how sleepy joe could turn this $hit show around b4 the midterms


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
2 issues come to mind

quickly decriminalize pot. let the growers and retailers move pot across state lines and take full use of the banking system. no more giant safes at each retail location full of 20's and 100's. all that cash in safes is just a shoot out waiting to happen. advertise how hard the left is fighting to do this and how hard the gop is fighting to keep pot federally illegal.

actually i hope the republicans would jump on this issue NOW. it would be the last nail in the midterm coffin.

the next issue is ez. have ice cream boy admit his mistakes with huge giveaway programs and crushing the oil and gas industry. he can't fix the giveaways, that ship has sailed. but he can turn the spigot on for oil and gas. we have a 400 yr supply of natural gas in pennsylvania,,,,, that's right, a 400 yr supply. shocking that nobody in his inner circle ever said "when you decrease the supply of a commodity, the price goes up" econ 1103. it will take 12-18 months to turn the oil and gas spigot back on, but he can take full credit for it, NOW.

but alas, poopy pants joe won't stand up to his handlers, black jesus, bernie the turd and liz. (i went to high school with liz warren, she was the smartest student i ever knew) but being a right wing gop guy, i want the gop to jump on these issues now. don't leave them for the commucrats. remember, never let a good crisis go to waste.

they have my gun, one well aimed .22 bullet at a time.

2 issues come to mind

quickly decriminalize pot. let the growers and retailers move pot across state lines and take full use of the banking system. no more giant safes at each retail location full of 20's and 100's. all that cash in safes is just a shoot out waiting to happen. advertise how hard the left is fighting to do this and how hard the gop is fighting to keep pot federally illegal.

actually i hope the republicans would jump on this issue NOW. it would be the last nail in the midterm coffin.

the next issue is ez. have ice cream boy admit his mistakes with huge giveaway programs and crushing the oil and gas industry. he can't fix the giveaways, that ship has sailed. but he can turn the spigot on for oil and gas. we have a 400 yr supply of natural gas in pennsylvania,,,,, that's right, a 400 yr supply. shocking that nobody in his inner circle ever said "when you decrease the supply of a commodity, the price goes up" econ 1103. it will take 12-18 months to turn the oil and gas spigot back on, but he can take full credit for it, NOW.

but alas, poopy pants joe won't stand up to his handlers, black jesus, bernie the turd and liz. (i went to high school with liz warren, she was the smartest student i ever knew) but being a right wing gop guy, i want the gop to jump on these issues now. don't leave them for the commucrats. remember, never let a good crisis go to waste.

they have my gun, one well aimed .22 bullet at a time.

If you went to high school with Liz Warren and she was the smartest student you ever knew then your high school must have had some of the least intelligent students on the planet. Either that or since high school Liz Warren has had a brain eating amoeba slowly munching away, because Liz Warren shows the mental capacity, economically speaking anyway, of a person with an IQ of under 70. Hell, maybe under 50. She’s that dumb.
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no, just wrong. she is brilliant. skipped 2n grade and was the smartest kid in my class. she worked the system. every kid in okla my age was told they were part indian. i'm supposed to be 1/8 osage, but who knows. everybody who told me that has been dead for 20 yrs. you can hate her opinions, but never doubt her smarts. interesting, she never came to a single high school reunion.
no, just wrong. she is brilliant. skipped 2n grade and was the smartest kid in my class. she worked the system. every kid in okla my age was told they were part indian. i'm supposed to be 1/8 osage, but who knows. everybody who told me that has been dead for 20 yrs. you can hate her opinions, but never doubt her smarts. interesting, she never came to a single high school reunion.

you are right don’t doubt her smarts

just the people who fall for her snake oil
Idk if any of these establishment class are dumb- they know exactly what they are are doing in kicking our a$$, taking our money and destroying the US/world for the sake of a one world govt where they are all promised to be part of the elite- while we the worker drones will "own nothing and be happy".

Don't doubt for a second it's all on purpose - not bc they think it's good for us. The amazing thing is it seems they have their people installed in the military or you sure think they would have stopped the takeover already
either decriminalize pot or outlaw,,,, dare i say it,,,,, alcohol. liquor is much more damaging and ruins way more lives than pot. pot laws are basically unenforceable. why not regulate recreational pot like beer and whiskey, tax the living $hit out of it. start making some bank off that industry.

gateway drug my ass. the first gateway drug we all took was liquor, pot is usually the first ILLEGAL gateway drug taken.

and can you elaborate on how the medical pot in okla has been a failure? i don't like the fact that there are more pot stores than gas stations in stw, but it is what it is.

either decriminalize pot or outlaw,,,, dare i say it,,,,, alcohol. liquor is much more damaging and ruins way more lives than pot. pot laws are basically unenforceable. why not regulate recreational pot like beer and whiskey, tax the living $hit out of it. start making some bank off that industry.

gateway drug my ass. the first gateway drug we all took was liquor, pot is usually the first ILLEGAL gateway drug taken.

and can you elaborate on how the medical pot in okla has been a failure? i don't like the fact that there are more pot stores than gas stations in stw, but it is what it is.

