Imagine that --- red states have highest uninsured %


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
Thanks republican governors and legislatures. Since you've courageously refused to participate in obamacare, predictably your states maintain their high percentage of people without health insurance. As in, Top 10. Another way republican government really leads the way.

Keep showing up at the E.R.'s for primary health care and let hospital &/or taxpayers foot the bill = Republican health care plan.

Yep. Those states who refused to decimate their budgets in 3 years when the Federal Government quits subsidizing Medicaid care have the highest uninsured rates. Looks slightly bad now. Will look great in 5 years when they aren't quivering for government bailouts because they can't afford the massive welfare cost increases. This is one of my biggest complaints with Obamacare. It front-loaded the benefits (so it looks good and was palattable) and back-loaded all the costs once the Messiah is out of office so the economic impact will fall on the next guy.

Meanwhile, if you want to have a job, your chances are a lot better if you move to a Republican state.

Of course, if you want to make over $20 an hour being on welfare and doing NOTHING, then the Democrats have got you covered.
Originally posted by syskatine:
I can see how it's preferable to the republican plan of "Make the taxpayers pay for your health care."
I see you avoided commenting on the fact that the ACA has backloaded all the costs. As to your comment, it seems to me that "Make the taxpayers pay for your healthcare" is the definition of medicaid, and thus the Blue states were the big supporters of that plan, at least according to the article that you posted. You did read it, right?

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Originally posted by syskatine:
I can see how it's preferable to the republican plan of "Make the taxpayers pay for your health care."
I see you avoided commenting on the fact that the ACA has backloaded all the costs. As to your comment, it seems to me that "Make the taxpayers pay for your healthcare" is the definition of medicaid, and thus the Blue states were the big supporters of that plan, at least according to the article that you posted. You did read it, right?

Yes. Out of curiosity, who paid for the medicaid recipients' health care before they were on medicaid, subject to fee schedules and some supervision?

I know this doesn't dovetail with your lemming Fox narrative, but: OBamacare was a republican plan, conceived in the Heritag Foundation, and first implemented by a republican governor. Now that the black guy enacts it, it's socialism. Nice. It doesn't matter what he did -- if he shit a pile of gold it wouldn't be high enough. Meanwhile, the economy has greatly improved from where your republican president left it, OBL is dead (again, your incompetent republican administration gave up on him) and the Fox lemmings absolutely can't stand it.

Impotent rage at being proven demonstrably wrong at every turn SUCKS.
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Originally posted by syskatine:
I can see how it's preferable to the republican plan of "Make the taxpayers pay for your health care."
I see you avoided commenting on the fact that the ACA has backloaded all the costs. As to your comment, it seems to me that "Make the taxpayers pay for your healthcare" is the definition of medicaid, and thus the Blue states were the big supporters of that plan, at least according to the article that you posted. You did read it, right?

Yes. Out of curiosity, who paid for the medicaid recipients' health care before they were on medicaid, subject to fee schedules and some supervision?

I know this doesn't dovetail with your lemming Fox narrative, but: OBamacare was a republican plan, conceived in the Heritag Foundation, and first implemented by a republican governor. Now that the black guy enacts it, it's socialism. Nice. It doesn't matter what he did -- if he shit a pile of gold it wouldn't be high enough. Meanwhile, the economy has greatly improved from where your republican president left it, OBL is dead (again, your incompetent republican administration gave up on him) and the Fox lemmings absolutely can't stand it.

Impotent rage at being proven demonstrably wrong at every turn SUCKS.

You don't believe a word you just typed. Troll!
Originally posted by syskatine:
Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Originally posted by syskatine:
I can see how it's preferable to the republican plan of "Make the taxpayers pay for your health care."
I see you avoided commenting on the fact that the ACA has backloaded all the costs. As to your comment, it seems to me that "Make the taxpayers pay for your healthcare" is the definition of medicaid, and thus the Blue states were the big supporters of that plan, at least according to the article that you posted. You did read it, right?

Yes. Out of curiosity, who paid for the medicaid recipients' health care before they were on medicaid, subject to fee schedules and some supervision?

