I just cured OK state government.


Heisman Candidate
Sep 7, 2008
1. Abolish the state legislature and senate.

2. The new legislative body is principally an Internet entity. Voting, debate, hearings, bill submissions,motions and all core functions on Internet, all public.

3. Have lots of legislators. Maybe all voters. Wanna have a voice? Vote. You're a legislator. Or give your proxy to your wife or favorite legislator. You like the way john votes with oil and gas? Give him your proxy for that. Like susy's approach to education? She gets your proxy for those votes. Or stay up all night reading legislation or don't vote at all - that's your business. The only people that are underrepresented are the ones that don't vote.

Representative legislatures aren't needed any more. They're stupid. You shouldn't have to choose just one guy to represent you across the breadth of your ideological spectrum. Think about that. One guy represents you on EVERY DAMN TOPIC that comes up. Information is available and you can now represent your own self by clicking a button instead of riding horseback for a week.
I like it too. It would result is some supremely crazy shiz, though.
It could possibly work with a subset of responsibilities.
I'm all for it. Usually the dipshits I vote for end up representing themselves, not me. And they get paid a bunch of money to represent themselves.

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