I Thought Some Of You Might Want To Read A Moderate Leftist’s Opinion Of Walz As The VP Pick

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
He may be a better choice than you may have thought. His debate with Vance, should there be one, could be epic. I’ve made no secret of the degree to which I despise Donald Trump, but the thought of Harris at the helm scares the bejesus out of me.

Kamala could have pick a big steaming pile of dog shit for VP and Democrat voters would support it with great enthusiasm.
As if the same doesn't apply to you and the Republican Party. But as usual you miss the point. While her pick of Walz may tun you off, it seems to have energized the Democrats more than anyone could have expected. As he says in the article, three weeks ago this looked like a slam dunk for Trump. Today not so much.
As if the same doesn't apply to you and the Republican Party. But as usual you miss the point. While her pick of Walz may tun you off, it seems to have energized the Democrats more than anyone could have expected. As he says in the article, three weeks ago this looked like a slam dunk for Trump. Today not so much.
Of course Democrat voters are enthusiastic, they knew they couldn't get away with Joe Biden and are jumping for joy they no longer have a walking corpse for a candidate.
I would still prefer someone like DeSantis over Trump but that option was taken off the table when voters selected Trump. IMO Trump was a decent President and a person that didn't cower down to the Washington Establishment/Deep State or whatever you want to call it. That's one reason to support Trump and trust his judgement on Vance IMO. Hell Trump isn't even a conservative and I support him over the leftist that have taken over the Democrats.
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As if the same doesn't apply to you and the Republican Party. But as usual you miss the point. While her pick of Walz may tun you off, it seems to have energized the Democrats more than anyone could have expected. As he says in the article, three weeks ago this looked like a slam dunk for Trump. Today not so much.
It energized her base for sure. However, what was your reaction? The Dem base was going to be energized if she picked a potatoe. The rest of the country is getting to know this pick will have the same reaction as you. "Wow, the dem ticket makes the Republican ticket and Trump look sane."

Will it be enough? If Kamala is elected we will no longer even be trying to hide the socialist state that will emerge. We will be the USSR. A one party state committed to communist ideals. The world will erupt in war and many people will throw their hands up and ssy as long as it doesn't effect me until it effects them, and then there will be nothing to turn to. Scary indeed.
Trying to label this guy as a radical extremist is backfiring massively. Much like Dems trying to label any Republican as the next coming of Hitler, if you do it for everyone on the other side it really starts turning people off to your messaging. It takes two McIntyre’s of searching to realize this guy is left leaning moderate overall. Is he way left on some issues? Sure. Is he actually right of center on some things though? Seems like it. I think he was a surprisingly very good pick.
Trying to label this guy as a radical extremist is backfiring massively. Much like Dems trying to label any Republican as the next coming of Hitler, if you do it for everyone on the other side it really starts turning people off to your messaging. It takes two McIntyre’s of searching to realize this guy is left leaning moderate overall. Is he way left on some issues? Sure. Is he actually right of center on some things though? Seems like it. I think he was a surprisingly very good pick.
Comparing socialism to neighborliness is as left wing whacko as it gets. More so than “at some point, you’ve made enough money” and “you didn’t build that”.
Comparing socialism to neighborliness is as left wing whacko as it gets. More so than “at some point, you’ve made enough money” and “you didn’t build that”.
He is definitely not a socialist and that’s what he’s saying, he cut taxes and Minn has been very pro business since he’s been governor. Just look at his voting and bill writing/sponsorship record in congress. You can’t deny the record. Again, I’m not saying I support the guy or Harris at all, but you can’t say this guy is a radical leftist. His overall record doesn’t match that 🤷🏻‍♂️.
He is definitely not a socialist and that’s what he’s saying, he cut taxes and Minn has been very pro business since he’s been governor. Just look at his voting and bill writing/sponsorship record in congress. You can’t deny the record. Again, I’m not saying I support the guy or Harris at all, but you can’t say this guy is a radical leftist. His overall record doesn’t match that 🤷🏻‍♂️.
Giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens, enshrining abortion in Minnesota law. That’s pretty radically left.
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Giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens, enshrining abortion in Minnesota law. That’s pretty radically left.
I can’t really speak on DL issue as I don’t know much about it, but first thought is at least it’s another way to monitor them. They are driving anyway, but, again, I can’t say anything for sure on that. Legalizing abortion is absolutely not radical left position. I said he has some far left stances on things, but also center or even “right” positions on others. So the record overall is more moderate than radical.
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Trying to label this guy as a radical extremist is backfiring massively. Much like Dems trying to label any Republican as the next coming of Hitler, if you do it for everyone on the other side it really starts turning people off to your messaging. It takes two McIntyre’s of searching to realize this guy is left leaning moderate overall. Is he way left on some issues? Sure. Is he actually right of center on some things though? Seems like it. I think he was a surprisingly very good pick.
Is the term radical leftist extremist seen as a bad thing to Democrat voters?
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Trying to label this guy as a radical extremist is backfiring massively. Much like Dems trying to label any Republican as the next coming of Hitler, if you do it for everyone on the other side it really starts turning people off to your messaging. It takes two McIntyre’s of searching to realize this guy is left leaning moderate overall. Is he way left on some issues? Sure. Is he actually right of center on some things though? Seems like it. I think he was a surprisingly very good pick