Legalizing MJ and taxing the hell of it would place an undue tax burden on people that pay little to no taxes. Did I do that right lefties?
aoc channeling our ethic roots? just and excuse to be against the pipeline. throw enough $$$ around and you can build whatever you want. god what's next? aoc speaking in tongues?
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One (out of multiple) goals of legalization is to cripple the black market and move the industry from organized crime into above board, transparent businesses.

Taxing the daylights out of it, while sounding appealing at first, keeps black market demand alive. There’s already plenty of problems with illegal growers in this strange middle ground world we are in now.
no, just wrong. she is brilliant. skipped 2n grade and was the smartest kid in my class. she worked the system. every kid in okla my age was told they were part indian. i'm supposed to be 1/8 osage, but who knows. everybody who told me that has been dead for 20 yrs. you can hate her opinions, but never doubt her smarts. interesting, she never came to a single high school reunion.
I mean no offense to you, but I’ve heard her speak and I’ve seen what she proposes. She’s very far from brilliant.
I mean no offense to you, but I’ve heard her speak and I’ve seen what she proposes. She’s very far from brilliant.
for whatever reason, liz is a TRUE believer. she actually believes this progressive cocka.
2 issues come to mind

quickly decriminalize pot. let the growers and retailers move pot across state lines and take full use of the banking system. no more giant safes at each retail location full of 20's and 100's. all that cash in safes is just a shoot out waiting to happen. advertise how hard the left is fighting to do this and how hard the gop is fighting to keep pot federally illegal.

actually i hope the republicans would jump on this issue NOW. it would be the last nail in the midterm coffin.

the next issue is ez. have ice cream boy admit his mistakes with huge giveaway programs and crushing the oil and gas industry. he can't fix the giveaways, that ship has sailed. but he can turn the spigot on for oil and gas. we have a 400 yr supply of natural gas in pennsylvania,,,,, that's right, a 400 yr supply. shocking that nobody in his inner circle ever said "when you decrease the supply of a commodity, the price goes up" econ 1103. it will take 12-18 months to turn the oil and gas spigot back on, but he can take full credit for it, NOW.

but alas, poopy pants joe won't stand up to his handlers, black jesus, bernie the turd and liz. (i went to high school with liz warren, she was the smartest student i ever knew) but being a right wing gop guy, i want the gop to jump on these issues now. don't leave them for the commucrats. remember, never let a good crisis go to waste.

they have my gun, one well aimed .22 bullet at a time.

Ugh. After how medical Marijuana has gone in OK a national legalization would be a complete disaster. How about no.

Liz is a complete idiot. Mabey she shouldn't have skipped 2nd grade. Apparently she missed that class on basic human decency.
What has gone so wrong?
no, just wrong. she is brilliant. skipped 2n grade and was the smartest kid in my class. she worked the system. every kid in okla my age was told they were part indian. i'm supposed to be 1/8 osage, but who knows. everybody who told me that has been dead for 20 yrs. you can hate her opinions, but never doubt her smarts. interesting, she never came to a single high school reunion.
She how did she turn into such a dumbshit?
What has gone so wrong?
Are you kidding me? There are over 20 dispensaries in Stillwater alone. The Chinese have come in and run half the grows, and the amount of people using it for medical reasons is probably below 20%. With no enforcement, and crime rampant around the dispensaries and grows. We will be spending more money than we make just enforcing the rules. A complete disaster.
we tax liquor, is there a huge black mkt for alcohol?

In an ironic twist, there kinda is for some types but not for cost reasons.

The alcohol industry has had legal regulation and evolution for centuries with a very short span of illegality that spawned massive involvement of organized crime. And our society was a lot different when prohibition was repealed. I don’t think you can draw direct parallels.

