You have a couple of issues. There aren't many good companies that are interested in writing single family rental dwellings without some autos to go along with it. Reading your comments, it appears you are currently insured with State Farm on your rental so I will make the assumption that your primary home and your cars are with State Farm as well. Auto insurance makes money in OK most years. Home insurance in OK loses money most years.
Most companies that will write rental dwellings will require the roof to be treated on a depreciated basis(ACV). On a brand new roof, that is not a big deal. It becomes a bigger deal as the roof ages. On top of the ACV settlement, there is a good chance that the wind/hail deductible will be 1% of the dwelling coverage(at least in a major metro area).
Off the top of my head, the only company I can think of that offers replacement cost on roofs on rental dwellings is Safeco.
They might take it without any supporting business. I can ask.
The flip side of the question is how long is State Farm willing to give you replacement coverage on the new roof on your primary dwelling? A lot of companies are limiting that coverage to a certain amount of years. Once your roof ages past that time, the coverage reverts to ACV.
The only independent companies I know that are giving replacement coverage on primary dwellings regardless of age are Hanover and Metlife. This is becoming harder to come by every year.
Feel free to PM me if you have questions.