It was a shitty bill

Confusing definition. Our society has evolved to the point it thinks it is morally and socially justified in bombing civilians in Syria. Does that mean the civilians in Syria have the "right" to be bombed? Try again.
Poor interpretation of what was written. Try again.
Poor interpretation of what was written. Try again.
Please enlighten me with the proper interpretation. I'm an old man that gets easily confused. I understood you to say society decides what our rights are. An idea straight out of Hegel, and Kant before him. You know, the philosophers the Nazis latched onto to justify their actions. Have I misinterpreted again?
Please enlighten me with the proper interpretation. I'm an old man that gets easily confused. I understood you to say society decides what our rights are. An idea straight out of Hegel, and Kant before him. You know, the philosophers the Nazis latched onto to justify their actions. Have I misinterpreted again?
LOL - you forget Nietzsche...
At what salary point do you get state provided healthcare?
In my warped world there is a base level of care everybody gets ... pay for more or better if you like. Said basic coverage is funded by progressive taxation. Does address incentivizing healthier lifestyles, that would be an education opportunity.
No in real life right now not in davidallen liberal utopia. How much can I make to get Medicaid?
And you can't talk about Hegel and not include Marx, but I digress.
No, the economists that worked with the Nazis hated Marx. Nietzsche was an afterthought to them. Hegel was their guy. He flatly declared the individual lived to serve at the will of the state. Kind of like you are doing, although I doubt you see it that way.
Incentivizing healthier lifestyles? For who? The majority of people who are the most unhealthy are poor and uneducated. Guess who doesn't have money to pay extra when they are unhealthy. The uneducated. Guess where the people without money get their food. From government food stamps which puts zero restrictions on the garbage you put in your body.

So the government pays for your fatness, pays for your healthcare whether you are healthy or not and you don't have the education to understand the benefits of nutrition and excercise anyway and oh guess what your neighborhood doesn't have a real grocery store because it got robbed 100 times a year in the 80's because some big brained do gooder provided "housing" in the form of big tall free apartments that deteriorated and led to gangs drugs and robberies in the liberal utopia called the projects.
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Please enlighten me with the proper interpretation. I'm an old man that gets easily confused. I understood you to say society decides what our rights are. An idea straight out of Hegel, and Kant before him. You know, the philosophers the Nazis latched onto to justify their actions. Have I misinterpreted again?

No, the economists that worked with the Nazis hated Marx. Nietzsche was an afterthought to them. Hegel was their guy. He flatly declared the individual lived to serve at the will of the state. Kind of like you are doing, although I doubt you see it that way.
If you'll respect my knowledge of the German philosophers I will respect yours of the hearts and minds of Nazis.

It is always treacherous to mention the word Nazi. People immediately assume you're accusing them of wanting to commit mass murder. Not my intention! I'm SPECIFICALLY referring to their economic policies, policies that have begun to take root in America. It is horrifying for me to witness. It is astonishing to me that people don't recognize it. The proposal and implementation of ObamaCare is just one of thousands - tens of thousands! - of actions our government is taking. All for our own good, our own protection, mind you. They're just here to help.
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I just wish they would've of passed the damn thing so we could see what was in it.

One of my other brothers Darrell has been drinking, but I refused to let him post anything remotely related to a tri-delt "smile", and what was "in" it.
I wonder if you could define a "right," and explain why healthcare fits into that definition.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Life -- Access to health care is a part of the right to life.
Liberty -- Access to health care is a part of the right to liberty
Pursuit of Happiness -- Access to health care is a part of the right to the pursuit of happiness.

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

The government of this country exists to secure our rights. Thus, the government, deriving its power from us, should ensure that all Americans have equal access to health care.

Government is not a bad word. There is a reason we have government.

Please explain how that would work.

One proposal, Medicare for All...

Implement or continue the following:
(1) 6.2% income-based health care premium paid by employers
(2) 2.2% income-based premium paid by households (with protection for lower income households)
(3) Progressive income tax rate
(4) Tax capital gains and dividends the same as income from work
(5) Limit the tax deductions that those making over $250,000 love to use
(6) Estate tax (which would affect .03% of the population who inherit over 3.5 million)

Also, savings would play a big role in this. Most studies estimate a savings of over $300 billion a year if the USA would transition to a single payer system. This is especially true with a system that is focused on preventative health care.

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It is always treacherous to mention the word Nazi. People immediately assume you're accusing them of wanting to commit mass murder. Not my intention! I'm SPECIFICALLY referring to their economic policies, policies that have begun to take root in America. It is horrifying for me to witness. It is astonishing to me that people don't recognize it. The proposal and implementation of ObamaCare is just one of thousands - tens of thousands! - of actions our government is taking. All for our own good, our own protection, mind you. They're just here to help.

Seems to be a mighty fine line you are now trying to draw between economic Nazism/Nationalist Socialism and all that other "stuff". Especially when you were painting with a pretty wide brush in the beginning.

Please enlighten me with the proper interpretation. I'm an old man that gets easily confused. I understood you to say society decides what our rights are. An idea straight out of Hegel, and Kant before him. You know, the philosophers the Nazis latched onto to justify their actions. Have I misinterpreted again?

No, the economists that worked with the Nazis hated Marx. Nietzsche was an afterthought to them. Hegel was their guy. He flatly declared the individual lived to serve at the will of the state. Kind of like you are doing, although I doubt you see it that way.

But this isn't my argument. I just took the opportunity to post a goofy, punny meme .gif. It's all good.
Seems to be a mighty fine line you are now trying to draw between economic Nazism/Nationalist Socialism and all that other "stuff". Especially when you were painting with a pretty wide brush in the beginning.

But this isn't my argument. I just took the opportunity to post a goofy, punny meme .gif. It's all good.
My problem is I know what I mean when I say it. But apparently I don't say what I mean.
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