Joe Biden approval

I agree. Let him. Let him speak directly to the American people on these issues, what his solutions are, and explaining to the American people who stands in the way of his proposals and/or real solutions. Not to the media, but to the American people.

And not just the issues you cited, but all the issues that are troubling a majority of Americans right now.

Biden needs to do this. He needs to also be more proactive. He needs to fight.

Because I'm not a right-winger who embraces conspiracy theories like you apparently do.

Biden knows good and well what is going on, and at times, he shows flashes of the leader he could be.

I don't expect you though to see this or understand this. See my above comment about the 35%-40% of Americans.

Where can I get my unicorn?
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Biden needs to do this. He needs to also be more proactive. He needs to fight.
Whether you like the Biden administration or not, "proactive" is not a word that anyone on any side of the aisle would use to describe Biden and his team. Baby formula shortage, nope? Taliban expansion during the Afghan draw-down, nope? Responding to inflation, lol. Thus far, this White House has shown it can only begin to respond to problems when they bubble up on their Twitter feeds.
You cannot be serious. If Biden confronted the people with his babbling about Putin's economy he would be cursed off the stage. Let him go address the people on our southern border. Let him address the masses on inflation and explain his justification for the strangle hold on the oil and gas industry when gas prices are over $5/gal. BTW: what makes you think Biden actually knows whats going on? Biden has no idea what he wants to do. Biden requires a Q-card with instructions more suited for a kindergartener. No one is standing in the way of what needs to be done. Biden is doing exactly what he wants to do, as instructed by his puppet masters. Biden is a parrot....nothing more than a talking head.
Next up the line in the Pedo’s puppet master chain of command is Barrack “Basement Biden“ Obama.
You cannot be serious. If Biden confronted the people with his babbling about Putin's economy he would be cursed off the stage. Let him go address the people on our southern border. Let him address the masses on inflation and explain his justification for the strangle hold on the oil and gas industry when gas prices are over $5/gal. BTW: what makes you think Biden actually knows whats going on? Biden has no idea what he wants to do. Biden requires a Q-card with instructions more suited for a kindergartener. No one is standing in the way of what needs to be done. Biden is doing exactly what he wants to do, as instructed by his puppet masters. Biden is a parrot....nothing more than a talking head.

Oh he serious and he will double down on his dipshittery. Its like watching a blind mouse go thru a maze.
Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.

AOC has been right recently on what she has been saying about Biden and that is why her tweet today in response to his call to codify Roe v. Wade is exactly on point.

That or get out of the way.
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I’m just reporting updated facts of a very reputable scientific poll

carry on

Scientific kind of like Fauci's?

Poll analyst Nate Silver found that Gallup's results were the least accurate of the 23 major polling firms Silver analyzed, having the highest incorrect average of being 7.2 points away from the final result.
The only polls worth reading are IBD, Rasmussen and Trafalgar. Rasmussen has Brandon’s approval at 44%. Trafalgar has Brandon at 40%…..Rasmussen has Repubs up 5% in the generic ballot over the Marxists.

Trafalgar was the only poll who had Trump winning Michigan in 2016. Trafalgar picked Trump in 2016 and 2020. Trump won Election Day 2020. The Dimm vote harvesting scheme flipped 2020 after Election Day.
Biden's approval rating has been climbing since mid-to-late July. According to 538, his average approval rating on July 21 was 37.5%. Today, it is 42.4%. Two of the last three polls (including a favorite of Republicans, Rasmussen) has him at 45%.

Low-to-mid 40s isn't great, but it is definitely better than the 30s. And considering our current political landscape, an upward trend is always good news.

Will be interesting to see if the trend upwards continues as we move closer to the midterm.
Biden's approval rating has been climbing since mid-to-late July. According to 538, his average approval rating on July 21 was 37.5%. Today, it is 42.4%. Two of the last three polls (including a favorite of Republicans, Rasmussen) has him at 45%.

Low-to-mid 40s isn't great, but it is definitely better than the 30s. And considering our current political landscape, an upward trend is always good news.

Will be interesting to see if the trend upwards continues as we move closer to the midterm.
Ha ha ha😂
The only polls worth reading are IBD, Rasmussen and Trafalgar. Rasmussen has Brandon’s approval at 44%. Trafalgar has Brandon at 40%…..Rasmussen has Repubs up 5% in the generic ballot over the Marxists.

The bump to Biden is completely about the base. Part of the low approval numbers were his base that believed he wasn't getting anything done. So far that looks to be about 5 points.

The generic congressional closed to dead even since Dobbs, but since Mar-a-Lago the republicans are on the climb again. The dems have not moved much, but the fed is announcing further interest hikes until inflation is under control with "some pain". The effects of the college give away have yet to be seen on the polls as well, but the future polling for Dems may not be as good as they want them to be.

The other question is how much the polls will start to weigh Dems like they usually do leading up to an election? At this point polls are what they are and trusting them for either side is a mixed bag. I'm still waiting for any poll to ask fully valid questions instead of loaded ca ca.
The other question is how much the polls will start to weigh Dems like they usually do leading up to an election? At this point polls are what they are and trusting them for either side is a mixed bag. I'm still waiting for any poll to ask fully valid questions instead of loaded ca ca.

Bingo! Polling bias (D/R/I). Who are they asking, and how are the questions "worded"? Makes a big difference.
Bingo! Polling bias (D/R/I). Who are they asking, and how are the questions "worded"? Makes a big difference.
Sample data is always the key. Notice how much sample data has changed the past few months? Where the Dimms fail miserably? Inflation, crime.

VA shelved the Dimm vote harvesting scheme in 2021. All 3 state wide seats flipped to red.

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