Interesting Electoral Hypothetical

To answer the question, the R should win. We are a republic with democratic principles, but before everything else, we are a union of states. There’s no reason that two states should dominate the other 48.
I do not wish to engage SiL in my 60 question Mensa excersize. I might score lower.

A reminder: SiL answered these questions in under 3 minutes proving an IQ in the mid 140s or higher.

1. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights?
2. Sarah said, "my two young daughters have absolutely nothing in common." Is Sarah lying?
3. Ramone's electricity went off in a thunderstorm. In Ramone's sock drawer are 5 white socks and 5 crimson socks. How many socks must Ramone remove from his sock drawer and feel his way out to his lightening-lit driveway to ensure he has a matched pair?

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