Either way, I used to have the same take you do and watching how weed ‘legalization’ has progressed the last 10 years I have slowly adjusted my thinking.
Are you kidding me? There are over 20 dispensaries in Stillwater alone. The Chinese have come in and run half the grows, and the amount of people using it for medical reasons is probably below 20%. With no enforcement, and crime rampant around the dispensaries and grows. We will be spending more money than we make just enforcing the rules. A complete disaster.
I completely disagree. You have to expect things wouldn’t be perfect. While the Chinese are a problem that is being addressed. Who cares about the number of dispensaries? Doesn’t impact demand. Personally I’m surprised it’s gone as well as it has.
I completely disagree. You have to expect things wouldn’t be perfect. While the Chinese are a problem that is being addressed. Who cares about the number of dispensaries? Doesn’t impact demand. Personally I’m surprised it’s gone as well as it has.
I never expect perfection, but I do expect at least a bit of competency. It is flat out of control, and there is no one to reign it in. At this point I'm ready to decriminalize it again, I would be ok with medical, if it were actually being used that way. If you are looking for a place to open your own business, no go, you can't find a building. Every new business is a dispensary, and I know they don't have enough clients to stay open, and yet they don't shut their doors. Why not? There is something else at play there, and it is most likely not legal. I'll be waiting for everyone to catch up, but if it remains the way it is now, it will be a drain on OK's economy, not a help. So yea, I completely disagree with you as well, and you come across as: I know about all that, but I'm ok with it, it's going great!
I never expect perfection, but I do expect at least a bit of competency. It is flat out of control, and there is no one to reign it in. At this point I'm ready to decriminalize it again, I would be ok with medical, if it were actually being used that way. If you are looking for a place to open your own business, no go, you can't find a building. Every new business is a dispensary, and I know they don't have enough clients to stay open, and yet they don't shut their doors. Why not? There is something else at play there, and it is most likely not legal. I'll be waiting for everyone to catch up, but if it remains the way it is now, it will be a drain on OK's economy, not a help. So yea, I completely disagree with you as well, and you come across as: I know about all that, but I'm ok with it, it's going great!
I don’t think any problems are unsolvable. Seed to sell should solve the problem on the supply side. I also think the toothpaste is out of the tube and never going back.
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Are you kidding me? There are over 20 dispensaries in Stillwater alone. The Chinese have come in and run half the grows, and the amount of people using it for medical reasons is probably below 20%. With no enforcement, and crime rampant around the dispensaries and grows. We will be spending more money than we make just enforcing the rules. A complete disaster.
I understand Denver has it's all time record homeless since legalizing pot. Fort Collins daughter says Saturday Denver shopping is a dim memory.
If you went to high school with Liz Warren and she was the smartest student you ever knew then your high school must have had some of the least intelligent students on the planet. Either that or since high school Liz Warren has had a brain eating amoeba slowly munching away, because Liz Warren shows the mental capacity, economically speaking anyway, of a person with an IQ of under 70. Hell, maybe under 50. She’s that dumb.

not, this was the greatest day of osu baseball in history. if you gave up on the team during the mizz state game, you missed and incredible comeback. we scored 29 runs. then beat the hawgs by 4 in 10 innings. great day for osu baseball.
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not, this was the greatest day of osu baseball in history. if you gave up on the team during the mizz state game, you missed and incredible comeback. we scored 29 runs. then beat the hawgs by 4 in 10 innings. great day for osu baseball.
As long as we win today. Otherwise it is much sound and fury signifying nothing.
either decriminalize pot or outlaw,,,, dare i say it,,,,, alcohol. liquor is much more damaging and ruins way more lives than pot. pot laws are basically unenforceable. why not regulate recreational pot like beer and whiskey, tax the living $hit out of it. start making some bank off that industry.

gateway drug my ass. the first gateway drug we all took was liquor, pot is usually the first ILLEGAL gateway drug taken.

and can you elaborate on how the medical pot in okla has been a failure? i don't like the fact that there are more pot stores than gas stations in stw, but it is what it is.

End all taxes - period. So I cant get behind this. Any govt entity wants money they can make it themSelves.

Per legalization I don't have enough arguments against it- tough one for me ....seems if alcohol is legal maybe pot should be. You'd like everyone to use them both responsibly but that's not going to happen.
I understand Denver has it's all time record homeless since legalizing pot. Fort Collins daughter says Saturday Denver shopping is a dim memory.

I don’t venture into Denver much anymore. FoCo has its own set of related problems but so does every front range town. Homeless and ‘death-trap ancient motorhome’ squatters everywhere.
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I don’t venture into Denver much anymore. FoCo has its own set of related problems but so does every front range town. Homeless and ‘death-trap ancient motorhome’ squatters everywhere.
FoCo is the Nation's 5th whitest city. Adopted white second grade teacher daughter still can't get used to it. Her last black student was about 6 years ago. She has had Asian students. and a couple Latinas. Daughter's husband transferred there with Hewlett-Packard from Dallas. I've shopped Walmart, Home Depot, Safeway, McDonald's and Lowe's many times without seeing anyone of color. Weird!
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