Joe Biden


Gold Member
Oct 7, 2014
Listening to his speech from his 1st Official Rally, highlights:

-Won't bad mouth any other Dem Candidates (We will see how long this lasts)
-Wants to bring unity to the County, then starts in the attacks against Trump
-Gives credit to himself and President Obama for the rocking economy, and Trump only inherited it like everything else in his life
-Free Community College Tuition, Investment in Job Training and Apprenticeships
-Stop Fighting, and Start Fixing (I think this will be a slogan he uses often)
-"Affordable Care Act was historical achievement" (not a good message, IMO)
-Give everyone an option to choose a Government Health Plan
-Green Infrastructure with clean energy revolution
-Need a President willing to lead in reference to Global Warming Initiatives
-Biggest initiative is beating Trump, as long as DT is in the White House, none of these things are going to get done
-People are not divided, our politics are divided
-Threat to our democracy is real with instilling fear and sowing racial division
-Brings up Trump attack on Mexican Judge (Yikes, old reference)
-Brings up the white supremacy conspiracy theory about Trump
-Everyday reminded that our democracy at stake
-Goes all in on DT and the need to save America from perishing
-More optimistic though about America, better positioned to lead in the 21st Century (a little confusing with all the doom and gloom attacks he just went on)
My thoughts based on the limited policy moves he presented in his speech:

-He's going to need to pivot away from the economy talk unless there is a major dip in 2020. If it keeps on the same trajectory Trump is going to pound away at that point, the economy just wasn't great when he was the VP.

-One of the few points he brought up was Free Community College Tuition - translation = tax hike. For those wanting to go to Community College, they can absolutely afford it on their own or earn a scholarship. The focus needs to be on educating young people that for some; college isn't the right choice. The less people we have getting useless degrees and racking up huge student loan debts the better and colleges will adjust their tuition and fees to attract more students to attend. Colleges should also be taking on a portion of the risk when it comes to dishing out loans.

-I find it interesting he did not bring up anything on Immigration or Foreign Relations; two areas where Trump has had perceived trouble (I need to read more on Trump's plan for Immigration with his new proposal to see where I stand, I'm pro wall, and pro some form of a merit system). North Korea and Iran situations coming up again. Not sure why Biden wouldn't bring up some of these things unless he's holding back from his own foreign issues - possible.
-One of the few points he brought up was Free Community College Tuition - translation = tax hike. For those wanting to go to Community College, they can absolutely afford it on their own or earn a scholarship. The focus needs to be on educating young people that for some; college isn't the right choice. The less people we have getting useless degrees and racking up huge student loan debts the better and colleges will adjust their tuition and fees to attract more students to attend. Colleges should also be taking on a portion of the risk when it comes to dishing out loans.

A high school diploma used to mean something. But as soon as everyone has one then it becomes meaningless. So that pushed a few generations to college and attendance exploded - along with tuition. If they make college just like high school then a college degree will also become meaningless in a few generations. Advanced degrees will be the next movement.
A high school diploma used to mean something. But as soon as everyone has one then it becomes meaningless. So that pushed a few generations to college and attendance exploded - along with tuition. If they make college just like high school then a college degree will also become meaningless in a few generations. Advanced degrees will be the next movement.
that's sort of already almost have to have a masters now to begin with. 4 year degree is a jump ball.
He's working on his campaign theme song:

"Deleted" - offended the dog.
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They showed a clip of him on TV this AM saying that the booming economy was the result of the Obama/Biden economy they gave to Trump.
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I had 3 different investment advisors that told me corporate balance sheets had stashed more cash away than anytime in our history under Obama and if Trump got elected it would be put back in the stock market over time and the stock market would rise to record levels.

Why? Because CEO’s so distrusted an Obama economy of tax the hell out of everyone and not provide write off’s for capital investment that CEO’s would rather lose money investing in cash (when you do this your return does not even keep up with inflation so your cash loses purchasing power) than investing in an Obama economy. I know several very successful businesses that started expanding once Trump was elected, literally within the month. The fact MSM could tell everyone the stock market would crash under Trump is a joke because the Wall Street investment community knew a Trump election meant a record stock market.

Stocks are trading at 16.5 times earnings, it is still not over valued.

Biden is so full of shit, people with money are not stupid and remember.
I had 3 different investment advisors that told me corporate balance sheets had stashed more cash away than anytime in our history under Obama and if Trump got elected it would be put back in the stock market over time and the stock market would rise to record levels.

