Listening to his speech from his 1st Official Rally, highlights:
-Won't bad mouth any other Dem Candidates (We will see how long this lasts)
-Wants to bring unity to the County, then starts in the attacks against Trump
-Gives credit to himself and President Obama for the rocking economy, and Trump only inherited it like everything else in his life
-Free Community College Tuition, Investment in Job Training and Apprenticeships
-Stop Fighting, and Start Fixing (I think this will be a slogan he uses often)
-"Affordable Care Act was historical achievement" (not a good message, IMO)
-Give everyone an option to choose a Government Health Plan
-Green Infrastructure with clean energy revolution
-Won't bad mouth any other Dem Candidates (We will see how long this lasts)
-Wants to bring unity to the County, then starts in the attacks against Trump
-Gives credit to himself and President Obama for the rocking economy, and Trump only inherited it like everything else in his life
-Free Community College Tuition, Investment in Job Training and Apprenticeships
-Stop Fighting, and Start Fixing (I think this will be a slogan he uses often)
-"Affordable Care Act was historical achievement" (not a good message, IMO)
-Give everyone an option to choose a Government Health Plan
-Green Infrastructure with clean energy revolution