It’s sad…

This isn't what I'm saying at all.

I believe President Biden has done a good job as President. I believe he has been President and no one else. And I and many other Americans will always be thankful to him for defeating Trump in 2020.
Before addressing the crowd directly, the First Lady helped Mr Biden on stage at a 'Let's Go Joe' event in Atlanta. “Joe, you did such a good job. You answered every question, you knew all the facts. Let me ask the crowd - what did Trump do?

You say he did horribly, but Jill leads him around like a toddler and talks to him like one as well. Your right Joe was president all by himself. Man use some common sense, you only have 2 right?
You say he did horribly, but Jill leads him around like a toddler and talks to him like one as well.
She is his wife and clearly loves him. And she acts just like many other elderly women do with their elderly husbands, and vice versa.

Your right Joe was president all by himself.
Provide some real evidence that he wasn't, and we will have a discussion about it. Until then, all the evidence shows that he was and still is the President. Old, yes. Receive help as all President do? Yes again.
She is his wife and clearly loves him. And she acts just like many other elderly women do with their elderly husbands, and vice versa.

Provide some real evidence that he wasn't, and we will have a discussion about it. Until then, all the evidence shows that he was and still is the President. Old, yes. Receive help as all President do? Yes again.
The guy's operating system crashed on the first question in the first 15 seconds. Yeah, that guy is running the country.

On another note. I read that Trump has another felony for the Murder last night.
That is a bs excuse and doesn't even begin to explain (or excuse) what we saw from the President both in his own performance and his inability to respond to the nonsense rambling that we saw from Trump.

President Biden got a little bit stronger towards the end of the debate, but by then, the damage was done.

It is time for some influential Democrats to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with the President. It is actually past time.

Can you comment on bidens staff/admin and the completely independent press telling us how Joe is as sharp as ever? I can provide a list. How big of a coverup was this and how little do they think of our country to think people wouldnt find out?
No, it is country over Donald Trump. I care very much for this country and that is exactly why I will not vote for Trump, and will vote for the one candidate that has an actual chance of defeating him in November. It is also why I left the Republican Party when Trump won the nomination in 2016. I didn't place party over country back then either.

This is what you fail to understand Bearcat. There are many people just like me. Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. We will never ever vote for Trump. Because we truly believe Trump is an existential threat to this country that we love.

It is all about our country for us.
Why is Trump an existential threat? Maybe you can finally provide the evidence you refused to provide in the past. And no, “Reeeeee!!!! FaScIsT!!!!!”, is not evidence.
No, it is country over Donald Trump. I care very much for this country and that is exactly why I will not vote for Trump, and will vote for the one candidate that has an actual chance of defeating him in November. It is also why I left the Republican Party when Trump won the nomination in 2016. I didn't place party over country back then either.

This is what you fail to understand Bearcat. There are many people just like me. Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans. We will never ever vote for Trump. Because we truly believe Trump is an existential threat to this country that we love.

It is all about our country for us.
Yes, President Biden has made progress on some of what I mentioned. But there is still more progress that is needed, much more on some of what I mentioned.

As for your percentage question, that is hard for me to do because I am a progressive Democrat and for me, there is always more policy initiatives that I think President Biden should pursue and complete. But, I know that President Biden isn't as progressive as I am and therefore, I must judge him as the liberal leaning moderate that he is.

Instead of giving a percentage completion, I would say that so far, I give President Biden a B grade as President. He has accomplished a lot and I think he has been an above average President so far in terms of accomplishments. President Biden's (or his administration) political weaknesses though, IMO, are communication and his age. I also think President Biden should be more bold with the policy initiatives he pursues, but again, that is probably the progressive in me talking.
So, You were a republican in 2016 and became a progressive Dem? Wow, Sybil much? Both quotes are from June of 2024.
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These mindless idiots had their chance with RFK Jr. but marched in lockstep like they were told in the Nazi goose step style. They always do what they're told and will continue to do so.

But, but, but, but Trump!


And then we would have President Harris.😁

With that said, removing President Biden with the 25th Amendment isn't going to happen.
Why is it when President Trump makes a Twitter post about Covfefe, its worth a discussion about the 25 amendment on every liberal news station. But when video after video of Biden completely unable to process his own thoughts and respond or behave coherently are shown, its not even worth discussing?

Let me guess: #thatsdifferent
These mindless idiots had their chance with RFK Jr. but marched in lockstep like they were told in the Nazi goose step style. They always do what they're told and will continue to do so.

