Joe Biden officially drops out

lol, again for the fourth time now, show me exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post.

Let me help you. Put in bold the two statements where I said one thing and then immediately refused it. Shouldn't be that hard since you claim it is so obvious.
Here ya go (again) sparky (Contradictory statements in bold):

I supported Bernie Sanders in 2020 and my second choice was Kamala Harris. I didn't vote for President Biden in the 2020 primary. While I do believe Biden has been a good President and I have defended his policy record (as well as defending him against right-wing lies and conspiracy theories), I wanted a serious progressive to challenge him in the primaries this year. I've stated my concerns about Biden on here, I have been consistent that I believe he should step aside, and I have been consistent in my support for Harris.”
I supported Bernie Sanders in 2020 and my second choice was Kamala Harris. I didn't vote for President Biden in the 2020 primary. While I do believe Biden has been a good President and I have defended his policy record (as well as defending him against right-wing lies and conspiracy theories), I wanted a serious progressive to challenge him in the primaries this year. I've stated my concerns about Biden on here, I have been consistent that I believe he should step aside, and I have been consistent in my support for Harris.”
Here ya go (again) sparky (Contradictory statements in bold):

I supported Bernie Sanders in 2020 and my second choice was Kamala Harris. I didn't vote for President Biden in the 2020 primary. While I do believe Biden has been a good President and I have defended his policy record (as well as defending him against right-wing lies and conspiracy theories), I wanted a serious progressive to challenge him in the primaries this year. I've stated my concerns about Biden on here, I have been consistent that I believe he should step aside, and I have been consistent in my support for Harris.”
I supported Bernie Sanders in 2020 and my second choice was Kamala Harris. I didn't vote for President Biden in the 2020 primary. While I do believe Biden has been a good President and I have defended his policy record (as well as defending him against right-wing lies and conspiracy theories), I wanted a serious progressive to challenge him in the primaries this year. I've stated my concerns about Biden on here, I have been consistent that I believe he should step aside, and I have been consistent in my support for Harris.”
For the fifth time now (🤣🤣), put in bold the two statements where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it. Show exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post.

Or just admit you can't and stop flailing around looking silly.
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Why do you guys believe lies and misrepresentations so easily?

I was actually watching CNN when this segment was aired. John King never once said that Democrats are worried that Shapiro's Jewish faith is a risk. The video is even given in that tweet and you can see that he doesn't say that.

Did you even watch the video?
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So you really believe Trump's lie that he had nothing to do with this when so many people around him had a lot to do with it? You really believe Trump's lies that he has nothing to do with this when he has actually publicly talked about doing many of the actions found in the plan?

Dang man, are you really that easy? And then you claim Trump is a moderate? Seriously?

I have some real nice ocean front property in Arizona that I would love to sell to you. Real cheap too. You game?

How do you know this? You haven't even read it. You don't even know what is in it. If you read itz for example, you would quickly see some things that Trump has already publicly advocated for. Which would show to you how Trump is lying to you, as he always does!

Now, tell me you aren't in a cult. You believe everything Trump tells you and you refuse to read anything that may challenge what Trump is telling you or potentially make you question Trump's true intentions.

You aren't interested in being informed. If you were, you would read Trump's Project 2025.

muppets kermit GIF

Driving Steve Martin GIF by Saturday Night Live

I pity the people in your life who take you seriously
For the fifth time now (🤣🤣), put in bold the two statements where I said one thing and then immediately refused it. Show exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post.

Or just admit you can't and stop flailing around looking silly.
I’ve done all I can do for you. I can’t help it if you’re to stupid to see what’s right there in front of you, or too dishonest to acknowledge it. Good night, skittles.
I’ve done all I can do for you.
No you haven't. All you have to do is bold the two statements (not the whole post) where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it. That is all. Not hard at all

For the sixth time now, show exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post.

Good night, skittles.
Look at who is "running and hiding" now lol! 🤣🤣
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No you haven't. All you have to do is bold the two statements (not the whole post) where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it. That is all. Not hard at all.

Look at who is "running and hiding" now lol! 🤣🤣
Nope, still here. Just not going to try to work with your dishonesty/illiteracy any longer.
Seriously, it's simple. Just bold the two statements (not the whole post) where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it. That is all. Not hard at all.

