
There is no NATO plan for a NATO country that attacks another country.
Turkey is the NATO country that will have been attacked. Israel will have been the country that will have attacked a member of NATO. At that point it will be up to NATO (the US & its vassals) to put up or shut up. Honor your pledge or betray it. We both know what the US would do: bye bye NATO member, bye bye America’s word, kiss the Zionist ring.
Exactly the point I made earlier: for some unknown and unexplained reason Israel is of vastly more importance than the alliance that has kept western Europe and America glued together for the last half century. I find that odd. I’d be surprised if you didn’t.
No I didn't find it odd. It's logical. We will use Germany as the case subject. After the Holocaust the German people have felt a sense of guilt over what happened. They still do today. That guilt is extremely powerful, and would cause Germany to second guess it's alliance to Turkey that doesn't give Germany any benefit.

Turkey is the odd country in NATO. Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine culturally fit better than Turkey. Turkey has more in common with Russia than France.
No I didn't find it odd. It's logical. We will use Germany as the case subject. After the Holocaust the German people have felt a sense of guilt over what happened. They still do today. That guilt is extremely powerful, and would cause Germany to second guess it's alliance to Turkey that doesn't give Germany any benefit.

Turkey is the odd country in NATO. Sweden, Finland, and Ukraine culturally fit better than Turkey. Turkey has more in common with Russia than France.
I agree. So what. Turkey is a member of NATO. NATO members either have each others’ backs or they don’t. They either honor their pledge or they don’t. We both know under this scenario the US would not defend Turkey against Israel; just the other way around to be exact. So the unspoken word is the US values its servitude to its Zionist masters far more than keeping its word to a fellow NATO ally. In other words America would betray its word to a NATO ally if Israel is in the mix. That can’t be of much comfort to the vassal states that have made it clear they will be loyal to America. That leads me to another uncomfortable point. America is like Donald Trump: demand unconditional loyalty while offering nothing in return but false promises.
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And staging offensive weapons is an act of aggression which would make Israel's actions defensive.

Make Istanbul Constantinople Again. (MICA)
That would almost certainly be Israel’s excuse for the attack. We must never lose sight that in Israel’s eyes it is always the victim. However, Turkey could maintain the staging of which you speak was nothing more than a military exercise, maybe a joint exercise with another country, say Iran, and was not the aggression Israel claimed. Who does NATO believe, their sworn ally or their Zionist superiors? I think we both know the answer to that. For some reason you seem reluctant to say the obvious out loud. Cat got your tongue?
It's pretty obvious that in your eyes, Israel is always in the wrong. It's boring, learn to think objectively, without emotion clouding your judgment.
Rather than make it about me why don’t you stick to the subject. Does Israel matter more to the US than the NATO alliance? If a conflict erupted between Israel and Turkey with the clear fact being Israel started it would the US back its NATO ally or its Zionists bosses? I say it would back the Zionists. What say you?
Turkey is the NATO country that will have been attacked. Israel will have been the country that will have attacked a member of NATO. At that point it will be up to NATO (the US & its vassals) to put up or shut up. Honor your pledge or betray it. We both know what the US would do: bye bye NATO member, bye bye America’s word, kiss the Zionist ring.
Israel would only attack Turkey if it were on the verge of attacking Israel like Arab countries were in 67. I'm positive before it ever went that far the US and NATO would tell Turkey where it stands.
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Israel would only attack Turkey if it were on the verge of attacking Israel like Arab countries were in 67. I'm positive before it ever went that far the US and NATO would tell Turkey where it stands.
Dan doesn’t think these kinds of things through. He’s not a thinker. He’s a feeler.
Rather than make it about me why don’t you stick to the subject. Does Israel matter more to the US than the NATO alliance? If a conflict erupted between Israel and Turkey with the clear fact being Israel started it would the US back its NATO ally or its Zionists bosses? I say it would back the Zionists. What say you?
I don't care to address your subject because emotional thinkers bore me. Case in point, other posters here have tried to objectively answer your question, and if it wasn't the response you wanted to hear, you dismissed it.

