Joe Biden approval

Oh yeah, but in this case and to borrow from Fletcher Reede, Liar Liar

"a worthless steaming pile of cow dung, figuratively speaking"

Being fed this information is like walking behind a manure spreader with your eyes and mouth wide open.
Indeed my man. 👍
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Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.

AOC has been right recently on what she has been saying about Biden and that is why her tweet today in response to his call to codify Roe v. Wade is exactly on point.

Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.
We disagree on politics but I completely agree with you on this. He's been very reactive.... needs to be proactive and lead especially from now until November
He's been very reactive.... needs to be proactive and lead especially from now until November
I 100% agree and this is one reason he is seeing his support among Democrats slipping (along with other groups). There is a reason more and more Democrats are questioning whether he should seek re-election in '24. Democrats and some other Americans want to see him be more proactive and fight. They want him to lead.

He gains nothing by always taking a reactive stance.
Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.

AOC has been right recently on what she has been saying about Biden and that is why her tweet today in response to his call to codify Roe v. Wade is exactly on point.

This would require Biden to talk to the Public and media with more than a handful of bullet points and notecards. As long as he relegates himself to softball questions from far left allies and no real media access, noone will pay any attention to what he actually says.

Edit: It also will require the White House not "clarifying" his statements following every statement.
This would require Biden to talk to the Public and media with more than a handful of bullet points and notecards. As long as he relegates himself to softball questions from far left allies and no real media access, noone will pay any attention to what he actually says.

Edit: It also will require the White House not "clarifying" his statements following every statement.
Biden hastily ends press conference as reporters shout questions: ‘I’m out of here’

This would require Biden to talk to the Public and media with more than a handful of bullet points and notecards.
Note, I said talk to the people, not the media.

Biden needs to go directly to the people and explain to them what is going on, what he wants to do, and who is standing in the way of what he wants to do.
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Note, I said talk to the people, not the media.

Biden needs to go directly to the people and explain to them what is going on, what he wants to do, and who is standing in the way of what he wants to do.
Is he actually capable of doing that?

I sympathetically offer that question, because I want him to stay in office until the end of his term and do not want to see him railroaded out because of the waning support of Dems.
Biden hastily ends press conference as reporters shout questions: ‘I’m out of here’

When Trump did that he was crucified for dodging the media. Biden does it and it‘s okay because he’s a busy man.
Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.

AOC has been right recently on what she has been saying about Biden and that is why her tweet today in response to his call to codify Roe v. Wade is exactly on point.

AOC should show us her phat boobies.
Biden needs to start leading. He needs to use the bully pulpit more to talk with the American people about what is really going on and he needs to act far more forcefully on numerous issues. There will be about 35%-40% of the American electorate that he will never be able to convince or gain their support. He shouldn't worry about that though. He needs to lead, speak directly to the American people more, and act.

AOC has been right recently on what she has been saying about Biden and that is why her tweet today in response to his call to codify Roe v. Wade is exactly on point.

You lost me at quoting AOC as a logical source for any decision. If he decides to follow AOC’s advice he will be polling in the 20s in no time.
Note, I said talk to the people, not the media.

Biden needs to go directly to the people and explain to them what is going on, what he wants to do, and who is standing in the way of what he wants to do.
You cannot be serious. If Biden confronted the people with his babbling about Putin's economy he would be cursed off the stage. Let him go address the people on our southern border. Let him address the masses on inflation and explain his justification for the strangle hold on the oil and gas industry when gas prices are over $5/gal. BTW: what makes you think Biden actually knows whats going on? Biden has no idea what he wants to do. Biden requires a Q-card with instructions more suited for a kindergartener. No one is standing in the way of what needs to be done. Biden is doing exactly what he wants to do, as instructed by his puppet masters. Biden is a parrot....nothing more than a talking head.
You cannot be serious. If Biden confronted the people with his babbling about Putin's economy he would be cursed off the stage. Let him go address the people on our southern border. Let him address the masses on inflation and explain his justification for the strangle hold on the oil and gas industry when gas prices are over $5/gal. BTW: what makes you think Biden actually knows whats going on? Biden has no idea what he wants to do. Biden requires a Q-card with instructions more suited for a kindergartener. No one is standing in the way of what needs to be done. Biden is doing exactly what he wants to do, as instructed by his puppet masters. Biden is a parrot....nothing more than a talking head.
His whole cabinet should be eliminated. 0.02 is full of shit. Yet he thrives here.
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Nah give them all the rope they need, it’s obvious they are tying themselves in knots and will be hanging upside down soon
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His team in no way agrees with you.
I could care less what his team agrees with. If his team does disagree with this, President Biden should replace them. He needs to start listening to those Democrats who are saying what I'm saying.

That is if he really plans on seeking re-election in '24.
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I could care less what his team agrees with. If his team does disagree with this, President Biden should replace them. He needs to start listening to those Democrats who are saying what I'm saying.

That is if he really plans on seeking reelection in '24.
Biden is not running in 2024, he will be lucky to make it through his first term.
Let him go address the people on our southern border. Let him address the masses on inflation and explain his justification for the strangle hold on the oil and gas industry when gas prices are over $5/gal.
I agree. Let him. Let him speak directly to the American people on these issues, what his solutions are, and explaining to the American people who stands in the way of his proposals and/or real solutions. Not to the media, but to the American people.

And not just the issues you cited, but all the issues that are troubling a majority of Americans right now.

Biden needs to do this. He needs to also be more proactive. He needs to fight.

BTW: what makes you think Biden actually knows whats going on?
Because I'm not a right-winger who embraces conspiracy theories like you apparently do.

Biden knows good and well what is going on, and at times, he shows flashes of the leader he could be.

I don't expect you though to see this or understand this. See my above comment about the 35%-40% of Americans.
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