For the seventh time, back up your claim. Stop flailing and do it.
And for the seventh time, I showed you your contradictory statements, even in bold. No need to keep gaslighting since you were gaslit from the get-go.
And for the seventh time, I showed you your contradictory statements, even in bold.
No you didn't. You simply bolded my entire post which included numerous statements.

For the eighth time (🤣🤣), show exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post. Bold the two statements.

It is hilarious watching you flail around right now btw.🤣🤣
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All this tells me it that “Reading Comprehension” needs to taught more rigorously at Oklahoma University
Nope. Those are the three worst presidents. Carter, Obama, and Biden. At least in the age of electricity. I hear Buchanan was pretty bad, perhaps the worst.

PS. Yeah, we get it. You’re another lib masquerading as an NSG, and your mouth wrote a check that your brain can’t cash.
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No you didn't. You simply bolded my entire post which included numerous statements.

For the eighth time (🤣🤣), show exactly where I said one thing and then immediately refuted it in that post. Bold the two statements.

It is hilarious watching you flail around right now btw.🤣🤣
That’s because your entire post is self contradictory, dumbass. It’s really not hard to understand, except perhaps for a shoe-size IQ like you.
How so? Explain. Give your reasoning to back up this claim. Stop flailing and back your claim up.

This is now the ninth time you have been asked to back up your claim lol!🤣🤣
And for the ninth time, I’ve already explained it. Your self-gaslighting is quite comical, which is the only reason I continue to feed it.
See @Poketologist you dared to slight his dear leader, and now you are just another liberal masquerading as something else!


He is such a clown. A neo-fascist clown at that.
So you think he’s not a lib? It’s pretty well established on this board that the NSGs are left-leaning libs, but they won’t actually admit it because then they’d have to play defense.

And it’s not about any slight. He made a dumbass statement that he won’t back up.
KH is an absolutely horrid choice IF she is nominated at the convention. The libcomdems have so many problems with this situation now it palatable. The anti-libcomdem ads will be pure joy. If you’re in a state that is a Trump win and you’re up for reelection do you support her or even run harder and faster from her then you did. Iden.
1. What sane young libcomdem with future political viability as a presidential nominee would hook their rising star to that turd?
2. If she doesn’t get the nomination and they elect a honkey they will lose even more of the minority vote they have already lost.
3. If KH is the nominee she will lose. But that’s the end of her political shelf life and she will not be the candidate in 2028. The libcomdems will be able to go with someone infinitely better next cycle.
4. She will have to debate Trump, oh goody goody.
5. She is a bitch to work for and I suspect some of the people that resigned form her orbit will come out and spill the beans.
6. Lot of libcomdems and media now have to play suck up to her and why she would be a great choice for POTUS. Right after trying to convince America for the last 4 years that Joe Biden would be and has been a great president.
7. bet donors don’t donate as much as they would have if a functioning Biden was still in the race.
8. She is an extension of the disastrous 4 years and can not claim one single accomplishment of note, NOT 1!
9. Many people voted for Biden last time because he wasn’t Trump. A majority of them won’t do that again, even more so if KH is the nominee.

I think this is very good for R’s as long as they don’t F it up.
Are you forgetting Kamala's capable hands as "border czar?"
So you think he’s not a lib? It’s
I don't know what he is. But no, I don't think he is a lib just because he says he didn't like Trump as President. He also said he didn't like Biden as President either.

Plenty of Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, and moderates don't like Trump. You do know this, right?

He made a dumbass statement that he won’t back up.
What does he have to back up? He doesn't like Trump or Biden. That is his right to not like them. Dang dude, calm down.🙄

btw, you don't ever back up your statements. You literally just refused to back up a statement on this thread. So stop projecting.
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Actually they are now tied.
No they aren't.

President Biden will go down in history as having defeated Trump in a presidential election. Trump hasn't defeated a Biden in a presidential election, just Hillary Clinton.

Trump was responsible for Joe being removed today.
Wrong again, as usual.