But, but, but, but Trump!


Its ironic, but based on what I've seen and read about last night's performance, RFK Jr. might have been the biggest winner of the night.
She is his wife and clearly loves him. And she acts just like many other elderly women do with their elderly husbands, and vice versa.

Provide some real evidence that he wasn't, and we will have a discussion about it. Until then, all the evidence shows that he was and still is the President. Old, yes. Receive help as all President do? Yes again.
Spoken like a loyal cult member.
So, You were a republican in 2016 and became a progressive Dem?
Yep. I was always more of an Eisenhower Republican, which doesn't exist anymore. I have become much more progressive over the years.

First presidential candidate I voted for was W. Bush in 2000. Didn't vote for a Democrat for President until 2016. The nomination of Trump was the last straw for me when it came to the Republican Party.
The guy's operating system crashed on the first question in the first 15 seconds. Yeah, that guy is running the country.
You realize this wasn't the first bad debate performance by a incumbent President in his first reelection debate, correct? Was Reagan not running the country in 1984 after his first horrible debate performance that made everyone concerned about his age?

Look, I agree with you that President Biden had a horrible debate performance and he clearly experienced age decline over the past four years. I've stated I want a new Democratic presidential nominee. I just disagree with your conspiracy theory that President Biden isn't the President and isn't running the country.
Yep. I was always more of an Eisenhower Republican, which doesn't exist anymore. I have become much more progressive over the years.

First presidential candidate I voted for was W. Bush in 2000. Didn't vote for a Democrat for President until 2016. The nomination of Trump was the last straw for me when it came to the Republican Party.
R to a Progressive D, and Biden being a "moderate" wasn't as far left as you. Eisenhower favored a more moderate course, one that he called Modern Republicanism, which preserved individual freedom and the market economy yet insured that government would provide necessary assistance to workers who had lost their jobs or to the ill or aged, who through no fault of their own, could not provide for ...

Yep your full of 💩
Yep. I was always more of an Eisenhower Republican, which doesn't exist anymore. I have become much more progressive over the years.

First presidential candidate I voted for was W. Bush in 2000. Didn't vote for a Democrat for President until 2016. The nomination of Trump was the last straw for me when it came to the Republican Party.
Eisenhower implemented operation "wetback" and was adamantly against illegal immigration, something you are strongly against. I'm calling BS on you ever being a Eisenhower Republican.

Country over Trump.

I will never vote for Donald Trump. He is an existential threat to this country. President Biden is not.
You are right that he is an existential threat. So much so that China had to release a virus to shut down the global economy to prevent the global economic dominance that 4 more years of Trump would have led to.
They are moving on with the sept debate and he does not want to drop out.

I'm sure Biden doesn't want to drop out, but once they explain they will quit covering his ass and out his criminal acts he will readily step down. Democrats will reward him with a few million like they did Bernie and he will go away.
I'm sure Biden doesn't want to drop out, but once they explain they will quit covering his ass and out his criminal acts he will readily step down. Democrats will reward him with a few million like they did Bernie and he will go away.
He has to drop. On fox kailey just said some states you have to die to be removed. So he would have to drop.
He has to drop. On fox kailey just said some states you have to die to be removed. So he would have to drop.
Death not out of the question, look at Jeffrey Epstein. They inject him with drugs all the time, just give him some of that CIA untraceable shit. They will do anything to remain in power.
He has to drop. On fox kailey just said some states you have to die to be removed. So he would have to drop.
After seeing him last nigh it wouldn't surprise me if Biden dropped dead today. Add in Hillary's desire to become President and the coincidental deaths that have surrounded the Clintons their entire political career it wouldn't surprise me if Hillary was placing an order with the suicide hotline.
R to a Progressive D, and Biden being a "moderate" wasn't as far left as you. Eisenhower favored a more moderate course, one that he called Modern Republicanism,

I considered myself a moderate Republican. I also admired progressive Republicans in history, such as Theodore Roosevelt and Robert M. La Follette. Still do (don't you see my signature?). My favorite President then and now was/is Abraham Lincoln.

I was having my doubts about the Republican Party before 2016, but Trump was the last straw for me. I could not remain in a party that would nominate someone like him to be President. So I became a Democrat. And since then, I've become more progressive.

It's the complete truth. Yes, I know it challenges what you want to believe. But it's the truth, and I'm far from being the only person who left when Republicans embraced Trump.