I know this doesn't dovetail with your lemming Fox narrative, but: OBamacare was a republican plan, conceived in the Heritag Foundation, and first implemented by a republican governor. Now that the black guy enacts it, it's socialism. Nice. It doesn't matter what he did -- if he shit a pile of gold it wouldn't be high enough. Meanwhile, the economy has greatly improved from where your republican president left it, OBL is dead (again, your incompetent republican administration gave up on him) and the Fox lemmings absolutely can't stand it.

Impotent rage at being proven demonstrably wrong at every turn SUCKS.
HAHAHAHA!!!! It's a republican plan and yet you praise your messiah for how great it is? Typical lib. If it fails blame republicans. If it works praise your messiah.

If your messiah unloaded a duke square in your face you would lap it up and ask for more.

Sys, ever since polls showed Bush was a better pres than your messiah you've gone off the deep end. You need to seek some help.
A "Republican" idea. All Republicans?

Guess slavery was a Democrat plan.
Originally posted by racernhra:

Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by aix_xpert:

Originally posted by syskatine:
I can see how it's preferable to the republican plan of "Make the taxpayers pay for your health care."
I see you avoided commenting on the fact that the ACA has backloaded all the costs. As to your comment, it seems to me that "Make the taxpayers pay for your healthcare" is the definition of medicaid, and thus the Blue states were the big supporters of that plan, at least according to the article that you posted. You did read it, right?

Yes. Out of curiosity, who paid for the medicaid recipients' health care before they were on medicaid, subject to fee schedules and some supervision?

I know this doesn't dovetail with your lemming Fox narrative, but: OBamacare was a republican plan, conceived in the Heritag Foundation, and first implemented by a republican governor. Now that the black guy enacts it, it's socialism. Nice. It doesn't matter what he did -- if he shit a pile of gold it wouldn't be high enough. Meanwhile, the economy has greatly improved from where your republican president left it, OBL is dead (again, your incompetent republican administration gave up on him) and the Fox lemmings absolutely can't stand it.

Impotent rage at being proven demonstrably wrong at every turn SUCKS.
HAHAHAHA!!!! It's a republican plan and yet you praise your messiah for how great it is? Typical lib. If it fails blame republicans. If it works praise your messiah.
Yeah, that's what good politicians do -- listen to ideas and use the best ones. I'm praising Obama because the plan works! Good job, Obama!

Yeah, I'm blaming Republicans for sleeping on 911 intel and letting it happen, then lying to start a war, then invading the wrong country, then cratering the economy in 2008. It's low hanging fruit, man. Sorry - if you don't like the score, get better.
Sorry to diappoint but if Bill would have done his job (i.e. take out OBL when he had the chance instead of playing hide the cigar with Monica) "Dumbya" would've never had to concern himself with OBL and 9/11 would not have happened.
Who's to say George Bush did not know where Bin Laden was? I can see where keeping him alive and contained would be beneficial to stop any terrorist plots that he was coming up with. Especially with the spying technology that we have today. As they say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. But, Obama is more concerned with trying to portray his rockstar image and party over country.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yes. Out of curiosity, who paid for the medicaid recipients' health care before they were on medicaid, subject to fee schedules and some supervision?

I know this doesn't dovetail with your lemming Fox narrative, but: OBamacare was a republican plan, conceived in the Heritag Foundation, and first implemented by a republican governor. Now that the black guy enacts it, it's socialism. Nice. It doesn't matter what he did -- if he shit a pile of gold it wouldn't be high enough. Meanwhile, the economy has greatly improved from where your republican president left it, OBL is dead (again, your incompetent republican administration gave up on him) and the Fox lemmings absolutely can't stand it.

Impotent rage at being proven demonstrably wrong at every turn SUCKS.
Insurance providers or

Funny. Does my thinking match the Fox narrative? I wouldn't know. I don't watch it. As for a Republican plan that is a blatant falsehood. It was (loosely) based on a Republican plan that was enacted in a very Blue state that has a significantly less diverse population and doesn't at all reflect the demographics of the entire country. In addition the plan has numerous and significant differences. For example, in Mass, if you did like your health insurance, you did get to keep it. They maintained "emergency" policies for young and healthy as legal. They didn't force insurers to artifically cap elderly rates and thus force increased rates upon younger, healthier individuals. Obamacare does all these things. The last is certainly a form of socialism.