President Biden was responsible for what happened due to his debate performance and his inability to calm the concerns of many Democrats after that debate. And Biden wasn't removed, he step down.
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No they aren't.

President Biden will go down in history as having defeated Trump in a presidential election. Trump hasn't defeated a Biden in a presidential election, just Hillary Clinton.

Wrong again, as usual.

President Biden was responsible for what happened due to his debate performance and his inability to calm the concerns of many Democrats after that debate. And Biden wasn't removed, he step down.

Yes they are. He lost to Trump in the debate and was never going to win in November so the CCP/DNC made him step down and its funny as hell! 🤣🤣
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He lost to Trump in the debate
President Biden lost the debate because of his own performance, it had nothing to do with Trump. Trump didn't look good in the debate and lied constantly. Trump just got lucky that Biden looked worse.

Up next though, we get to see the former prosecutor debate the convicted felon.😁
President Biden lost the debate because of his own performance, it had nothing to do with Trump. Trump didn't look good in the debate and lied constantly. Trump just got lucky that Biden looked worse.

Up next though, we get to see the former prosecutor debate the convicted felon.😁
Yep he lost then they made him step down. Keep telling yorself that his poll numbers played no part. Trump knocked his ass out of the Election, the CCP/Dims knew he was toast. 🤣🤣🤣
Prosecutor 🤣🤣 Cvnt is more like it.
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No he didn't. He can't lose an election in November that he won't be a part of lol!

Stop sounding foolish for once. Is that even possible?
Joe was facing a lot of pressure from Dims and the CCP/DNC MEDIA to step down. Nah he wasn't forced to do it especially since just days ago he was defiant in saying he wasn't going to and all of a sudden yesterday he is removed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Who is being foolish?

And yes Trump beat his ass in 2024 and knocked him out of the race.
Stop being a mouthpiece parroting dim bs for once and have a thought of your own.
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Joe was facing a lot of pressure from Dims and the CCP/DNC MEDIA to step down.
Yes, Biden was facing pressure to step aside from Democrats. And he stepped aside. He has not lost an election this year to Trump though.

Clear difference.

And yes Trump beat his ass in 2024 and knocked him out of the race.
Trump hasn't beat anyone this year except Republicans who challenged him for the Republican nomination. Simple as that.

I'm sorry but you are going to have to live with the fact that Biden beat Trump in 2020 and that Trump is now facing Harris in the 2024 election because Biden passed the torch to Harris.
Joe was facing a lot of pressure from Dims and the CCP/DNC MEDIA to step down. Nah he wasn't forced to do it especially since just days ago he was defiant in saying he wasn't going to and all of a sudden yesterday he is removed. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Who is being foolish?

And yes Trump beat his ass in 2024 and knocked him out of the race.
Stop being a mouthpiece parroting dim bs for once and have a thought of your own.
Trump forced him out. But for Joe what is worse? After 50 years in Washington DC they treated him like a whore on nickel night at the whorehouse. They raped him good. They will call him a hero but he will be remembered as the weekend at Bernie’s Prez by over half the country, 67% know he is unfit to serve. They don’t care about him as a person, just for power.

The Dim cabal got him, Joe became a political enemy when he could no longer win the election. Sadly, he deserved it, karma is a bitch. Good riddance to him.
Yes, Biden was facing pressure to step aside from Democrats. And he stepped aside. He has not lost an election this year to Trump though.

Clear difference.

Trump hasn't beat anyone this year except Republicans who challenged him for the Republican nomination. Simple as that.

I'm sorry but you are going to have to live with the fact that Biden beat Trump in 2020 and that Trump is now facing Harris in the 2024 election because Biden passed the torch to Harris.

You are pathetic.
Trump forced him out. But for Joe what is worse? After 50 years in Washington DC they treated him like a whore on nickel night at the whorehouse. They raped him good. They will call him a hero but he will be remembered as the weekend at Bernie’s Prez by over half the country, 67% know he is unfit to serve. They don’t care about him as a person, just for power.

The Dim cabal got him, Joe became a political enemy when he could no longer win the election. Sadly, he deserved it, karma is a bitch. Good riddance to him.
Trump got rid of 2 Longtime Corrupt Dims, Cank then Brandon. 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you President Trump!

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