Only way DT passes PSU is when CaelDT is going to catch and pass Penn State. May take him a few years but he will do it. Cael is very worried about the ease of recruiting up until now However he has made wrestlers better, but he knows the coaching staff at Ok State will do the same. You put DT, TG, and KD in the same corner, and Cael is worried. As he should be. Anyone that brings up Chris Perry after this is stuck in the past!!!!!
Decides to retire! Then it will be a few years after that. Every thought DT was going to have all this crazy pull with PA kids. Rumors of Kasak, Ryder, Perry to follow. None of that happened. If his core guys arent jumping ship that is saying something. I wish DT luck and hope he does good, PSU needs competition, I just don’t see it in the next 4-5 years.