He is definitely not a socialist and that’s what he’s saying, he cut taxes and Minn has been very pro business since he’s been governor. Just look at his voting and bill writing/sponsorship record in congress. You can’t deny the record. Again, I’m not saying I support the guy or Harris at all, but you can’t say this guy is a radical leftist. His overall record doesn’t match that 🤷🏻‍♂️.
He absolutely DID NOT cut taxes in Minnesota.
He absolutely DID NOT cut taxes in Minnesota.
He raised them originally, but then he cut taxes last year by $8B. He also voted twice in congress to extend the Bush tax cuts, one of only a handful of Democrats to do so. I will say, the more I read, his work as governor supports increased taxes and bigger spending compared to what he did in congress.
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He may be a better choice than you may have thought. His debate with Vance, should there be one, could be epic. I’ve made no secret of the degree to which I despise Donald Trump, but the thought of Harris at the helm scares the bejesus out of me.

Not a bad article and a pretty good take on Walz, for the most part. There is no doubt this was a very smart political pick by Harris and it absolutely sends the political signals and messenging that she wanted to make with the pick. The more Americans see of Walz, the more they are going to like him, especially rural, Midwestern, and "middle America" voters. He is American's Dad, America's Teacher, America's Coach. Very smart political pick by Harris.

The author of the article you shared Dan stated the following "I can’t tell you why the vibes have shifted toward the Democrats." After that statement, he then proceeded to speak about what Harris has done so far politically that is working. Yet, he never returned to his first statement to give the obvious answer.

The reason we see the shift towards Kamala Harris is because of Kamala Harris herself. So far, she is running an absolutely brilliant political campaign. She is giving everyone a lesson in how to run a political campaign. Trump can't figure out what hit him, he hasn't been able to adjust so far, and he doesn't know how to take on Kamala Harris. He also made a horrible choice in Weirdo Vance. The reason this race is different, the reason people are all of a sudden so joyful about the Democratic ticket, the reason we hear talk now of positive populism, positive progressivism, and "Morning in America" is because of one person and her political skills. Kamala Harris. She has met her moment.

With all that said, we still have three months and this election is not over. Harris will face some stumbles and challenges. How she and her campaign responds will be important. One would think that Trump will also figure out some way to seem relevant again. So things could change.

