Internal, Personal philosophical/political contradictions...

I'm a tattooed, pierced, (until recently, long haired) live and let live artist who believes in legal pot, gay marriage, and never judges a person's sexuality, race or spirituality. My wife is the same way, and our intern is a self described antisocial bisexual liberal with blue hair and a huge nose ring.... we love her. I hate corporate culture, ties, golf shirts, golf and khakis. I have three daughters who have no problem sharing even the most uncomfortable details of their lives with us because they know they can trust us. I am very far from rich or even comfortable. Socially pretty classically liberal.

But I hate the constant whiney sjw culture, loathe modern feminists and cannot stand anti business policies. And I hate class warfare rhetoric.

The common thread, I think?

I really hate authority - whether it's from Peter-principle middle management corporate culture idiots, or from self appointed thought-police (or even real police if they are corrupt or if they are just operating sneaky speed traps in unmarked cars). Especially hate lawyers, who in my experience are extraordinarily terrible people... usually. Present company usually excluded.

But I also hate anarchists. They are the worst.

I'm also very private and introverted in most ways, fight anxiety issues and am not naturally comfortable in social settings with people I don't know. Yet I am very comfortable performing music for big crowds on stage.
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I'm a tattooed, pierced, (until recently, long haired) live and let live artist who believes in legal pot, gay marriage, and never judges a person's sexuality, race or spirituality. My wife is the same way, and our intern is a self described antisocial bisexual liberal with blue hair and a huge nose ring.... we love her. I hate corporate culture, ties, golf shirts, golf and khakis. I have three daughters who have no problem sharing even the most uncomfortable details of their lives with us because they know they can trust us. I am very far from rich or even comfortable. Socially pretty classically liberal.

But I hate the constant whiney sjw culture, loathe modern feminists and cannot stand anti business policies. And I hate class warfare rhetoric.

The common thread, I think?

I really hate authority - whether it's from Peter-principle middle management corporate culture idiots, or from self appointed thought-police (or even real police if they are corrupt or if they are just operating sneaky speed traps in unmarked cars). Especially hate lawyers, who in my experience are extraordinarily terrible people... usually. Present company usually excluded.

But I also hate anarchists. They are the worst.

I'm also very private and introverted in most ways, fight anxiety issues and am not naturally comfortable in social settings with people I don't know. Yet I am very comfortable performing music for big crowds on stage.
How about this contradiction, though we have never met face to face and you probably want to mash my nose a couple of times a day over political differences I like you.

My biggest conflict revolves around religion. I never felt the burn, the certainty that others have told me they feel, of true belief. I grew up admiring those with strong spiritual beliefs, even doubting myself because I didn't have them. But as I have gotten older, I have come to loath the imposition of those beliefs on others. I have close family who went through hell and back before marriage equality - that they came through mostly intact, still together, means a lot to me. But the path through has me jaded on what 2000+ year old traditions really mean in the modern world. My mother feels real pain over my dismissal of religion, and as much as I should, I haven't been able to find a way to give her some comfort.

Next on my conflicted list is my views on social justice and equity vs. the fact that I absolutely believe in the value of capitalism. Over drinks I some time test me - I will try and reconcile the fact that I believe Marx was mostly right, up to and including the end of history. I just think he got the mode of delivery of economic freedom backwards. At the same time, we try to give a reasonable % to charities that provide social safety net type services (secular only - see previous conflict). I do believe the enlightened capitalist recognizes that a functional economy depends on some form of social welfare for stability, for predictability, for safety, and for humanity.

Finally, and @HighStickHarry will appreciate this one, I am more than willing to sacrifice the greater good to protect and nurture the well being of my family. My wife drives a less efficient brown energy burner because it was the safest/best solution for her despite my conviction that humans on earth are impacting climate and that within the next century there may well be significant negative impacts. We bought the cheapest house in the highest income neighborhood because it has the best school district in the state so the kids will get the best possible education (better than private schools). I drive maybe 500 miles a month - I choose to do that in a rig that makes me happy. Does that make me a hypocrite? Like I give a **** what Harry thinks!

Any way, this thread was a damn good idea - thanks JD.
So many people cannot handle freedom. We need public physical punishment, castration and If you get caught with drugs by police you have to consume what you have on your person.

I find myself becoming more authoritarian by the day. I'm sick of the kind of people who interrupt a flowing pleasant society with their thoughtless actions. The national guard needs to be deployed to neighborhood after neighborhood. Kids need to be taken away from shitty parents and liberals need to be jailed as political prisoners.

this sht cracks me up
go get you some wildman
I hate the government. I'm anti-regulation but I'm a regulator. I guess it's not that I don't think it's needed, I think it should be minimal.
This is my major contradiction right now as well. I am finding that people are receptive to what we have been calling common sense regulation (which is a contradiction in and of itself as well). My entire office is on board with this concept, and it has been working. Initially I though we were going to be fighting against a larger established ideology that would be unresponsive, but instead it has been welcomed. Keep fighting the good fight.
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