Why? Because CEO’s so distrusted an Obama economy of tax the hell out of everyone and not provide write off’s for capital investment that CEO’s would rather lose money investing in cash (when you do this your return does not even keep up with inflation so your cash loses purchasing power) than investing in an Obama economy. I know several very successful businesses that started expanding once Trump was elected, literally within the month. The fact MSM could tell everyone the stock market would crash under Trump is a joke because the Wall Street investment community knew a Trump election meant a record stock market.

Stocks are trading at 16.5 times earnings, it is still not over valued.

Biden is so full of shit, people with money are not stupid and remember.

the attitude of prolific business owners i know changed from bunker to breakout when trump was elected

under otard
we couldn’t even get a pipeline built

the attitude of prolific business owners i know changed from bunker to breakout when trump was elected

under otard
we couldn’t even get a pipeline built


You basically had disinvestment under Obama, profits were converted to cash and sat on. Corporations said screw giving more money to the government via taxes.Trump did far more than restore investment and CEO confidence (which still is huge - investment and consumer sentiment does drive the economy), he deregulated, he passed sweeping tax reform that reduced taxes and included accelerated depreciation for capital investment, he created a better environment for manufacturing jobs to return this country, the types of jobs Dims looked down on, you know the jobs not good enough for a "new economy", the jobs middle America wants and needs but is below both Coasts. All of these simple things that Dims screeched would make the rich, even richer, hurt the environment, and destroy the stock market. NONE of it has come true, all time low unemployment, new jobs that have impacted every race, creed, and economic background.

Dims are clueless about the economy, they do not want a true free market economy that is financially results driven, but an economy that has a "social conscience" that leads to equal outcomes and the government deciding the winners and losers and 30 year olds in mom's basement. It keeps the poor, poor.

ANYONE that is a good businessman could have done what Trump has done, it did not take a magical wand. Just someone that said screw the government and growing the government, let's grow our companies and jobs. Look at how fast Trump turned it around, that is how dumb Dims are when it comes to the economy.

Remember the very first meetings held at the Trump white house? Remember? Obama could careless, he was on the America apology tour and wanted to make us poorer and the rest of the world richer.
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You also had multi-nationals parking Billions (Trillions?) in cash offshore to avoid repatriation taxes.
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You also had multi-nationals parking Billions (Trillions?) in cash offshore to avoid repatriation taxes.

Excellent point, it is amazing the list of stupid by Dims when it came to the economy, so many can not remember them all. It is truly sad just how clueless Dims are. All they know is tax the hell of everyone, kill business, and make the government HUGE and "take care of everyone".
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Excellent point, it is amazing the list of stupid by Dims when it came to the economy, so many can not remember them all. It is truly sad just how clueless Dims are. All they know is tax the hell of everyone, kill business, and make the government HUGE and "take care of everyone".

long island
killing amazon is all anyone needs to know
about demtards
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You basically had disinvestment under Obama, profits were converted to cash and sat on. Corporations said screw giving more money to the government via taxes.Trump did far more than restore investment and CEO confidence (which still is huge - investment and consumer sentiment does drive the economy), he deregulated, he passed sweeping tax reform that reduced taxes and included accelerated depreciation for capital investment, he created a better environment for manufacturing jobs to return this country, the types of jobs Dims looked down on, you know the jobs not good enough for a "new economy", the jobs middle America wants and needs but is below both Coasts. All of these simple things that Dims screeched would make the rich, even richer, hurt the environment, and destroy the stock market. NONE of it has come true, all time low unemployment, new jobs that have impacted every race, creed, and economic background.

Dims are clueless about the economy, they do not want a true free market economy that is financially results driven, but an economy that has a "social conscience" that leads to equal outcomes and the government deciding the winners and losers and 30 year olds in mom's basement. It keeps the poor, poor.

ANYONE that is a good businessman could have done what Trump has done, it did not take a magical wand. Just someone that said screw the government and growing the government, let's grow our companies and jobs. Look at how fast Trump turned it around, that is how dumb Dims are when it comes to the economy.

Remember the very first meetings held at the Trump white house? Remember? Obama could careless, he was on the America apology tour and wanted to make us poorer and the rest of the world richer.
nobama basically shut down the one did anything because there was no telling what the moron was going to do next. So, people were just treading water and waited. As soon as Trump was elected, everything changed 180 degrees.

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