Emotional thinkers cannot be reasoned with. So I don't waste my time.
I agree. So what. Turkey is a member of NATO. NATO members either have each others’ backs or they don’t. They either honor their pledge or they don’t. We both know under this scenario the US would not defend Turkey against Israel; just the other way around to be exact. So the unspoken word is the US values its servitude to its Zionist masters far more than keeping its word to a fellow NATO ally. In other words America would betray its word to a NATO ally if Israel is in the mix. That can’t be of much comfort to the vassal states that have made it clear they will be loyal to America. That leads me to another uncomfortable point. America is like Donald Trump: demand unconditional loyalty while offering nothing in return but false promises.
You leave out that Turkey has not been a very good ally fore some time. The NATO alliance is a two way street. Turkey should understand these dynamics and leave Israel alone if it values its NATO membership. They obviously don't and have shown that to be true over and over again. The US has stuck by Turkey for a very long time, even turning a blind eye to how Turkey treated the Kurds, so the US being my way or the highway has not been the relationship at all. You are trying to attack the US when there is just as much fault on Turkey.
Israel would only attack Turkey if it were on the verge of attacking Israel like Arab countries were in 67. I'm positive before it ever went that far the US and NATO would tell Turkey where it stands.
You're trying too hard to change the dynamic. The hypothetical says Israel *DID* attack first. So accepting that the question becomes which country would America support. You've already said *you* would support Israel, so we know where you stand. Set that aside and consider which side would America support? We both know the answer is Ameria would support Israel over its NATO ally. It's curious why you try so hard to avoid saying it.
I don't care to address your subject because emotional thinkers bore me. Case in point, other posters here have tried to objectively answer your question, and if it wasn't the response you wanted to hear, you dismissed it.

Emotional thinkers cannot be reasoned with. So I don't waste my time.
You are in error. Other posters have tried to change the purpose of the question in order to avoid answering it. There has been nothing emotional from my side of the question. I say America would do the bidding of its Zionist overlords. How about you? Do you think America would come to Turkey's aid, their NATO ally they have pledged to aid in such a circumstance, or would they betray that pledge and do what the Zionists told them to do? It should be a very easy question to answer. From my perspective it has been the others who have responded with emotion. I haven't called anyone names (a telltale sign of emotion), I've just informed those who avoid answering the question by finding a myriad of reasons to change the dynamic that they are not answering the question as asked, they're answering the question they want to answer.
You leave out that Turkey has not been a very good ally fore some time. The NATO alliance is a two way street. Turkey should understand these dynamics and leave Israel alone if it values its NATO membership. They obviously don't and have shown that to be true over and over again. The US has stuck by Turkey for a very long time, even turning a blind eye to how Turkey treated the Kurds, so the US being my way or the highway has not been the relationship at all. You are trying to attack the US when there is just as much fault on Turkey.
Once again what you say, while true, has *nothing* to do with the question. If Israel attacks Turkey would the US honor its NATO pledge, or would it turn its back on its ally and support Israel with the same vigor as it supports it against Gaza? No excuse you have offered to let NATO off the hook has anything to do with whether NATO would slither off the hook upon Israel's orders? The question is easy to answer: either NATO (America) betrays its NATO pledge or it doesn't. I'm not looking for excuses for why America would betray its ally. I'm simply asking you whether it would or wouldn't. Oh, and by the way, I haven't attacked America by asking the question. This is something that could happen. What do you think the US would do if it does?
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You are in error. Other posters have tried to change the purpose of the question in order to avoid answering it. There has been nothing emotional from my side of the question. I say America would do the bidding of its Zionist overlords. How about you? Do you think America would come to Turkey's aid, their NATO ally they have pledged to aid in such a circumstance, or would they betray that pledge and do what the Zionists told them to do? It should be a very easy question to answer. From my perspective it has been the others who have responded with emotion. I haven't called anyone names (a telltale sign of emotion), I've just informed those who avoid answering the question by finding a myriad of reasons to change the dynamic that they are not answering the question as asked, they're answering the question they want to answer.

This post takes the mental disorder jokes off the table.

It’s not funny when it’s actually happening.
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This post takes the mental disorder jokes off the table.

