Is this fascist?

Or maybe communist. Difficult to tell sometimes.

I'd love for someone to ask her if she still advocates for this type of policy.
Communist. A fascist would just put thier guy in charge of the company that will do what she wants instead of taking complete control. A communist just takes it.
Communism is the "marketing message". The goal and end result is Authoritarianism - consolidating power within the government in order dictate to the Citizens.
In the US with property rights and market economy, you can also call it Fascism since it violates our laws.
I have stated here many times that communism and fascism are both different forms and degrees of socialism and backed it up with evidence. The end results are the same.
I have stated here many times that communism and fascism are both different forms and degrees of socialism and backed it up with evidence. The end results are the same.
Yup - they use the marketing message most appealing to the population. But one thing is clear, they are doggedly focused on consolidating power eventually to become completely untethered from the Citizens.
She’s a POS Communist.

And her POS VP pick (another Marxist) doesn’t believe in free speech).

The big thing here is that gov is deciding misinformation. He has it so backward it's hard to believe he was a teacher/coach. The constitution protects from the government's idea of what is speech. The government has no right to tell you what is or is not misinformation. The can say we believe this but alternate points are welcomed. They can't say they are wrong because we said so. Government can't get someone else to do this for them as well.
The big thing here is that gov is deciding misinformation. He has it so backward it's hard to believe he was a teacher/coach. The constitution protects from the government's idea of what is speech. The government has no right to tell you what is or is not misinformation. The can say we believe this but alternate points are welcomed. They can't say they are wrong because we said so. Government can't get someone else to do this for them as well.
The greatest purveyor of misinformation in history is the United States government. That’s why about 60-70% of the population doesn’t trust the government. The remainder of the people are sheep who would be proclaiming that 2+2=5 if Kamala the Communist commanded that tomorrow.