Joe Walsh Fox News Poll

lol. Just like 2015 and 2016 polls all over again.

I don’t think so. His job approval is under water in states with 419 electoral votes, including 11 he won in 2016. Base is not growing.

GOP could save their brand with 10 Senators and one phone call.

If they don’t, this is Last Stand Hill for Republican Party.
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I don’t think so. His job approval is under water in states with 419 electoral votes, including 11 he won in 2016. Base is not growing.

GOP could save their brand with 10 Senators and one phone call.

If they don’t, this is Last Stand Hill for Republican Party.
Same crap we heard when Obama was elected and Dems took the house and Senate. End of Republicans, blah, blah, blah.

The Dems are either going to nominate a senile old molester or a crazy far left fake Indian who wants open boarders, free health care, free college, end using fossil fuels and to raise the hell out of everyone's taxes.

I'd say Trump and the Republicans have a fighting chance against that fubar.
I don’t think so. His job approval is under water in states with 419 electoral votes, including 11 he won in 2016. Base is not growing.

GOP could save their brand with 10 Senators and one phone call.

If they don’t, this is Last Stand Hill for Republican Party.

Your predictions would make a cow lot smell worse.
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I don’t think so. His job approval is under water in states with 419 electoral votes, including 11 he won in 2016. Base is not growing.

GOP could save their brand with 10 Senators and one phone call.

If they don’t, this is Last Stand Hill for Republican Party.
Just like in 2018 TX Senate Race? Just like when Kay B Hutchinson was a sure thing loser for Texas Senate? amIright?
I don’t think so. His job approval is under water in states with 419 electoral votes, including 11 he won in 2016. Base is not growing.

GOP could save their brand with 10 Senators and one phone call.

If they don’t, this is Last Stand Hill for Republican Party.

I'm not real happy with Trump but if it comes down to Trump and the current crop of socialist the Democrats have put up as Presidential candidates Trump gets my vote.

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