But I hope you will finally be able to start giving Kamala Harris credit for what she is doing Dan. I know you don't agree with her on most political issues and I know you have always underestimated her (while ignoring my warnings about doing so). But anyone who is honest can't deny she is performing very well politically at the moment.
Not a bad article and a pretty good take on Walz, for the most part. There is no doubt this was a very smart political pick by Harris and it absolutely sends the political signals and messenging that she wanted to make with the pick. The more Americans see of Walz, the more they are going to like him, especially rural, Midwestern, and "middle America" voters. He is American's Dad, America's Teacher, America's Coach. Very smart political pick by Harris.

The author of the article you shared Dan stated the following "I can’t tell you why the vibes have shifted toward the Democrats." After that statement, he then proceeded to speak about what Harris has done so far politically that is working. Yet, he never returned to his first statement to give the obvious answer.

The reason we see the shift towards Kamala Harris is because of Kamala Harris herself. So far, she is running an absolutely brilliant political campaign. She is giving everyone a lesson in how to run a political campaign. Trump can't figure out what hit him, he hasn't been able to adjust so far, and he doesn't know how to take on Kamala Harris. He also made a horrible choice in Weirdo Vance. The reason this race is different, the reason people are all of a sudden so joyful about the Democratic ticket, the reason we hear talk now of positive populism, positive progressivism, and "Morning in America" is because of one person and her political skills. Kamala Harris. She has met her moment.

With all that said, we still have three months and this election is not over. Harris will face some stumbles and challenges. How she and her campaign responds will be important. One would think that Trump will also figure out some way to seem relevant again. So things could change.

But I hope you will finally be able to start giving Kamala Harris credit for what she is doing Dan. I know you don't agree with her on most political issues and I know you have always underestimated her (while ignoring my warnings about doing so). But anyone who is honest can't deny she is performing very well politically at the moment.
Harris hasn't done shit, the Democrat propaganda arm the MSM has done all the work. I will giver her credit for being able to read a teleprompter better than Biden but that's an extremely low bar.
You are truly off your rocker and are absolutely delusional if you really believe this.

Harris is putting on a political clinic so far. It might not last, probably won't, but man, she has been impressive so far.

btw, looks like the guy you are starting to have doubts in is backing down from Harris. Go figure.

LMAO a political clinic? Just how has she done that?
Not a bad article and a pretty good take on Walz, for the most part. There is no doubt this was a very smart political pick by Harris and it absolutely sends the political signals and messenging that she wanted to make with the pick. The more Americans see of Walz, the more they are going to like him, especially rural, Midwestern, and "middle America" voters. He is American's Dad, America's Teacher, America's Coach. Very smart political pick by Harris.

The author of the article you shared Dan stated the following "I can’t tell you why the vibes have shifted toward the Democrats." After that statement, he then proceeded to speak about what Harris has done so far politically that is working. Yet, he never returned to his first statement to give the obvious answer.

The reason we see the shift towards Kamala Harris is because of Kamala Harris herself. So far, she is running an absolutely brilliant political campaign. She is giving everyone a lesson in how to run a political campaign. Trump can't figure out what hit him, he hasn't been able to adjust so far, and he doesn't know how to take on Kamala Harris. He also made a horrible choice in Weirdo Vance. The reason this race is different, the reason people are all of a sudden so joyful about the Democratic ticket, the reason we hear talk now of positive populism, positive progressivism, and "Morning in America" is because of one person and her political skills. Kamala Harris. She has met her moment.

With all that said, we still have three months and this election is not over. Harris will face some stumbles and challenges. How she and her campaign responds will be important. One would think that Trump will also figure out some way to seem relevant again. So things could change.

But I hope you will finally be able to start giving Kamala Harris credit for what she is doing Dan. I know you don't agree with her on most political issues and I know you have always underestimated her (while ignoring my warnings about doing so). But anyone who is honest can't deny she is performing very well politically at the moment.

The media has no effect on you.
Yet when you leftist use the term right wing extremist, "that's different"?
I don't usually use that term. I usually say right-winger. If I'm talking about far right, I say far right or even neo-fascist if I know enough about the person's political beliefs.

