Is this the winning we were promised?

Im sure you've got something much more smug than that.
This is about it right now... Watered down EO, 0-3 on repeal, truth on "saved" jobs coming out, Kushner lawyering up like crazy, Mueller settling in for the long haul, NK flipping the bird, Syria doing whatever it pleases.... Tough time to be a Trumpet.
This is about it right now... Watered down EO, 0-3 on repeal, truth on "saved" jobs coming out, Kushner lawyering up like crazy, Mueller settling in for the long haul, NK flipping the bird, Syria doing whatever it pleases.... Tough time to be a Trumpet.
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Credit where credit is due.

This is the esrablishment GOP 'never Trump' arm of the resistance. McConnel is a F'ing snake. Who is the right?
But the governors - am I right - all those GOP governors... How could it have come down to Trump not hanging on to support from all those governors?
Who is this winner?

An ultra-liberal who passed away about a year ago. But a very likeable guy. Many of us miss him.

An ultra-liberal who passed away about a year ago. But a very likeable guy. Many of us miss him.

Well sorry to hear that, I'll be over here removing my foot from my mouth.

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