Do Democrats Really Care About The American People?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Oct 30, 2010

Do Democrats Really Care About The American People?​


As I’ve always said, you can’t listen to a Democrats words, you watch their actions. While their words lie, their actions tell the truth.
Bingo! Always look at their actions and ignore what they say or claim

The left claims Kamala is smart, Trump is dumb.

The left claims everyone loves Kamala and everyone hates Trump

So if those things are true? Why did Kamala need a completely rigged debate last night before she could commit?

No audience (can't cheer for Trump's zingers if the aren't there).

Both mods debating Trump and ignoring Kamala's lies.

Their actions give them away. They knew that Kamala would need every advantage possible to even have a chance to stay on the stage with Trump.

What does that tell us about Novemeber 5th? They know that Kamala will need every 'advantage' to stay close enough to win*.
The Republicans should never agree to a rigged debate like that ever again.
I disagree. Most everyone in the country has heard how biased the leftist debate moderators were last night and they are talking about it. Even some of my friends that hate Trump and voted for Biden were talking about how biased the debate moderators were. Sure most Democrat voters loved it but those that are not suffering from the leftist indoctrination and are fair minded got to see undeniable bias last night. While it may not be a huge portion of Democrat voters everyone of the m that saw it are now opening their eyes a little wider.
I would also point out Republicans are not cowards and have no problem defending their policies. Hell Kamala couldn’t defend her policies and refused to answer softball questions in an obviously friendly debate setup. Trump should press her to debate on FOX with two moderators that have always been even handed. She will refuse and show the entire country what.a coWard she is.
Bingo! Always look at their actions and ignore what they say or claim

The left claims Kamala is smart, Trump is dumb.

The left claims everyone loves Kamala and everyone hates Trump

So if those things are true? Why did Kamala need a completely rigged debate last night before she could commit?

No audience (can't cheer for Trump's zingers if the aren't there).

Both mods debating Trump and ignoring Kamala's lies.

Their actions give them away. They knew that Kamala would need every advantage possible to even have a chance to stay on the stage with Trump.

What does that tell us about Novemeber 5th? They know that Kamala will need every 'advantage' to stay close enough to win*.
Trump holds a degree from the Wharton School of Business. Kumula cannot qualify for enrollment at Wharton.

I've provided answers from my 60 question Mensa excersize on these pages soonerinlOUisiana answered in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher. We all know our member who could not answer any of the 3 without me providing the answers.

Trump had to debate 3 stiffs. Trump was "fact checked" 7 times by ABC mods. "Mods" were oblivious to Kumula's 9 debunked lies.

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