9/27/11 eventually will have its own chapter in American History books. Well, except in Texas high schools. Thank goodness the GOP white-hairs have hired a strong woman whom they hope will wear a skirt large enough for all of them to hide behind while she bravely faces that terrifying sexual assault-survivor on behalf of cuckolded Senate Republican committee members.
If I were Dr. Ford, I’d be sure to point that out in my opening statement, but I doubt there’s a hearing. If Kavanaugh does make it through Thursday, the GOP may as well slit its own wrists. It will be tied to this rapist forever. What a great choice: cut his throat or cut your own, Mitch and Chuck and Oren.
This is all on Kavanaugh. Why would any nominee to SCOTUS want to join the court with this hanging over their head? His mistake was listening to McGahn (who hid Rob Porter in the White House until the pictures of Porter’s two wives’ honeymoon black eye photos became undeniable) and Trump and trying to deny any of it ever happened. Moron.
Then he goes on Faux a couple of days ago and claim’s his own high school sainthood. Today he writes a letter to the committee admitting he “did things” in HS that he wasn’t proud of. He’s told more lies in the last 72 hours than the ones we already knew about him telling various Senate investigations since the 90’s.
Why lie if you’re not guilty? Too late now, but jump up, Brett, demand that the whole nomination process be stopped until the FBI has cleared your name. Oh wait, only innocent people trying to earn a position on the SCOTUS do things like that. Guilty people follow the Roy Cohn/Trump mantra, deny, deny, deny.
And the date earning its own chapter tomorrow is completely ignoring Thursday’s Rosenstein story. I wouldn’t bet a nickel on Kavanaugh even showing up Thursday. He’s toast. He’ll lose his wife, his daughters and his beloved girls basketball coaching job over his own conduct and lying about it.
But, but, but he’s so nice and no one has ever seen this alleged behavior in his professional life. Yes, Ted Bundy was a nice guy, too. High IQ, worked on a political campaign, smooth talker, smart enough to break out of jail a couple of times and defend himself in court (proof of his law degree is unclear). Great guy. Everyone who knew him said so. All except those few dozen women he raped, murdered and then returned to their bodies to have sex with the remains for days until they became so “putrid” (his word) that the sex was “unsatisfactory.” Can nice guys do what Kavanaugh is accused of? Ask Bill Cosby. Can they lie about what they did? Ask Donald Trump.
Interesting that Kavanaugh’s first appearance before this committee and all his tv ads were aimed at what a wonderful guy all women everywhere thought he was. And all before any of these allegations came out. His poor wife probably didn’t, but he knew who he was all along.
It was all about ramming and cramming his lying ass onto the court before any of this leaked. Why? Plenty of conservative judges around. Was this rapist the only conservative judge the Federalist Society could dig up who would also promise to “protect” Trump against the US government which will eventually turn on him when Mueller’s report is released? Many on this board will never turn on him because they apparently don’t read.
This nomination is just like what the GOP did with Scott Pruitt. The Senate knew he was a shill for the 18th Century energy companies but managed to get him through the process the day before his OK emails were released. “Oh well, too late now,” they shrugged. Well, now it’s too late for Kavanaugh.
If I were Dr. Ford, I’d be sure to point that out in my opening statement, but I doubt there’s a hearing. If Kavanaugh does make it through Thursday, the GOP may as well slit its own wrists. It will be tied to this rapist forever. What a great choice: cut his throat or cut your own, Mitch and Chuck and Oren.
This is all on Kavanaugh. Why would any nominee to SCOTUS want to join the court with this hanging over their head? His mistake was listening to McGahn (who hid Rob Porter in the White House until the pictures of Porter’s two wives’ honeymoon black eye photos became undeniable) and Trump and trying to deny any of it ever happened. Moron.
Then he goes on Faux a couple of days ago and claim’s his own high school sainthood. Today he writes a letter to the committee admitting he “did things” in HS that he wasn’t proud of. He’s told more lies in the last 72 hours than the ones we already knew about him telling various Senate investigations since the 90’s.
Why lie if you’re not guilty? Too late now, but jump up, Brett, demand that the whole nomination process be stopped until the FBI has cleared your name. Oh wait, only innocent people trying to earn a position on the SCOTUS do things like that. Guilty people follow the Roy Cohn/Trump mantra, deny, deny, deny.
And the date earning its own chapter tomorrow is completely ignoring Thursday’s Rosenstein story. I wouldn’t bet a nickel on Kavanaugh even showing up Thursday. He’s toast. He’ll lose his wife, his daughters and his beloved girls basketball coaching job over his own conduct and lying about it.
But, but, but he’s so nice and no one has ever seen this alleged behavior in his professional life. Yes, Ted Bundy was a nice guy, too. High IQ, worked on a political campaign, smooth talker, smart enough to break out of jail a couple of times and defend himself in court (proof of his law degree is unclear). Great guy. Everyone who knew him said so. All except those few dozen women he raped, murdered and then returned to their bodies to have sex with the remains for days until they became so “putrid” (his word) that the sex was “unsatisfactory.” Can nice guys do what Kavanaugh is accused of? Ask Bill Cosby. Can they lie about what they did? Ask Donald Trump.
Interesting that Kavanaugh’s first appearance before this committee and all his tv ads were aimed at what a wonderful guy all women everywhere thought he was. And all before any of these allegations came out. His poor wife probably didn’t, but he knew who he was all along.
It was all about ramming and cramming his lying ass onto the court before any of this leaked. Why? Plenty of conservative judges around. Was this rapist the only conservative judge the Federalist Society could dig up who would also promise to “protect” Trump against the US government which will eventually turn on him when Mueller’s report is released? Many on this board will never turn on him because they apparently don’t read.
This nomination is just like what the GOP did with Scott Pruitt. The Senate knew he was a shill for the 18th Century energy companies but managed to get him through the process the day before his OK emails were released. “Oh well, too late now,” they shrugged. Well, now it’s too late for Kavanaugh.
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