I’m so old

You gave the "opinion "of Thomas of the process. That isn't evidence though of what I asked. Did Thomas claim Biden personally was racist? Did Thomas claim Biden opposed him because he was black? Any real evidence, once again, of Biden attacking Thomas for being black and how Thomas' race had anything to do with Biden's opposition to his nomination?

So again,
Good points.

Biden can't possibly be racist.

Clarence Thomas didn't vote for him so he ain't black so Biden couldn't have possibly had racist motivations because CT wasn't actually black to start with.

You gave the "opinion "of Thomas of the process. That isn't evidence though of what I asked. Did Thomas claim Biden personally was racist? Did Thomas claim Biden opposed him because he was black? Any real evidence, once again, of Biden attacking Thomas for being black and how Thomas' race had anything to do with Biden's opposition to his nomination?

So again,

I dislike the whataboutism, but I'll use one in this case to show what a hypocrite you are. For the last six years we heard nothing, but Trump is a racist, where is that evidence?
You gave the "opinion "of Thomas of the process. That isn't evidence though of what I asked. Did Thomas claim Biden personally was racist? Did Thomas claim Biden opposed him because he was black? Any real evidence, once again, of Biden attacking Thomas for being black and how Thomas' race had anything to do with Biden's opposition to his nomination?

So again,

Everytime the left reeeeeeeeeeee's Racism its based off of their opinion and or the victims opinion.
See Lemon Jussie for just one example see Sandman for another.
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Yes, because they already (or do) sit on the Court. A black American woman has never set on the Court. RBG and Sotomayor helped to break barriers for women. And I have no doubt both of them would welcome a black American woman to join them.

Breaking down racial and gender barriers. This is a good thing. Sorry it offends you so much.
It doesn’t offend me. I don’t divide people up by their race. That is your filter on who to support and who to oppose

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