The thing with you and some other right-wingers (especially on this board) is that you often label anyone to the left of Trump a leftist. And heck, by the time you get to the actual center, you are calling everyone there radical left extremists, socialists, communists, etc.

You have no ability to recognize the difference between a centrist Democrat (moderate Democrat), a rank and file Democrat, a progressive Democrat, and then yes, those on the far left.

Walz for example. Guy was a centrist Democrat for 12 years in Congress. A blue dog Democrat. Yes, he has been more progressive as a Governor, but he is no where close to being a radical left extremist.

You just look foolish when you try to make that claim and that is why you get laughed at.
What does NSG mean? Trying to decide whether to be offended or not.
Here's a little advice: never get offended by anything SiL says to you or about you. The man buys in to whatever his MAGA overlords tell him and he never budges, simply calls names and fires insults he thinks will hurt your feelings, while also hoping he can get a "Like" from his fellow MAGA buddies on this board. He is incapable of independent thought, something that seems to be a common trait by many of the MAGA faithful.
LMAO a political clinic? Just how has she done that?
She hit the ground running from the day she learned Biden was dropping out. She was on the phones and in meetings, and quickly led the Democratic Party to coalesce around her. Insiders thought there would be numerous Democrats that were going to challenge her for the nomination, she shut it all down. Some of the doubts about her, completely gone. Those Democrats mentioned came out in support of her.

She has completely changed the messenging of the campaign. She has been on point and she knows the exact political messages she is seeking to convey. Her campaign's social media presence was strong from day one and is a big success with young voters. She has inspired energy and excitement around her candidacy. She is speaking before huge rallies and has been a disciplined talented campaigner so far.

She has completely reversed the polls. She is now tied or leading Trump in the polls and her polls only keep improving. She has reversed the media narrative about the campaign and she is winning the news cycles over and over again.

She made brilliant pick with Walz and then pick only helps her continue to define to the American people what this election is about and the choice, from her perspective.

Finally, she has Trump bewildered and stumbling. He doesn't know how to go after her politically, he doesn't know how to respond without looking like a angry old man who is a misogynist and racist. His running mate pick was a disaster, thanks in part to the political messenging from the Harris campaign (Walz as surrogate).

And we haven't even got to the Convention yet and the possible post-Convention bounce.

Are you paying attention Bearcat? C'Mon man lol!
Here's a little advice: never get offended by anything SiL says to you or about you. The man buys in to whatever his MAGA overlords tell him and he never budges, simply calls names and fires insults he thinks will hurt your feelings, while also hoping he can get a "Like" from his fellow MAGA buddies on this board. He is incapable of independent thought, something that seems to be a common trait by many of the MAGA faithful.
Haha I appreciate the warning, but don’t worry, I don’t get offended by much in life much less message board fodder. I appreciate when we can have some honest back and forth idea sharing, but don’t expect it too much here.
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She hit the ground running from the day she learned Biden was dropping out. She was on the phones and in meetings, and quickly led the Democratic Party to coalesce around her. Insiders thought there would be numerous Democrats that were going to challenge her for the nomination, she shut it all down. Some of the doubts about her, completely gone. Those Democrats mentioned came out in support of her.

She has completely changed the messenging of the campaign. She has been on point and she knows the exact political messages she is seeking to convey. Her campaign's social media presence was strong from day one and is a big success with young voters. She has inspired energy and excitement around her candidacy. She is speaking before huge rallies and has been a disciplined talented campaigner so far.

She has completely reversed the polls. She is now tied or leading Trump in the polls and her polls only keep improving. She has reversed the media narrative about the campaign and she is winning the news cycles over and over again.

She made brilliant pick with Walz and then pick only helps her continue to define to the American people what this election is about and the choice, from her perspective.

