I Know It’s Hamas

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
But even so this doesn’t sound like something the most moral nation in human history should be doing to them.

Oh, wait, this is in the West Bank. Hamas is not in the West Bank. So now it *really* doesn’t sound like something the most moral nation in human history should do.

Damn, they’re so moral. I don’t know how to reconcile this with high morals

Oh, I think I figured the moral part out. A couple thousand years ago an old man wandered off the reservation Joe-Biden-like and wound up all alone where in his demented Joe-Biden-like mental state he heard a voice that he was convinced was coming from God Himself. And this Voice told him that he and his tribe were the Chosen People, His favorite people in all the world, so they could have sole possession of all the land from the river to the sea, even if they had to kill every other human being (whom He had also created in His Image, but they weren’t important) to get it. And that promise has lain fallow right up until 2024, where some of the most well educated intellectual people on the globe have latched onto it with scientific fervor, convinced they could kill or misplace everyone that stood in the way of their scientifically prophetic promise. God ordained mass murder and ethnic cleansing - but only if the Chosen People, the Zionists - are the ones doing it. For everyone else it would be a mortal sin and an eternity of hellfire awaits them. But it has been ordained that the Chosen People have been given a “Get Out of Hell Free” card. And *that’s* why West Bank ethnic cleansing is moral. I figured it out!