It’s not funny when it’s actually happening.
It would not be funny if Israel attacked Turkey preemptively. It has a precedent for doing something like that, but that was not against an American/NATO ally. At first blush one might think it would put America and its NATO vassals in a bind. But I have no doubt what America would do. I don't understand why the other posters have so studiously avoided admitting that Israel means more to America than western Europe. We all know that it does. Why is it so hard for you to say it out loud?
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Once again what you say, while true, has *nothing* to do with the question. If Israel attacks Turkey would the US honor its NATO pledge, or would it turn its back on its ally and support Israel with the same vigor as it supports it against Gaza? No excuse you have offered to let NATO off the hook has anything to do with whether NATO would slither off the hook upon Israel's orders? The question is easy to answer: either NATO (America) betrays its NATO pledge or it doesn't. I'm not looking for excuses for why America would betray its ally. I'm simply asking you whether it would or wouldn't. Oh, and by the way, I haven't attacked America by asking the question. This is something that could happen. What do you think the US would do if it does?
Kick Turkey out of NATO.
Kick Turkey out of NATO.
I’m sorry, I just saw this. Kicking Turkey out of the alliance could seriously weaken the stranglehold NATO has tried to wrap around Russia. Personally I’m fine with kicking Turkey out - hell, I’m good with dissolving NATO altogether. But until Turkey is kicked out the question remains: how important is NATO to the NATO countries (the US & those countries that do its bidding)? Does it honor its commitment, or does it roll over for Israel? Personally I find the situation to be fascinating. I still don’t understand why you are so reluctant to take the bull by the horns and just answer the question as asked. We both know the US would back Israel. We both know Israel owns our politicians and thus our government. It shouldn’t be that hard for you to say it. You’ve been in Israel’s pocket from the outset, that’s something else we both know. So why can’t you just cowboy up and say it?
I’m sorry, I just saw this. Kicking Turkey out of the alliance could seriously weaken the stranglehold NATO has tried to wrap around Russia. Personally I’m fine with kicking Turkey out - hell, I’m good with dissolving NATO altogether. But until Turkey is kicked out the question remains: how important is NATO to the NATO countries (the US & those countries that do its bidding)? Does it honor its commitment, or does it roll over for Israel? Personally I find the situation to be fascinating. I still don’t understand why you are so reluctant to take the bull by the horns and just answer the question as asked. We both know the US would back Israel. We both know Israel owns our politicians and thus our government. It shouldn’t be that hard for you to say it. You’ve been in Israel’s pocket from the outset, that’s something else we both know. So why can’t you just cowboy up and say it?
Because I don't agree with that assessment. Both entitles are important to the US. Its more likely the US would look for a middle ground to preserve Israeli relations, NATO relations, and passify Turkey.
Because I don't agree with that assessment. Both entitles are important to the US. Its more likely the US would look for a middle ground to preserve Israeli relations, NATO relations, and passify Turkey.
You make an excellent point. What middle ground do you think the US could devise that would quell Turkish anger after being militarily attacked? What if Turkey insisted NATO come to its defense like it promised it would? What would the US do then?
You make an excellent point. What middle ground do you think the US could devise that would quell Turkish anger after being militarily attacked? What if Turkey insisted NATO come to its defense like it promised it would? What would the US do then?
First the US would most likely tell Turkey to knock it off, and tell Israel not to fire if they want any further assistance from the US. When that fails the US would have to tell Turkey not to retaliate, if they do they get some free F-16s, tanks, and or patriot batteries to add to their inventory. If that fails the NATO countries would warn Turkey that support from NATO will be diplomatic at first. They would then install patriot batteries and other defensive arms that might be able to stop Israeli missiles and planes. If it goes further than that NATO would be seriously considering kicking Turkey out. Appeasement after that may not be possible and expect Turkey to ally themselves with Iran and Russia. Which is historicaly what Turkey has done in the past. They are wishy washy on thier own alliances.

All if that is hypothetical but based on what I know of history and from being in Turkey. The turks don't have strong hold on thier own society and thier military was only moderately successful against Syrian rebels and ISIS. They nearly destroyed the Kurds alliance with the US in the process. They realy have a singular hatred of the Kurdish culture. I've never fully understood it, but it's based on the Kurds laying claim on thier traditional lands which includes parts of Turkey.