Illinois to Require Landlords Rent to Illegal Aliens as Housing Costs Surge

Utter insanity...and what a tax base that will build.

Let’s say the potential tenant’s a 30-something Dreamer who attended American schools and colleges, speaks American english, has a good job, consumes local/state/federally-taxed products and services and pays their taxes. Are they a drain on society in your eyes?

Hell….Let’s say the potential tenant is a law-abiding undocumented immigrant ag worker paid under the table, yet consumes American-taxed products and services. Yeah…fvck around and find out haha…deport them and watch our economy truly flourish……yes?

Wouldn’t citizenship for many of these people be a smart investment? They’re obviously wanting to be here and live their own American dream in our economy and buy our stuff and be taxed.

“UtTeR iNSaniTy”

carry on
Let’s say the potential tenant’s a 30-something Dreamer who attended American schools and colleges, speaks American english, has a good job, consumes local/state/federally-taxed products and services and pays their taxes. Are they a drain on society in your eyes?

Hell….Let’s say the potential tenant is a law-abiding undocumented immigrant ag worker paid under the table, yet consumes American-taxed products and services. Yeah…fvck around and find out haha…deport them and watch our economy truly flourish……yes?

Wouldn’t citizenship for many of these people be a smart investment? They’re obviously wanting to be here and live their own American dream in our economy and buy our stuff and be taxed.

“UtTeR iNSaniTy”

carry on



carry on
Let’s say the potential tenant’s a 30-something Dreamer who attended American schools and colleges, speaks American english, has a good job, consumes local/state/federally-taxed products and services and pays their taxes. Are they a drain on society in your eyes?

Hell….Let’s say the potential tenant is a law-abiding undocumented immigrant ag worker paid under the table, yet consumes American-taxed products and services. Yeah…fvck around and find out haha…deport them and watch our economy truly flourish……yes?

Wouldn’t citizenship for many of these people be a smart investment? They’re obviously wanting to be here and live their own American dream in our economy and buy our stuff and be taxed.

“UtTeR iNSaniTy”

carry on
You're a dumbass.

carry on...
Let’s say the potential tenant’s a 30-something Dreamer who attended American schools and colleges, speaks American english, has a good job, consumes local/state/federally-taxed products and services and pays their taxes. Are they a drain on society in your eyes?

Hell….Let’s say the potential tenant is a law-abiding undocumented immigrant ag worker paid under the table, yet consumes American-taxed products and services. Yeah…fvck around and find out haha…deport them and watch our economy truly flourish……yes?

Wouldn’t citizenship for many of these people be a smart investment? They’re obviously wanting to be here and live their own American dream in our economy and buy our stuff and be taxed.

“UtTeR iNSaniTy”

carry on
You aren't wrong, but you are out of order. Until you close the spiggot, there can be no citizenship. PERIOD.
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Let’s say the potential tenant is a law-abiding undocumented immigrant ag worker

I’m probably going to regret this, but whatever…

The quoted premise is objectively, literally impossible. If you are making most of your arguments here (I skip over them, so I wouldn’t really know) with such hair brained broken thinking, then it’s no wonder you get the responses you do.
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I’m probably going to regret this, but whatever…

The quoted premise is objectively, literally impossible. If you are making most of your arguments here (I skip over them, so I wouldn’t really know) with such hair brained broken thinking, then it’s no wonder you get the responses you do.
He's a comedian/troll. 🤣
***consumes food supply, the likelihood of which an undocumented immigrant took no part in production of being statistically improbable, if not impossible***


carry on
You might be a little concerned with yer food supply spanky.


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