE who have had back door relations with Israel for a while.
Saudia has been exporting its form of Islam and terrorism for decades.
Not been a good faith trading partner have you forgotten the oil embargo.
Any country whose interest is not its people but the whole country revolves around saving the rulers there is something wrong.
Since they call themselves the keeper of Islam they would never recognize Israel unless majority of muslim countries are ready to accept Israel.
Saudi Arabia funds and spreads Wahhabi Islam the ideology behind Al Queda and ISIS and Al Nusra and basically all the terrorism in the west. Also the main source of the some people who did something.
Iran has an edgy catch phrase about death to America

AIXpert: "clearly one of these is worse than the other"
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