And chastising those that pursue "good."
Or even pursuing perfection, but incrementally rather than an all or nothing proposition.
An all or nothing pursuit of change has rarely (if ever) resulted in any actual change.
And chastising those that pursue "good."
Chastising? I don’t see it that way. Perhaps those who are feeling chastised are mistaking the feeling with a sense of ideological guilt.And chastising those that pursue "good."
Chastising? I don’t see it that way. Perhaps those who are feeling chastised are mistaking the feeling with a sense if ideological guilt.
Chastising? I don’t see it that way. Perhaps those who are feeling chastised are mistaking the feeling with a sense of ideological guilt.
Ohhh Please. You, up to now, have had reasoned debate with reasoned disagreement.
Now your true colors have arisen.
Accusing someone of abandoning their principals when they simply disagree with your "opinion" (and virtually 100% of your posts on these matters have been your "opinion".....not stated fact)......then to elevate your ego by saying those that disagree with your "opinion" are only experiencing ideological guilt for not agreeing with you, because otherwise why in the F*(& would anyone ever disagree with your very interesting. I will continue to listen to your "opinion", whilst you will arrogantly try to pass your opinion off as Gospel fact that shouldn't be debated.
No one ever expects the LP to win, just to have influence, have an impact on the political direction the country takes. All political movements eventually lose steam and begin to subvert their principles in an effort to be relevant. The LP is no different. It’s when I came to this realization that I began to identify as a philosophical anarchist.
The red guys most certainly ARE statists. They used to be less statist than they are now. Thus my comment that they have abandoned their principles. I don’t think I am in error in saying the blue guys have a much greater desire to exercise more control over the rest of us. The red guys seem to be trying their hardest to catch up. Politicians of both parties are deserving of contempt.
You nailed me on the anarchist jab! I probably am the oldest anarchist! Do I get a prize for holding onto my principles for this long in the face of almost total rejection?