Yes, I'll bet the regressive left is really going to be sorry come election day. Once the country has a vote I'm sure that common sense conservatism will prevail.
I'll bet it does get frustrating, being the punch line year after year. It's so unfair how the librulz don't play along with the conservative scripts and "facts."
Don't you worry your pretty little head. The cucks are dying off, getting voted out, and being replaced. The new conservative movement is playing the same game you play, fire with fire. Why do you think the DNC is scared shitless of the alt-right? Already moving to label it racist, white nationalist, etc. Better get out in front of this, we can't win an argument of ideas because facts are scary. Serious miscalculation, now people will see how anti-science, anti-fact the leftists really are when they start looking this stuff up.
You want a punch line? I'm sure you're too damned obtuse to get it. But don't worry, it just so happens you all have a media full of lemmings to carry the water and spoon feed your horseshit.
The left wants open borders to allow mass immigration from Mexico despite how destructive this has been to low skill workers who are already citizens.
The left wants to being in thousands upon thousands of Islamic refugees.
Yeah, that position cannot possibly have anything to do with muslims voting Democrat 70% of the time and Mexicans voting Democrat 60% of the time.
This is proof they have lost the war of ideas.
This is why there is no incentive to preserve western culture and tighten immigration.
They are willing to engage in mass importation of military aged males who resent everything our culture stands for and are prone to violence.
They are willing to sacrifice American lives to stay in power.
Leftist have to import voters in order to win elections they cannot do it with Americans. Nothing but fvcking lemmings support these anti-american globalist prostitutes.
Yes, the regressive left will be sorry. They may think things are great in the short term but the day of reckoning is on the way. Progressivism always caves in on itself.