Finally, she has Trump bewildered and stumbling. He doesn't know how to go after her politically, he doesn't know how to respond without looking like a angry old man who is a misogynist and racist. His running mate pick was a disaster, thanks in part to the political messenging from the Harris campaign (Walz as surrogate).

And we haven't even got to the Convention yet and the possible post-Convention bounce.

Are you paying attention Bearcat? C'Mon man lol!
I think you make many fine points with this comment. I have been surprised by how flat Trump's campaign has been. He seems to have been blindsided by Biden's capitulation and Harris' rapid rise to prominence, as if that's the last thing he saw coming, while the rest of the country was expecting it. But, as you have said, it is still very early in the dog-eat-dog campaign, and he has plenty of time to get his feet back under him. I do not think he fears debating Harris in the least. She had one good moment in 2020 where she called out Biden for his racism, a moment she had obviously practiced over and over again until she got the wording just right. From that point on she was reduced to her customary word salads, which I expect the Trump team to advertise to the point all of us are sick to death of seeing them. Nevertheless there is no escaping that beyond his MAGA faithful (like the ones on this board who would willingly take a bullet for him) most people are like me and abhor the man. I still think he will win, and it would not surprise me if he won handily. But it very well could be neck and neck down to the wire. Will the Democrats get away with cheating again? That may be the difference maker.
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She hit the ground running from the day she learned Biden was dropping out. She was on the phones and in meetings, and quickly led the Democratic Party to coalesce around her. Insiders thought there would be numerous Democrats that were going to challenge her for the nomination, she shut it all down. Some of the doubts about her, completely gone. Those Democrats mentioned came out in support of her.

She has completely changed the messenging of the campaign. She has been on point and she knows the exact political messages she is seeking to convey. Her campaign's social media presence was strong from day one and is a big success with young voters. She has inspired energy and excitement around her candidacy. She is speaking before huge rallies and has been a disciplined talented campaigner so far.

She has completely reversed the polls. She is now tied or leading Trump in the polls and her polls only keep improving. She has reversed the media narrative about the campaign and she is winning the news cycles over and over again.

She made brilliant pick with Walz and then pick only helps her continue to define to the American people what this election is about and the choice, from her perspective.

Finally, she has Trump bewildered and stumbling. He doesn't know how to go after her politically, he doesn't know how to respond without looking like a angry old man who is a misogynist and racist. His running mate pick was a disaster, thanks in part to the political messenging from the Harris campaign (Walz as surrogate).

And we haven't even got to the Convention yet and the possible post-Convention bounce.

Are you paying attention Bearcat? C'Mon man lol!
You give Harris way to much credit. She hasn't done anything but what she was told to do. Obama and those he answers to run the Democrat Party, the party does what he tells them to do including picking who the Democrat Candidate will be.
He seems to have been blindsided by Biden's capitulation and Harris' rapid rise to prominence, as if that's the last thing he saw coming
Which calls into question his political judgment and ability to adjust to a new situation

How could he and his campaign not be ready for the possibility of Harris taking over? It makes no sense. It appears that he (and his campaign) never thought Biden was going to drop out. He even put out a tweet the other day, apparently, where he was musing about Biden trying to get the nomination back at the Convention lol!

It is like he can't adjust to the new political reality. And if that is true, that is not a quality one wants in a President.

But, as you have said, it is still very early in the dog-eat-dog campaign, and he has plenty of time to get his feet back under him.
I agree. But it seems to be taking him a long time.

Plus, Democrats have their Convention coming up soon, which gives them more opportunity to win the news cycles. And perhaps get a post-Convention bump in the polls.

I do not think he fears debating Harris in the least.
I think his advisors are definitely scared to debate her. His advisors are afraid of the "prosecutor v/s felon" narrative and they are afraid that Harris could wipe the floor with him.

