Israel Attacks

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
An area of Syria where there are Russian military forces. Of course Israel would attack there, attacking is what Israel does best. Zionists are such a peace loving people. We should aspire to be just like the Zionists. Attack, attack, attack! In the name of self-defense, of course.

How dare the Israelis attack Hezbollah. Never mind the thousands of missiles they've launched into Israel over the last year. Israel is supposed to absorb any and all attacks against it without response. After all Hezbollah and Hamas are peace loving organization who merely want every Jew dead. Nothing wrong with that, right Dan.
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How dare the Israelis attack Hezbollah. Never mind the thousands of missiles they've launched into Israel over the last year. Israel is supposed to absorb any and all attacks against it without response. After all Hezbollah and Hamas are peace loving organization who merely want every Jew dead. Nothing wrong with that, right Dan.
I know! 8000 Israeli missiles into Lebanon vs 2000 Hezbollah missiles into Israel is a perfect combination. Hundreds of dead Lebanese vs 33 Israelis is the right formula. God has decreed it!
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An area of Syria where there are Russian military forces. Of course Israel would attack there, attacking is what Israel does best. Zionists are such a peace loving people. We should aspire to be just like the Zionists. Attack, attack, attack! In the name of self-defense, of course.

Oh're Team Putin as well as Team Terror. What a fine human you are.
I know! 8000 Israeli missiles into Lebanon vs 2000 Hezbollah missiles into Israel is a perfect combination. Hundreds of dead Lebanese vs 33 Israelis is the right formula. God has decreed it!
Wrong. Hezbollah started launching missiles into Israel on October 8th, the day after October 7th. Israel had yet to respond to Hamas's attack at that point. Since that time Hezbollah has launched over 8000 missiles into Israel with the latest attack targeting Tel Aviv. 70K Israelis have been forced to flee their homes in the north and many Israelis are forced to sleep in bomb shelters to avoid Hezbollah rocket attacks.

Israel has been forced to build untold numbers of bomb shelters to protect it's citizens. Your beloved terrorist groups could give a shit about it's people and uses them for propaganda purposes, which you fall for every time.

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