HR 5546


Heisman Candidate
Aug 15, 2021
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 passed by Reagan (one of my fav) was a horrible horrible act to pass- it gave big Pharma IMMUNITY from being sued due to harming kids et al during vaccine Injuries.

The USA BY FAR is the number one country in giving our kids shots- like THIRTY ISH these days before they are even in school- idk exact number??

My daughter was vaccine injured-
Auto immune where her hands still to this day shake uncontrollably, wife and niece have Psoriasis from shots- wife's went away when 18-19 and came back when to get her medical job she had to take the Hep shot, have two friends whos kids died of SIDS- that's big medical nice term for vaccine death (.kinda like pro choice really means pro murder), taught 28 years and used to teach an autistic kid once every 10 years or the end of teaching I'd teach 3-5 per year.

Swine flu vaccine was pulled after 27 deaths....mRNA shots killed admitted 30k and still not pulled - swine flu was pre 1986 when people could RIGHTLY sue neglectful greed whore big Harma.

Don't listen to Corn- research what he says. RFKJ, Dale Bigtree,
Judy Mikavits, Ty and wife Charlene Bollinger et al are great sources.

We don't need all these shots and they are harmful to our kids.

Amazing if Fox and the main stream news weren't owned by Big Harma they would report this- again go find 10 doctors and ask them about the Harvard pilgrim study that says only 1-10 percent of injuries even get reported into the VAERS vaccine injury reporting system.

Home schooled kids that do not take all the shots thrive and have less cancers, less autism,
Less sudden deaths,
Auto immune disorders et al bc they don't take 30-40 toxic shots- EVERY SINGLE SHOT/DRUG YOU TAKE HAS SIDE EFFECTS and that's an immutable can our kids be healthy taking all these UNNEEDED meds ?

Repeal HR 5546- if shots are safe why do big Harma need protection? They are corrupt as hell and way too big and powerful