

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Apr 21, 2006
I have it. These refugees aren't running to the arms of the great white Satan from baptists. They aren't running from Jewish or catholic armies. They are running from Muslims.

I wouldn't care if trump did ban all Muslims. My "bigotry" doesn't cut off heads. It doesn't kill gays. It doesn't kill infidels.

What the Middle East needs is progressives. Liberals need to go there and bring them up to our level and then they can come back and start bitching about feminism and gay rights.
I work around Muslims every day. I can hear four languages on my way to the shitter. However they are all educated or being educated. I've never had an issue but these aren't refugees which in any culture the uneducated are usually tied to literal interpretation of religious texts.
Put it this way - Why isn't there Buddhistphobia? Why isn't Hindiphobia a thing? Christophobia?

Islamophibia exists because Islamofascist terrorism is statistically disproportionate to any other ideology.

I guess I have a different view, I have worked with and known many Muslims, been to many countries that were predominantly Muslim, never had a problem. But lived for many years where we had to be very careful where we went and what we did because of a Christian based terrorist group. They struck several times, some close by. Found out the guy that lived next door was a white supremacists, lived next door for 4 years, used to go to dinner with them all the time, no idea
I guess I have a different view, I have worked with and known many Muslims, been to many countries that were predominantly Muslim, never had a problem. But lived for many years where we had to be very careful where we went and what we did because of a Christian based terrorist group. They struck several times, some close by. Found out the guy that lived next door was a white supremacists, lived next door for 4 years, used to go to dinner with them all the time, no idea
Most Muslims aren't terrorists. But these days, a lot of the terrorists are Muslim.
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I guess I have a different view, I have worked with and known many Muslims, been to many countries that were predominantly Muslim, never had a problem. But lived for many years where we had to be very careful where we went and what we did because of a Christian based terrorist group. They struck several times, some close by. Found out the guy that lived next door was a white supremacists, lived next door for 4 years, used to go to dinner with them all the time, no idea
White supremacists are Christian based terrorists?
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I just thought it was strange that I knew the guy, nice family, three kids ,for years and never knew until he showed me his garage on day
I guess I have a different view, I have worked with and known many Muslims, been to many countries that were predominantly Muslim, never had a problem. But lived for many years where we had to be very careful where we went and what we did because of a Christian based terrorist group. They struck several times, some close by. Found out the guy that lived next door was a white supremacists, lived next door for 4 years, used to go to dinner with them all the time, no idea

How many Christian terrorist attracts were there? And how many people were there? I think there are 250,000 Muslim terrorists in the world.
You do know that the US supports a lot of these terrorist groups, including some Islamic terrorist group
I guess I have a different view, I have worked with and known many Muslims, been to many countries that were predominantly Muslim, never had a problem. But lived for many years where we had to be very careful where we went and what we did because of a Christian based terrorist group. They struck several times, some close by. Found out the guy that lived next door was a white supremacists, lived next door for 4 years, used to go to dinner with them all the time, no idea

Your anecdotal experiences are statistically irrelevant. No offense. Mine are too. Did you take stat 1 at OSU?
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Been going on for decades, he won't stop that

Hopefully there's a lot of things that have been going on for decades that will soon be gone.

It's only been 3 weeks. Give him some time before you decide he won't get rid of something.
Are you on the National Security Council, in the CIA, etc.? Is there some reason you can't go into detail?

They've been around since the early 80's supposedly wanting to establish an independent state. Recently giving up their goal of an independent state and now just want autonomous from any nation.

Sounds like warlords that want to return to tribal days and ignore the modernization of the world and recognition of nation states.
@COWBOYintheUK I can accept that.

However, if the US is supposedly getting out of Iraq then there shouldn't be a need for continued support.

The continued "picking" of sides to support in the ME has been FUBAR for decades and needs to stop sometime and maybe Trump's administration can be the one to do it.
Speaking of Avionics, I saw a B1 do a barrel roll over TAFB. My dad worked on them for 20 years after 20 years on C141 starlifters and AWACS.
Speaking of Avionics, I saw a B1 do a barrel roll over TAFB. My dad worked on them for 20 years after 20 years on C141 starlifters and AWACS.
I worked Avionics on F-111s then F-15Es for 17 years then Became an analyst for last 4. Tried to move over to B-1s at one time

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