J6 terrorists versus J23 mostly peaceful protestors

What crime is the one on the right committing?

carry on
ClintonPedoScott sez:

Maybe you should be more cynical when AC posts something from Twitter

carry on
So, Joe never said white nationalism is the greatest security threat to the US? The DOJ never targeted Catholics that went to Latin mass because they were more likely to protest at abortion clinics and could be violent?

The symbolism remains. I never assumed for a minute where the photo was taken, does not matter.

The point remains people that support Hamas, a terrorist organization and is allowed more freedom of expression than other Americans due to their skin color and religious beliefs.

Of course, hypocritical Dims too stupid to understand their hypocrisy. Being critical of the photo itself just shows how tone deaf and STUPID Dims are.
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Wearing a tablecloth to mask it's identity before the terrorist strike.

carry on

carry on
How many Nuns have beheaded people on the internet or killed babies? Or protested on behalf of a terrorist org?

pedo on
How many Muslim women have been assaulted in this country just for wearing hijabs?

carry on
Lost that one and had to try again I see.

How many Muslim women have been targeted by the DOJ/FBI for their color of skin or religious beliefs only and with no known ties to a terrorist organization? You want to go there? That is the comparison. Want to expand the conversation? How many women have been killed for not covering properly in Iran or by Hamas? Or for being gay? How many have been killed in the US for this very reason.

pedo on
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carry on
This may be one of your dumbest posts yet.
So, Joe never said white nationalism is the greatest security threat to the US? The DOJ never targeted Catholics that went to Latin mass because they were more likely to protest at abortion clinics and could be violent?

The symbolism remains. I never assumed for a minute where the photo was taken, does not matter.

The point remains people that support Hamas, a terrorist organization and is allowed more freedom of expression than other Americans due to their skin color and religious beliefs.

Of course, hypocritical Dims too stupid to understand their hypocrisy. Being critical of the photo itself just shows how tone deaf and STUPID Dims are.
So should J23 protesters have their right to protest investigated like the J6 protesters, or should the J6 protesters have the same right to protest without bring investigated the same as the J23 protesters? (BTW are you sure the J23 protesters are *not* being investigated?)
So should J23 protesters have their right to protest investigated like the J6 protesters, or should the J6 protesters have the same right to protest without bring investigated the same as the J23 protesters? (BTW are you sure the J23 protesters are *not* being investigated?)

What’s hilarious about the dumbass hypocrisy of this argument is the fact many at the Capitol were never charged with anything or charges were dropped…the ones who fought law enforcement and entered it were rightfully charged and convicted and sentenced.

A strawman unto himself lol

carry on
What’s hilarious about the dumbass hypocrisy of this argument is the fact many at the Capitol were never charged with anything or charges were dropped…the ones who fought law enforcement and entered it were rightfully charged and convicted and sentenced.

A strawman unto himself lol

carry on
Well, when law enforcement does not enforce no confrontations happen. You don’t even know WTH you are watching. They were giving freedom to deface government property with hate language. Painting Hamas emblems in Washington DC? How in the hell is that not a hate crime?

The protesters of Jan 6th saw the summer of burn, loot, and murder and they were peaceful in comparison to the over 500 riots of that summer. Let’s compare the actual property damage and lives lost of those events.

Pedo on
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