joel osteen


Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
anyone listen to this guy
in a serious manner?

i can’t get there myself
Not a regular listener but I don't have a problem with the man. He delivers a solid message with some humor, pretty low key not over bearing.

A lot of people like what he's selling, power to them. It not like Scientology where you can't participate unless you ruin yourself financially.
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Have literally no idea how this person is. From the context clues ITT I'd say he was a mega-church pastor who preys on people's greed to entice them to give money to him.
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He attended ORU. Probably had good intentions at first and realized he was surrounded by cash cows.
2nd Peter. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

I feel sorry for him but especially those fooled by him.
Capitalist for sure, but his “church” should be paying taxes.
I'm not a defender but his message is a lot more subtle and scripture based than you guys are giving him credit for.

I think his message is more live a good life and it generally leads to a more successful, happy life. Can't say I disagree with him.

He also doesn't get up there and literally beg for money like a lot of them do.
I’m not a defender, but....(proceeds to defend him).
He pays tons in taxes likely at worse rates than you. The IRS considers him self employed, which is never good come April.

The church, however, should remain tax exempt.
I get it that he pays taxes. His church is essentially a money laundering outfit to enrich his family. The least the church could do do is pay taxes.
I get it that he pays taxes. His church is essentially a money laundering outfit to enrich his family. The least the church could do do is pay taxes.
No idea what his salary is, but I heard he makes his billions from book sales. Guess I could try to look that up, but if I stall long enough, somebody else will.
He is the leader of the prosperity gospel. He is a fraud. Gateway Church in DFW is a part of this prosperity movement. As is the body builder dude in Frisco with the Church on Teel and Main. He has no theological education. He was the youth minister and took over for his dad.
Osteen doesn't know what he believes. He's afraid to take a stand on anything or preach anything other than, "You're all good. Be nice."

He never uses the Bible (which I kind of think a preacher should use every once in a while).

He is absurdly wealthy, which I'm not sure should be the case with any pastor.

People on the Southside of OKC would gawk at Rev. Dan Schaefer's mansion on Penn Ave.

Osteen is so well off he makes Schaefer look like a pauper.
@AC2017 what is your opinion on the opposite of the Joel Olsteen mega churches - small uncentralised gatherings in private residences?

Worked well in China when communism tried to stamp out Christianity, where the idea in modern times came from.

Church buildings did not exist until the 3rd or 4th century. They met in people's homes or in the open until then.

Sorry. I'm a nerd that loves history.
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IMHO, I would not be surprised to discover that Joel Osteen has about as much faith and belief as I do. In all honesty I really do believe that most of these "prosperity" types don't actually believe in God, but rather see the Bible as an opportunity to separate people from their money.

AC, Scheaffer's mansion got torn down last summer or so, after Scheaffer died in 2010 and wife Bonnie in 2011, apparently no one was living in the house and it was so expensive to maintain the daughter had the house torn down.
It's a nice racket. Tell everyone what they want to hear, no judgment, no real consequences for your actions and you will get quite a few people willing to listen to you. Seems very disciplined in the fact that he doesn't seem to ever get into any social media mistakes (had an issue during Harvey but seems to have weathered that storm). I've only listened to him a couple of times while stuck in a hospital. I've never heard any of the local pastors I know speak too highly of the message he preaches.
It's a nice racket. Tell everyone what they want to hear, no judgment, no real consequences for your actions and you will get quite a few people willing to listen to you. Seems very disciplined in the fact that he doesn't seem to ever get into any social media mistakes (had an issue during Harvey but seems to have weathered that storm). I've only listened to him a couple of times while stuck in a hospital. I've never heard any of the local pastors I know speak too highly of the message he preaches.
His wife on the other hand. She likes to schuffle with flight attendants.
Is his message really any different than the Tony Robbins types? He uses religion as the empowering force while others preach they you-can-have-it-all message with a secular force.

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