Then as usual, the lib goes straight to the race card (MSNBC tactic #1). I've never once criticized him for being African American. In fact, I've stated that I wished he was a better president, because he truly had the opportunity to be a unifying force for this country that has never been seen before. Instead he has been as divisive as possible. If he was even remotely moderate in his actions, he could have been the greatest president of his generation. But alas...

Then you have to compare him to W. (MSNBC tactic #2). This thread isnt about OBL or W's failures. Heck he had plenty, and most here would agree he was a mediocre president (at best). Unfortunately, none of this is related to the topic at hand. But nice try with the misdirection.

I've missed the "proven demonstratably wrong" in the thread so far. When you get there let me know. And the only rage I have is at myself for wondering why I try to engage in an intelligent conversation with you. Because, as I have demonstratably shown above, you cannot raise yourself above the MSNBC talking points and have your own thoughts on a topic.

Justin, I don't have time to respond to everything, but if you doubt that you and your brethren don't have racial issues, take a look back at the comments about the first lady. If you corrected your fellow wingnuts for that, I apologize. You sure seem to agree with them on everything else, though. if you don't want to be lumped in with the bigots on this board, then maybe you should occassionally disagree with them on something. Nobody's asking you to actually speak up and risk not fitting in when your friends are bigots -- just disagree with them on something.
Sys, I assume you're white and I disagree with you. So does that make me a racist against white people, which I am one of? Please give me some clarity on what constitutes racism. Obviously, by the way you come across, it is just disagreeing with somebody with a different skin color. Talk about straw men.

This post was edited on 8/8 3:07 PM by TPOKE
Originally posted by syskatine:

Justin, I don't have time to respond to everything, but if you doubt that you and your brethren don't have racial issues, take a look back at the comments about the first lady. If you corrected your fellow wingnuts for that, I apologize. You sure seem to agree with them on everything else, though. if you don't want to be lumped in with the bigots on this board, then maybe you should occassionally disagree with them on something. Nobody's asking you to actually speak up and risk not fitting in when your friends are bigots -- just disagree with them on something.
You're the biggest racist on this board. See how easy that was? If that's your argument for everything you must really be a miserable human being.
Sys asking for someone to disagree when he's the biggest Obama lap dog on the board. Hilarious.
Originally posted by syskatine:

Justin, I don't have time to respond to everything, but if you doubt that you and your brethren don't have racial issues, take a look back at the comments about the first lady. If you corrected your fellow wingnuts for that, I apologize. You sure seem to agree with them on everything else, though. if you don't want to be lumped in with the bigots on this board, then maybe you should occassionally disagree with them on something. Nobody's asking you to actually speak up and risk not fitting in when your friends are bigots -- just disagree with them on something.
Sorry, I avoid the absolutely stupid threads. Notice I avoid most of the whimsical bait threads. I do it for both sides. There are moronic Repubs and Dems. There's probably even racists on this board. But I am offended that you lump me in simply because I'm not a worshipper of our President.

As for the comments on the first lady, I welcome a woman as president. I was a vocal supportor of Condaleeza Rice running for office. (Speaking of bigotry by absense, I don't remember you speaking up in the thread where Harvard? students protested her as their commencement speaker). I do question if Hillary is the right woman, and I raised the concern that (like we've seen repeatedly as evidenced in this post) that having a different viewpoint would have people branded as discrimnatory.

In the end, I don't chime in on most of the right-wing nutjob threads, because they are nutjobs. But even moreso because the Repubs aren't in power. It is only in dissent and disagreement that conversation is interesting. The democrats are the party in power today and thus the interesting topics are those of dissent.

I guess in the end, the difference between me and you is that I'm willing to listen to a different view and provide reasoned counter arguments. You on the otherhand, appear to lump all people with opposing viewpoints as racists without a single shread of evidence to that fact. That my friend is the pinnacle of bigotry.
