Speak up and say what you mean. Otherwise, you are implying DJT's comments about shithole countries is racist? Are you saying people of color come from shithole countries? That is your implication, not DJT's. That sounds racist to me. Norway? He just met with their head of state yesterday and ya think she made the case how their people that could immigrate here might be well educated and able to assimilate? I am sure if you were Prez you would have asked for demographics and turned a nose if it was a whitey country?
Interesting how Libs take a country, and label countries by race or religion, and make THAT the issue. Trump's job is to negotiate our relationships with Countries and his number 1 job is our security, not every individual in every country. Trump has zero responsibility to anyone in this world that is not an American citizen to "save" them, regardless of color, religion, or gender.
You see, we do not think that way. A country is a country and its people and religion is just that. If a country has a population that hates Americans and grows terrorists, we could careless about their skin color or religion, keep them the phuck out.
ALL Libs see is color, religion, gender, etc... in people. Only you would make this an issue, congratulations. But I learned more about how you identify and see color today then DJT.
But hey, this is your plan to win votes, play the tried and true race card.