As for Trump, I don't know if he is "afraid" but I do think he is intimidated. Trump doesn't like being questioned or attacked by a woman, much less a woman of color. That is probably the main reason he wants a Fox News audience. He needs someone there who can make him feel better and someone he can try to appeal to when he tries to claim Harris is being "nasty" to him.

Harris definitely isn't afraid of him and is eager for the chance to debate him. However, this could work against her if she goes in to the debate too confident. Plus, I think she is going to have high debate expectations from the media, which could help Trump.

Still, if Harris does what I know she can do, she will embarrass Trump and easily win. Trump got real lucky that President Biden had the worst debate performance ever in their first debate because Trump didn't look good either. He will have to be much stronger against Harris.

I still think he will win, and it would not surprise me if he won handily. But it very well could be neck and neck down to the wire. Will the Democrats get away with cheating again? That may be the difference maker.
Come on Dan, there was no cheating. No need to repeat the big lie. Biden beat Trump, simple as that.

As for the election, I think if either of these candidates win handily, it will be Harris and not Trump. Something similar to '08 for Harris. Trump's best chance is another close win in the electoral college. I don't think he will win the popular vote. And like I just said, I think there is a good chance Harris could win this handily if she keeps performing as well as she has the past three weeks.

But, it is August and three months is an eternity in politics. Lot can still happen.
I don't usually use that term. I usually say right-winger. If I'm talking about far right, I say far right or even neo-fascist if I know enough about the person's political beliefs.

The thing with you and some other right-wingers (especially on this board) is that you often label anyone to the left of Trump a leftist. And heck, by the time you get to the actual center, you are calling everyone there radical left extremists, socialists, communists, etc.

You have no ability to recognize the difference between a centrist Democrat (moderate Democrat), a rank and file Democrat, a progressive Democrat, and then yes, those on the far left.

Walz for example. Guy was a centrist Democrat for 12 years in Congress. A blue dog Democrat. Yes, he has been more progressive as a Governor, but he is no where close to being a radical left extremist.

You just look foolish when you try to make that claim and that is why you get laughed at.
Everything is not about you despite what you may think. Democrat politicians, including that walking corpse you put in the White House use the term right wing extremist like it's air.
You are so far off base on what others think it's not funny. Trump is not a conservative, he's essentially a Clinton Democrat and left of my views. I'm smart enough to know straight conservative views do not win election which means I'm left to support someone that is closet to my views than anyone on the Democrat side.
Walz may have been what you consider to be a centrist during his time in Congress but his Governorship has been anything but. Anyone that praises Ilham Omar is not a centrist.
You give Harris way to much credit. She hasn't done anything but what she was told to do.
No I don't. It's her campaign.

It is hilarious how you want to blame Harris for what happened to her 2020 campaign, but now that she is having so much success in her 2024 campaign, you want to claim someone else is calling the shots and she shouldn't get the credit!


No one is telling Harris what to do except her advisors who are advising her. She is the one making the decisions though and she is the one leading the campaign.

You don't have to be such a partisan hack all the time.

Obama and those he answers to run the Democrat Party, the party does what he tells them to do
This is wrong.

Democrats didn't do what Obama was expecting when Biden withdrew. Obama thought there was going to probably be a mini-primary. He thought some others were going to go after the nomination. He even thought a short nomination battle might be good for the party, according to those around him. Nancy Pelosi was also thinking something similar.

It didn't happen.

Also, those who have been and are close to Obama were wanting Harris to choose Shapiro. Shapiro was being backed by some of the same big donors that backed Obama. Yet Harris chose Walz. Another angle you right-wingers are missing with the Walz pick.

Your claim that Obama runs the party and the party does what he tells them to do just isn't true, as we have recently seen. Sure, Obama as a former President has a lot of influence and power. But he isn't calling the shots. Right now, Harris is.

btw, Nancy Pelosi has more influence and power in the Democratic Party right now than does Obama. But even she isn't "controlling" Harris, as again, we have recently seen.
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