How Was Your 2014?

Bitter Creek

Heisman Candidate
Apr 24, 2008
Mine was up and down:

Suffered a family split, but things seem to be working towards a resolution.

Had a young family member that was a promising athelete suffer a significant injury. But, he is dealing with it in the most positive way that I could ever imagine. He has a strong mind and is proving to be a real inspiration to me.

Finances are behind what I wanted, but still looking good.

I read some this year, studied some new topics and watched TV less

I drank more this year (like, a lot more) which isn't what I want

I got a rescue dog, which is cool because I like dogs and haven't had one in a while. She was a consistent positive part of my life this year, believe it or not.

I'm more jaded then ever when it comes to our country's political landscape

I turned 50

I quit going to church, but wished I hadn't and hope that I get that going again

How was your year?
My wife was on death's door to begin 2014. She recovered and is doing well. Nothing else really matters. In a way, 2014 was the worst and best year of my life.
pokes r us - that's great news.

Nothing in this world probably sharpens the mind regarding priorities in life more than having a loved one (or yourself) facing a life-threatening health issue.
Say a pretty solid year. Watched lots of sports.

Got engaged.

Fiance got another cat (she called my bluff, damn it)

First xmas with family in Tulsa since I moved.

PBR prices have come down and I have a new favorite liquor store in town with great prices, best in town that I can find.

I have all my fingers and toes. Didn't get sick once.

10 year reunion was fun.
Eh, fair.

Family is doing well, that's the important part I guess.
Like most things in life, it's all in your perspective.
Mine was pretty solid. I switched to a new position in the company I work for and love it. Every day is something exciting and new. Son is a freshman at OSU doing well. Daughter is about to find out where she gets to spend her Junior year of High School as a foreign exchange student (most likely Switzerland or Belgium). The retirement fund did well. My friends are all doing well.

Bummers: dad was diagnosed with alzheimers. My father in law is getting pretty ill and I don't expect him to make it through 2015.
Good and bad probably like everybody else.
Love being a dad and looking forward to having another in 2015
Lost my dad this year and miss him all of the time
Had by far my best year financially
My sports teams ranged from mediocre to terrible in 2014

Excited about what 2015 holds

Hope everybody has a happy and healthy 2015
Overall, a very good year. Much better than 2013 , when my mother-in-law passed away. Financially very good. No real health issues. Turned 50 and spent 9 days in St Lucia.

Not great or bad for most of my sports teams, although the Atlanta Braves failed to make the playoffs.

Here's to a healthy and wealthy 2015 for everyone who reads this.
Quit chewing! Never thought I could but took my last dip in early February and I'm done with it.

Some medical issues that financially set us back a little but we are better off than the year before. Wife got a job after staying home with our son for 5 years and she's doing well and happy.

Lost both of our Labrador Retrievers. One was expected and the other was not. Tough tough tough.

Got a new Lab and now remember what a PITA these younger dogs can be but still enjoying it.

I'm still here and happy!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
2014 was excellent!!!

Signed a big contract in the first quarter of 2014 for a job to start 7/1/2015.
Little girl turned 2 and had a great family vacation in San Antonio mostly paid for by work in the spring.
Finished a difficult 4 years of training/work in June.
Started a wonderful year of work/training in July. Feels like every day is a day off in comparison to the previous 4 years. Also found out we were having another baby. Passed a big exam.
Trips to NY and Chicago in the fall paid for by companies wanting me to learn more about their products. October Destin vacation. Having a boy this time!
4th quarter started construction on the new house on 10 acres. Bedlam victory! First bedlam game I've missed since the 2001 game.
Added two glocks (love them), a Marlin 336 (cowboy assault rifle), and a ruger sr22 (can't find any decent ammo) to the herd. Order a Springfield range Officer 1911 to close out the year. Not here yet.

Little girls asthma was worrisome. Didn't have any problems with it in Florida. Hmm..
Bad decisions by younger family members.
Pretty good.

Got a promotion/good size raise, and going into next year I'm up on a higher bonus plan.

Kids are healthy, smart, and for the most part very good kids (2 and 7).

Wife loves her job, gets to work from home some which makes it easier on all of us, and we get her income.

Not excited about price of oil right now. In fact, IRS getting a bit scary.

We spend way too much money, and have a goal to bring that into check.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
After a couple of relatively serious illnesses, being so broke I couldn't pay attention, moving/renovating and losing my best friend, my cousin and my wife's dad in 2013, 2014 was about an 8000% improvement over that horrible year.

It was however not without challenges. Financially - I think my business turned a corner and while I'm still not at the point where I'm saving much, I am at the point where I rarely had to check my account before buying gas or groceries, got to take a vacation and can really see a light at the end of a tunnel that after a long previous 5 years really has me very encouraged about 2015. We almost made it to the end of the year without losing someone - and then with a week before Christmas, we lost a very dear friend in a tragic car accident. Her death was all over the news (Mickie Taylor), as was a photo I had shot and edited for her recently. That was very difficult to see that image used in that way every time I saw facebook or the TV for a few days. Still dealing with that, but all things considered, 2014 was not a bad year.

2015 needs to be a whole lot better though.
2014 was one of the worst years of my life. My wife underwent 4 major surgeries and was recovering more times than not.

I told her that her warranty is about up and she shook her head and told me the deal was made "as is."
It was OK. Dissertation is 80% done. Had 5 interviews for tenure-track jobs (2015 will tell any good news on that front). Stayed in shape. Couple of nice short trips. Bigger year for my wife: finished masters degree, CPA, started at a Big 4 firm, learned to drive (native New Yorker). So I go by proxy and call it a pretty good year, overall. OSU sports was mainly a pain in the ass, but what can ya do?
2014 was the most difficult year or my life. It didn't turn out as bad as it could have, but it was highly stressful from March through May on the health front (daughter), which caused financial stress the whole year, time off stress (I had none that wasn't spent in a hospital almost since I foolishly chose not to dip into major medical leave) and the health stuff merely got better... It hasn't and probably won't ever go away. On too of that in December my wife quit her job (she had two from August until then) after a lot of work conflict that started in April.

I won't miss 2014.
My family is well, so I am thankful for that. Personally I've had better years. Got sick the first week of August, thought I was over the hump the end of the month, then ended up back in the hospital in Sept with an infection that came very close to ending me. spent the rest of 2014 at home recovering from that.. finally released from care the day before Christmas. things are looking up now. Not even going to think about the finances. Just happy to still be able to enjoy my family.

Hope everyone has a good year in 2015.
2014 was definitely good for me. Ran my first (and last) marathon. Got a new nephew. Had a nephew join the Navy.

Turned 40 and spent a week out in the Hamptons with some good friends celebrating.

Got a great new job. Got a great new apartment.

Got to celebrate with my dad when he turned 70.

Can't complain.
Rescue dog is the way to go - we added two rescue kittens to the household for Christmas - what a ball they are.

Family is good, recovering from the loss of the my wifes mother on mothers day weekend 2014. Grandbaby is a joy. The younger kids are blossoming intellectually and emotionally. The older pair not so much, but you can't have it all!

Saw less of friends and family than I wanted. Breakfast with the Duke in London was cool, but haven't seen KingKongGundy in 6 mos and he lives two miles away. Gotta fix that.

Transition year for me professionally - purposeful step out of exec role and into a hands on client interacting role with a startup with an eye toward preparing for another run in 2016. Huge payoff there as we are positioned well for an IPO this year and personally have been working with a top global media company on a transformational initiative that will pay huge dividends down the road.

This year, gotta bear down again on health - lose weight (again), exercise more, and generally get that going...